One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 87: To help

Chapter 87: To help

Age of magic year 238 the group called the true humanity attacked each of the human kingdoms in a sudden night raid. Even though the attack was so sudden that each human kingdom was caught by surprise they still had something prepared just in case. They already knew of the threat the true humanity possessed and they had their armies ready in case of emergencies. But nobody had guessed that there would be many traitors in their ranks.

The true humanity were able to reach deep into their ranks. The Northern Kingdom had their prince turn traitor. The Eastern Kingdom had two of its immortal level warriors join the true humanity. As for the Western Kingdom, most of the head engineers turn out to be from the true humanity. The magic cannons that they were trying to perfect had been stolen and used against them.

Each kingdom had lost a portion of their strongest forces and as the true humanity's armies came flooding down on them they had no choice but to submit. Their leaders have died and the ones now in power were those that followed the true humanity. Now the only one that could possibly overthrow them was the princess of the Northern Kingdom and she was missing.

It was possible that the princess could possibly derail their plans a bit. So as the true humanity was preparing for a full-scale war with the other races, they also left a few units to try and find the princess dead or alive. 


In the Eastern Kingdom, Setsuna was back home with his clan that was able to destroy the Heavenly sword faction. They did this by selling out their kingdom to the true humanity. The Lener clan had returned to power but at what price?

Setsuna sighed as he was now sixteen years of age and the current leader of the Lener clan. He felt ashamed to be part of a clan that would sell out its people just for power. It would've been better if they had been killed honorably in battle. But what could he do now that it has already happened? As the clan leader, he needed to act for the betterment of the clan.

While he was reading some documents he was surprised to see a familiar-looking letter. It was a letter that was sealed with a specific mana pattern. Only those that know the pattern could read it. Even if you can forcefully remove the mana pattern, the letter itself was encrypted and only a few knew how to crack it and Setsuna was one of those few. 

Setsuna changed locations and headed to his room which was much more secure than the study. He then opened the letter and as expected it was written by an old friend of his. 

"Hey, Setsuna it's been a few years since we last met. How is your training coming along? Well, though I do want to see your progress let's talk about that some other time. Right now I need your help. I'm pretty sure you already know our current situation. Sending you this letter took a lot of effort and money so I hope you can help since if you don't we're pretty much screwed."

The letter continued on, it was quite long and had a lot of complaints, reading it made Setsuna smile a bit. He then got to the part where Edge asks what he actually needed from him. Edge wanted to sneak into the Eastern Kingdom and take shelter in the Lener Clan for a while. After which they want to go to the forest that was at the South East. 

Once he was done reading the letter Setsuna tapped his finger on the desk. At this moment Edge's group were wanted criminals that kidnapped the princess of the Northern Kingdom. Of course, that was some bullsh*t that the true humanity concocted for the commoners.

If Setsuna helps them now it could spell doom for his clan and as the clan leader, he needed to assure the survival of the clan.

'But is surviving in such a way, being under such a twisted power really the right thing for the clan?' Setsuna closed his eyes and remembered the times when he was with Edge and Tsukiyomi, going around school. Thinking about it now those days had become an irreplaceable part of his memories. 

'If I do help them and those guys that want to usurp the position of the clan find out, it would pretty much mean the death of the clan. But if I don't help them then the chances of defeating the true humanity would lessen by quite a lot.' 

Setsuna then remembered the goal of the true humanity, genocide. They wanted to kill all beings that weren't pure humans. They have long been advocating human superiority. At first, he thought that the true humanity wanted to enslave the other races, but then he found out that they were much crazier than he thought. 

In the minds of those that truly believe in the true humanity, every other race were impure forms of a human and therefore must be eradicated. They believe that by removing the so called impurities that humans may grow stronger as a species. 

When Setsuna heard these crazy ideas of theirs he grew a bit frightened. The people on top were all insane, it was not normal.

'The true humanity were now slowly convincing the people that their twisted ideals are the correct ones. At this rate, it would either spell the end of humanity or the end of all the other races... Do I want this for the clan? To be remembered as a butcher that killed entire races...'

Setsuna clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. He once again looked at the letter Edge gave him and strengthened his resolve. He then proceeded to call his most loyal servants and gave them a task. Once he was done briefing them on what to do they left immediately. 

'I pray that have made the right decision, for the clan.' 


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