One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 96: Into forest of the elves

Chapter 96: Into forest of the elves

When Edge woke up the first thing he saw was Tsukiyomi's face. "Good Morning Edge." Tsukiyomi who noticed Edge had woken up smiled at him. The moment she said those words other people started coming over. 

Edge sat upright and was about to scan his surroundings when somebody lunged at him. He looked at the person who lunged at him and saw a teary-eyed, Sarah. 

"Onii-chan! Don't you dare scare me like that!" Edge patted the head of his teary-eyed little sister. It was at that moment he finally noticed that he was on Tanith's back in her dragon form flying in the air. 

"What happened to the Lener Clan, Setsuna, and his brother, where are they?" Edge asked as he looked at the others. 

"After you fainted the Eastern Kingdom soldiers retreated. You slept for quite some time. While you were sleeping Setsuna decided to flee with his clan towards the South and join the demons. He said that since the human kingdoms were already treating them as traitors then why not just go on and do it. After coming to that decision Setsuna told us to tell you thanks for everything. The last time we saw him was yesterday when he and his clan were preparing to flee. He also lent us a guide that knows the safest path to the forest."

Evangeline was the one who answered Edge. She then pointed at the guy who was talking to Tanith at the front. 

"Enough about that, what I want to know is why you did what you did?" Leto chimed in the conversation. 

"Yes, what happened to you Edge. You're usually already charming enough, but during that battle, you became even suaver." Serillia spoke her eyes shining with excitement. The others were also looking at Edge waiting for his answer. 

"Oh that, I just felt like it. They were enemies willing to face me in battle, knowing that shouldn't I greet them with blade at hand." Hearing Edge's answer shocked most of the people present. Tsukiyomi had a slight smile on her face, while Serillia was looking at Edge with more interest. On the other hand, Sarah didn't know what to feel. The brother she knows wouldn't be answering like this.

"Are you really onii-chan?" Seeing his sister looking at him warily, Edge couldn't help but shrug his shoulders. He then patted his little sister's head and showed a very kind smile. 

"Of course I'm your onii-chan, who else could be the onii-chan of such a cute little sister." When Sarah heard what Edge said and looked at his eyes she felt relieved, this was still the big brother she knew. 

"That doesn't explain anything, at all. You might be able to fool the great loli imouto but you can't fool me! How can someone change so suddenly like that?!" Leto pointed his finger at Edge. Edge was about to give an answer but was interrupted by Eri who started sniffing him. 

Everyone was surprised by her action, and Tsukiyomi showed a very scary smiling face, and Evangeline was frowning as she glared at the fox eared girl. Eri then looked at everyone with her stoic face and spoke. 

"This scent is Edge's scent. He is Edge." After saying those words Leto who was pointing his finger started trembling.

"WHAT THE HECK! WHY ARE ALL THE LOLIS SIDING WITH YOU! DAMNIT I WANT TO BE THERE, I'M SO ENVIOUS! Alright, I believe you, you really are my brother-in-law! Only my brother-in-law can have such an invincible charm that attracts all-" Leto was unable to continue what he was saying as Clarise smacked his head. 

"Sorry about that... So Edge, even though this idiot is an idiot, he does have a valid question. How come you changed so much?" 

"I didn't change, I just accepted who I truly am." Edge looked so carefree at the moment that it enchanted most of them. Even Clarise was almost hooked by that look of his, if he didn't have Leto she might actually fell for Edge for a second there. 

"I see..." When they heard his answer, no one else questioned Edge about his change. 


After talking for a bit more, the group finally arrived at the entrance of the forest. Tanith landed and turned back into her human form. 

"This is the forest that you were looking for. Now that I have fulfilled my duty I need to return to the clan." The Lener clan member bowed his head and left. 

"Okay then, before we enter we should all hold hands. All of you must follow my every move closely, and never let go of the hand you're holding. This forest has a barrier erected by the elves, which distorts the senses. It can even distort one's memories. So the moment you get lost you won't even be able to remember why you were here. Like I said before the only ones that can get to the village of the elves are those that already know where it is." 

Hearing Serillia's explanation everyone nodded their heads. Serillia then extended her hand towards Edge. When Edge was about to grab the princess's hand Tsukiyomi got between them and then took hold of Serillia's hand. 

"Oh my Tsukiyomi-san, I hope that you would allow my knight to hold my hand." 

"Huh? Who is this knight you speak of?" Tsukiyomi and Serillia were both showing brilliant smiles but you could see intense sparks flying between them. Tsukiyomi then grab hold of Edge's hand before anyone else came in. 

Eva, Tanith, and Eri were now looking at Edge's free hand like hungry wolves. The three then noticed each other's intent. The tension was rising and as they were about to act, someone got ahead of them. Edge grab hold of his little sister's hand. 

When the three women saw this they couldn't help but sigh. 'I guess it's alright if it's the little sister.' All three of them thought of the same thing. Willa then held Sarah's free hand, and Terumi held his sister's free hand. The others then followed suit and held onto the hand of the person standing next to them. 

Once everyone was linked together the group entered the forest where the village of the elves was hidden. 


At the exact moment the group entered the forest, the elven Queen Elenor was having a meeting with the elders regarding the approaching reincarnation of the strongest mortal soul. 

Elenor then sensed that some people had entered the barrier. She quickly told her people to treat the people coming to their village with respect. No matter what, they shouldn't be rude to the guest even if they were humans. Most of the older elves who had survived the war against the humans had no problem following this order.

On the other hand, the younger elves found it difficult to follow such an order. Why should they as proud elves show respect to lower races like humans? 


The leader of the younger generation of elves was a young elven woman that was only a few centuries old. She was Irina the young elf called the most talented elf of the generation. She was considered to be one of the top warriors of the village second only to the Queen.

When she heard Elenor's order of showing respect to the humans coming to their territory she scoffed.

"As expected of the Queen who had bowed her head to the humans, and has forced our proud and mighty race to cower and hide in this forest. Asking us all to wag our tails at some humans." 

Irina spoke in a loud voice so that everyone could hear. Elenor then looked at Irina who was looking back at her with a look of disdain. The moment the two looked at each other the atmosphere became extremely tense.


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