One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 91: Change

Chapter 91: Change

The moment Edge spoke those words every single person present couldn't believe their ears. Especially those that knew him from long ago, Edge wasn't someone who would say things like that, was he? 

While everyone was stunned into silence by Edge's declaration Tsukiyomi noticed the smile on his face. That vicious smile that seems to be free from all shackles of feelings, and is only in it for the fight. That was the same smile of that legendary figure Leonard Tranor. It was at that moment Tsukiyomi remembered something Leonard said.

"So you know that much about me? On the other hand, the guy who should know more about me doesn't know anything at all."

'What is Leonard's connection with Edge, is Edge perhaps a descendant of Leonard? No, it feels like it something deeper than that.' Tsukiyomi also remembered that within Edge's soul there was something deeper in there that she couldn't reach. Tsukiyomi could feel that the pieces to the puzzle were lining up but she still couldn't grasp where the fit with each other. 

While Tsukiyomi was thinking, Edge suddenly moved. Tsukiyomi and everyone else was surprised to see Edge suddenly charging towards the enemy lines without saying anything. He used [Air Walk] and was happily charged to the front. 

"Hahaha, as expected of my master, such courage!" Tanith turned into her Dragon form and charged alongside Edge. 

"Kukuku, I don't know what happened to you but if this your decision then I shall follow. You guys that aren't proficient in [Air Walk] should probably stay behind and fire some longe range spells." After speaking to Leto and the others, Tsukiyomi followed Edge and Tanith. 


Edge who was dashing in the air towards the enemy forces was feeling excited. His physical strength and his mana seem to be growing stronger and stronger the moment he stopped worrying. The things that weighed him down were no longer there. He felt an extreme clarity like never before. 

This power surging within him that he could never understand, even before his reincarnation he finally accepted it. In his past life, because of various restraints such as the feeling of vengeance, his mind was clouded and he wasn't able to fully grasp this power. 

Now that he no longer feared the unknown power and accepted it as his own, it surged forth harmoniously within his body. His mind that was weighed down by his responsibilities was now free. He felt that he just needed to do what he thinks is right and if he fails so be it. 

'Now I just want to let loose and finally go all out!' Deep inside, Edge already knew that he was a very selfish person, but he deluded himself into thinking that he wasn't. Now that he freed himself from that delusion, he only wanted to fight. Deep within his very soul, a passion for battle was burning ever so brightly. 

He finally understood that back then, in his past life, revenge was nothing more than an excuse, he just wanted to fight. He wanted to battle and battle until he could no longer battle. This was his true personality, his regrets at the end of his past life, were simply him deluding himself, unable to accept what he truly was. 


Kenzan Azama was a middle-aged man who was at the Immortal level stage and was the commander of the army sent to capture the missing princess. He was about to order his men to attack the Lener Clan when he noticed a boy running through the air towards them.

The boy was smiling at them, his smile was a very vicious looking one. The boy's eyes as he looked at Kenzan's men made him seem like a child looking at sparkling toys. 

'The boy must be crazy.' Kenzan signaled some of his men to intercept and kill the boy. A dozen of his men at the Master level intercepted the boy and attacked him with their flying swords in all directions. Kenzan thought that would be the end of it, but then the boy's hand holding the hilt of his sword blurred, and all the flying swords were sliced in half. 

Kenzan couldn't believe his eyes, those weren't ordinary swords. Those swords have been enchanted multiple times by their owners. Cutting them in half like that and with such speed, was shocking. As everyone was surprised by what the boy did, the next move he made was even more surprising. 

The boy was able to hijack the broken flying swords and controlled them into attacking their owners. Not only that but the speed in which the flying swords flew was thrice the speed than when their original owners used them. Still stunned by their flying swords being cut in half the dozen master level swordsmen were unable to move quickly enough to evade. So in the end, their broken flying swords were actually able to pierce their hearts. 

"Come on, make this even more exciting!" The boy shouted at Kenzan and his men as he continued to charge forward. Hearing the boy's provocation made Kenzan fuming mad, the boy was looking down on him and his men. 

Kenzan incense was about to attack the boy himself when he noticed a large figure flying towards them. As it got closer Kenzan was able to see clearly, the thing flying towards them was a dragon with dark golden scales. 

The dragon opened its mouth and it looked like it was gathering mana. When Kenzan saw this he quickly shouted at his men. 

"EVADE!" While shouting his command, Kenzan evaded to the side. A large beam of light came bursting out of the dragon's mouth. Some of his men at the back were unable to evade fast enough and were either killed on the spot or badly injured. 

It was then he saw that another person was running through the air and heading towards their direction. This time it was a little girl, that looked to be an otherworldly beauty. As she was running, spears of ice materialized beside her. The ice spears then flew towards the nearest soldiers. 

This time the soldiers were in high alert and most of them were able to dodge. Unfortunately, there were some that got hit and died. When Kenzan saw this he felt ashamed, three people suddenly appeared and they were able to kill dozens of his men and quite easily as well. 

"KILL THEM ALL!" Once Kenzan gave the order, thousands of soldiers from the Eastern Kingdom started their attack. Thousands of flying swords came raining down from above. Edge who saw the incoming attack showed no fear and simply smiled in excitement. 


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