One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 95: A dream that isn't a dream

Chapter 95: A dream that isn't a dream

After he defeated all the enemies that attacked him Edge wanted to fight some more but his body was no longer able to move. His mana was still surging forth and repairing his body but the mental and physical exhaustion he felt alongside his blood loss has forced him to faint. 


As he was unconscious Edge started having a rather odd dream. In this dream, he was a tall man with raven black hair. In his right hand was a halberd that was heavier than it looked. Standing in front of him was a beauty with pointy ears and ashen colored hair. Her eyes were of different colors one was sky blue while the other was emerald green. 

Even though Edge has never seen one before, but in this dream, he knew that the person in front of him was an elf. The elf had a regal bearing and was holding onto a rapier one in each hand. 

"Human Warrior I am Elise the Queen of the Elves."

"So the Elven Queen finally showed up. I am Jiro, it's truly a pleasure to meet you." Edge spoke in the body of the person in his dream. It seems like he wasn't the one in control but simply watching the events unfold from the point of view of the man called Jiro. 

Elise looked at Jiro while frowning and responded. "I cannot return the sentiment. Especially after seeing you slaughter my people. What is it you want from us you butcher." 

Niel who was covered in the blood of his enemies showed a vicious smile and started laughing at Elise. 

"Hahaha, that's f*cking hilarious! You call me a butcher, then what do you call yourselves after almost killing a whole race!"

"The elven race has always been one with nature, we are simply protecting this planet from the destruction that your race would've caused. You humans should've stopped when we have warned you the first time. Since you weren't willing to listen and continued to destroy, shouldn't your race be prepared to be destroyed as well?" 

"By that logic since you guys attacked the humans, you should've expected an outcome like this, or did your pride and your feeling of superiority blind you to this fate? Well, whatever it's obvious that will never see eye to eye. Also, it's not like I came here to save mankind or anything righteous like that. I also didn't come here for revenge for my fallen brethren."

Elise was surprised by what Jiro said. If he wasn't here to save the humans or to have revenge then why was he here? Why did this monster of a human annihilate half of her army? Elise could usually see through the schemes of others and was able to properly assess those she has met. Yet she couldn't understand a thing about Jiro, the man who continued smiling despite being surrounded by enemies. As she was trying to figure out Jiro's motives, Jiro continued to speak. 

"I don't blame you for killing the humans. Since you believe that we were evil, so in your eyes, it was a righteous cause to have us all killed. On the other hand, the humans decided not to listen to you guys despite your warnings because of their own beliefs and desires. So this whole war is nothing more than everyone doing whatever the f*ck they want. It is by your selfishness as well as the selfishness of the humans and demons that made this war possible. The reason I'm here is also because of my own selfishness." 

The moment Jiro said that last line an immense amount of bloodlust and mana came bursting forth. Elise was stunned by the amount of bloodlust and mana Jiro was emitting. It wasn't just bloodlust and mana there was also something subtle hidden underneath but Elise couldn't describe what it was.

His bloodlust coupled with the strength of his mana made the weaker elves that were near him kneel, some of them even fainted. The only ones left standing were Jiro and Elise. When Jiro saw this he couldn't help but feel ecstatic. 

"Now this is what I wanted! Even after releasing my bloodlust coupled with my mana you remained standing unfazed. As expected from the strongest of the elves!" 

Watching the excited Jiro made Elise frown. She fully understood that the boy in front of her was not someone she nor her men could handle. 

"Tell me Jiro what is it you want? As long as you spare my people I will give you whatever you want." 

"I want to fight you in an all-out battle!" Jiro answered with no hesitation. Hearing what Jiro said, Elise nodded her head. 

"I see... Very well, I will fight you with everything I have. But promise me even if you win will you please let my people live." 

"I don't really care what happens to them, as long as they don't attack me then I will not bother with them."

"How about you, aren't you going to ask me to stop attacking the humans?" 

"Huh?... Like I said I didn't come here to be a savior, I just came to satisfy my own selfishness." Elise looked at Jiro for a while and smiled gently at the young man before her. She could finally understand a bit about the human called Jiro.

"You're a pretty bad liar you know that... I guess... No, it's no use saying anything more. What's done cannot be undone. We all have to accept the choices that we have made, and we also need to take responsibility." Elise shook her head, feeling a bit of regret that she didn't try to understand humans a bit better. She and her people were blinded by their own pride and selfish justice, that they thought whatever they decide was what's right. Elise sighed as she cast away all the useless thoughts and got ready for battle. She took a stance with her two rapiers at hand. 

"I hope you fulfill your promise." 

"I never go back on my word. But if you're that worried then you better win this battle. So Elven Queen show me everything you have. Exhaust all your strength, muster all your resourcefulness, lay bare all your courage, and show me if you're able to grant me a glorious death!" 

Jiro gripped his halberd tighter and took a fighting stance. When the battle between the two was about to start, Edge suddenly woke up. 


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