One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 88: Meeting an old friend

Chapter 88: Meeting an old friend

Edge and his friends were now following a group of people. They were moving as fast as they could using the cover of the night. These people they were following were sent by Setsuna to guide them back to his residence. Of course, Edge and the others didn't believe them at first, but then they showed some identification and Serillia confirmed that they were who they say they were. 

Still, even after confirming their allegiance Edge was still cautious of them. Even though he and Setsuna were friends, based on the current standing of the Lener clan this might be a trap. Edge understood that Setsuna was already the clan leader and he needed to think what's best for the clan. Still, passing through the Lener clan was the best path the group could talk to reach the forest of the elves. Well, if it were a trap Edge and the group already had made a plan just in case. 

'Though... I still want to believe that Setsuna wouldn't do something like that.' Edge couldn't help but remember some instances back in his previous life where he was betrayed.

Back then when he gained the title of hero many of the nobles tried to use him. One particular incident was when he was told that there were some demons hiding in the slums of a certain city. When he checked the slums he found no traces of any demons, but the duke claimed that all the people in the slums were demons. 

Of course, he didn't believe a word the duke said, which angered the duke who ordered his men to attack him. This was his signal to kill the duke and his men, because of the circumstances at the time Edge couldn't be judged by the crimes he committed for as long as the demon lord was alive. So basically he could have done anything on the human side without any consequences. But Edge who was hellbent on revenge at the time wasn't that bothered by the incident or his privileges.


The group followed Setsuna's men as they were running at the side of the road. While they were running by, Edge noticed that there were no sentries in this area. This made him feel uncomfortable. 

Edge imagined that the Lener Clan was more powerful than ever because it had allied itself with the b*stards from the true humanity. But was it powerful enough to make the sentries in this region disappear?


It didn't take them too long to reach their destination. The Lener Clan was located outside the main city of the Eastern Kingdom and had a large piece of land in a mountain area beside it. At the bottom of the mountain, you could see a flight of stairs reaching up to the top of the highest mountain. If you looked at it from Edge's point of view, it looks like the stairs could reach the very heavens itself. 

At the end of the stairs at the mountaintop, various buildings could be seen. Using mana to strengthen his eyes Edge could also see some people coming and going on flying swords. It would seem unlike the Northern Kingdom that was filled with forests, the Eastern Kingdom was full of mountain ranges. 

If the others didn't learn [Air Walk] during the journey it would've been quite difficult to navigate through the Eastern Kingdom. Even the seasons were different in the Eastern Kingdom, as it felt like it was almost always raining. It was fortunate that today that it wasn't but usually, ever since they came to the Eastern Kingdom they had experienced a lot of heavy downpours. 

The subordinates of Setsuna told the group that they should use the stairs and not fly up since they might be spotted by people that weren't supposed to see them. Edge and the others agreed on what the subordinate said and started walking up the stairs. As the group walked up the stairs a certain young boy around the age of eleven was descending the mountain path. 

He was sweating profusely as he was running down the mountain path. Edge could hear the clinking of steel from the boy's clothes and footwear. He must be wearing something heavy. Setsuna's subordinates also noticed the boy and spoke to him. 

"Young master Hayato what are you doing?" One of the subordinates asked the boy.

"I'm training." After answering the boy called Hayato answered and was about to continue his descent but then another one of Setsuna's subordinates blocked his path.

"You shouldn't be out here without a guard." 

"Why would I need to have a guard while I train?" 

"Young Master Hayato, as the younger brother of the clan leader you must be aware of your status. You shouldn't move around by yourself even while training." 

"You mean half-brother," Hayato mumbled under his breath. 

"What did you say, Young Master?"

"Nothing, so who are these people?" Hayato looked at Edge's group curiously. He found that most of them were beautiful maidens and some looked to be the same age as him. The subordinate hesitated for a bit before answering. 

"These are the Clan Master's Friends." 

"Nii-sama's friends?..."

"Yeah, I'm Edge a friend of your brother. It's nice to meet you." Edge extended his hand for a handshake but then Hayato bowed his head instead. 

"It is an honor to meet nii-sama's friends. This lowly one is Hayato Lener, nii-sama's unworthy brother." 

"Kukuku, this boy is quite interesting." Tsukiyomi looked at the scene before her amused. 

"Lift your head there's no need to bow. So let me introduce you to the others," before Edge could introduce Tsukiyomi and the rest one of Setsuna's subordinates spoke. 

"Edge-sama you can make your introductions while we walk, please hurry the clan leader is waiting for you." Seeing the serious expression of the subordinate made Edge sigh as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Fine," Hearing Edge agree with him the subordinate looked at Hayato again. 

"Young Master, please follow us as well." 

"... Very well," Hayato nodded his head and followed the group towards the top of the mountain. As they were walking up, Sarah, Willa, and Terumi started talking to Hayato as they introduced the others to him. 

The walk up the stairs took more time than they expected and Terumi who had less stamina than the others in the group was looking a bit tired. Even Willa and Sarah were sweating a bit, as for Hayato who was even wearing heavyweights and had been training for some time seem unaffected. Edge who saw this couldn't help but admire the boy's dedication to training. 


It took more than an hour to reach the top of the mountains. When they got to the top the scenery they saw was mesmerizing. The clouds were so near that it felt like they were above the heavens, the structure of the buildings was a unique one that you couldn't find in the Northern Kingdom. It had a weird shape and design that made it look grander than taller bigger buildings. 

Upon stepping foot on the top, there was a beautiful garden that greeted them. Alongside the rising sun that could be seen at the distance among the mountains and clouds made it look like a magical place. As everyone was caught up by the scenery Edge heard a voice calling to him.

"It's been a while Edge." Right in front of Edge was a familiar person. Though he was taller and looked more dignified, Edge still knew that was Setsuna. 

"Yeah, you have changed a lot it seems." 

"All of us need to grow at some point." 

"Heh, it's good to see you again." 

"It's good to see you too." The two then looked at each other with slight smiles on their faces. 


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