One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 92: Each one has their own battlefield

Chapter 92: Each one has their own battlefield

Edge who saw the incoming rain of swords smiled and quickly dashed towards the enemy forces. As Edge moved towards the enemy lines, the swords followed. Because they had to concentrate on using the flying swords the enemies had no time to defend themselves. 

Usually, the enemy wouldn't be able to get close while the practitioner uses the flying sword, because of how fast the sword was. In fact, the flying swords the Eastern Kingdom soldiers used were made with both offense and defense in mind. Normally when an enemy gets close they would switch from offense to defense. Yet switching between the two takes a few seconds which they didn't have. 

Edge was too fast for the swords and their wielders for them to be able to react on time. With his speed Edge was able to kill the defenseless soldiers. He cut them down with his sword and magic. The enemy soldiers who saw that their sword wave tactic won't work on this opponent changed their tactics. They recalled their flying swords and surrounded Edge from all sides. 

They then switched from flying using their swords and instead used their own version of [Air Walk]. When Edge saw them surrounding him from all sides, the smile on his face grew wider and he started to show a few of his teeth. The smile was so vicious and crazed that it actually frightened some of the soldiers.

"Now this is what I'm talking about! Come and show me more, so that I can test the very limits of my strength!" Edge waited for a bit but none of the soldiers dare to move. "If you guys aren't coming to me, then I'm going to come to you." After he said those lines Edge vanished from his spot and appeared before one of the soldiers. 

Before the soldier was able to put up any kind of defense Edge had already sliced the soldier's head off. Edge then cast [Wind Slice] at the enemies from a distance. Some of them were unable to react on time and died there and then, only some fortunate souls were still able to evade and survive. 

"If you don't want to die such boring deaths, then come at me with all you got!" Edge shouted as he kicked another soldier to the ground. Hearing that a boy that seem to be around sixteen years of age was mocking them, the soldiers overcame their fear and started attacking with all they had. 

What were they frightened about anyway? They had an overwhelming advantage in numbers, yet they were the ones scared. Killing a single boy shouldn't be this much of a problem.

Now they started attacking Edge from all sides in close quarters combat. The others supported the close-range combatants with their flying swords attacking Edge when there was a chance. 

The stream of attacks came from all sides and was seemingly neverending. Edge was still able to kill a few soldiers every now and then, but after killing one another would instantly replace him. They no longer hesitated and they kept on attacking Edge despite him killing many of them. 

The only thing in the minds of the Eastern Kingdom soldiers was the thought of killing the boy in front of them. Even if they were to die while trying to achieve that goal it was worth it since in their minds the next soldier after them will surely be able to kill the boy.

Edge who was using his self thought spell [full boost] was able to keep up despite the neverending torrent of soldiers attacking him. But even with his mana and physical strength that was growing larger every second, in the end, he was still human. 

The physical and mental exhaustion from having wave after wave of enemies attacking was slowly affecting him. Even losing focus for a fraction of a second was harmful to him. Edge was slowly unable to keep himself from getting harmed and was now bleeding all over. Yet despite his situation, he still retained that vicious smile on his face. 

"So it's a battle of attrition, it's either I grow tired and die, or I'm able to kill every single one of you. I like my odds!" 


While Edge was facing the largest portion of the enemy forces, Tsukiyomi was also facing some problems of her own. She wanted to finish up on her side so she can help Edge. But even though she was facing fewer enemies than Edge the quality of the enemies she was facing were much better. 

Edge was facing hundreds of Master ranked opponents, Tsukiyomi on the other hand, was facing a dozen Grand Master ranked opponents. The last time she faced a Grand Master rank it ended with a draw, but now with the increase of Edge's mana output she could finally use most of her power. But despite that increase in her strength, she was currently evenly matched with the twelve Grand Master Ranked opponents. They were fighting her quite conservatively and their teamwork was impeccable making it harder for her to find an opening.

She was the one on the offensive while her opponents stuck with defense. It didn't feel like they were trying to win against her, instead, it seems like they were only tiring her out. 


Tanith was facing the biggest headache of them all. The one she was facing was the leader of the army, the immortal ranked swordsman Kenzan. Fighting the nimble and powerful swordsman in her true dragon form proved to be quite the challenge. 

Even though she was stronger than her opponent she was still unable to win. The way Kenzan fought was irritating, as he was using hit and run tactics. Due to Tanith's size, she was an easy target to hit, on the other hand, hitting Kenzan who had more maneuverability was difficult for the dragon. 

If she could at least get one hit in, then the flow of the battle would change, but in her current form that seems to be quite the impossible task. On the other hand, If she changed into her humanoid form the demerits of her size would disappear but the output of her power will lessen. Since she wasn't that used to moving in her humanoid form it might actually be harder to win. 


Even though Edge, Tsukiyomi, and Tanith were dealing with the bulk of the army, there were still many left unattended. The remaining forces of the Enemy army were charging into the Lener Clan's abode. Of course, the Lener Clan wouldn't just sit idly and wait for their deaths. So in response, they intercepted the enemy forces. With Setsuna in the lead, the Lener Clan counterattacked. 


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