One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 56: Enraged

Chapter 56: Enraged

The guard David's POV:

We were suddenly attacked by some people that looked like knights. They started killing everyone in sight. Except for the warbeasts and demons which they tortured and raped, one the other hand they swiftly killed the humans.

Some of the rankers fought back of course but they were outnumbered one against a hundred. Even if we were more skilled we could do nothing with such numbers. That was when I saw him; his gentle smile was replaced with a savage grin. His kind demeanor was replaced with killing intent. It had been near a year now since I last saw him, and within that year he had changed greatly.

Alongside him was his companion Tsukiyomi, who also felt different from that crazed smile on her face. While I was distracted by Tsukiyomi's looks, Edge Regius started charging at the invaders.

He didn't kill them instantly, instead, he would cut off their legs and arms, and he was actively avoiding a fatal blow as to not kill them quickly.

He would hit some parts of the body with his fingers while Tsukiyomi was cutting them in half. Yet even with that kind of damage, they were still alive screaming in pain. The other invaders notice him and Tsukiyomi. They surrounded them but that only made Tsukiyomi laugh.

"WHAT A FINE FEAST THIS IS!" with a wave of her hand the heads of the surrounding soldiers flew. While she was doing that, Edge kept on torturing the enemy before killing them. By the looks of it, he did not relish in the pain he brought upon his enemy. He did not feel joy as he fought nor did he feel sorrow or fear. His eyes that stared at the enemy was empty like a doll's. On the other hand, Tsukiyomi relished in the ecstasy of killing.

Some of the villagers were happy that they were rescued but that was only some of them. The others were shivering in fear not at the invaders but at their savior Edge Regius and Tsukiyomi. His magic that swept away a hundred, his sword that punished dozens was a horrible sight to behold.

I have heard the rumors of his strength but this goes beyond what the rumors were saying especially regarding Tsukiyomi. Her strength was unbelievable, even as I was watching her fight right before me, I couldn't believe what I saw.

She stood at one spot and with a wave of her hand, she would slice apart a dozen men. She did all these with a smile on her face. Even though it was horrifying, her way of fighting was quite a beautiful sight to behold. That was when I noticed that they were not necessarily saving anyone they were just killing the enemy. The houses surrounding them were destroyed, they didn't even bother checking if anyone was inside. Damn it! I moved quickly and tried to evacuate those who survived.

Edge's POV:

I was alone in deep darkness. In there above my head, I saw a vision of my body moving by itself. It kept on killing people with no remorse nor anger. It just kept on killing the enemy... Why was I doing this again?

I see It doesn't matter, does it, I just have to kill the enemy. I watched my body move as if I was dreaming about myself. The power shown by my body in this dream was stronger than I could ever imagine. Was this perhaps the full potential of my body?

I wonder... What was the point of killing all of these enemies again? While I was asking myself these questions I heard a familiar voice.

"Kukuku, have you forgotten even that?" There she was with her beautiful flowing black hair and ruby red eyes my partner Tsukiyomi arrived.

"What do you mean Tsukiyomi?" I looked at her confused, her beautiful lips curved upward into a smile.

"Kukuku, not even surprised that I'm here? Or is it that you don't know where you are?"

"Where I am?..."

"Right now you are deep inside your subconscious. Frankly, I'm a little disappointed that you would do this. What happened to the boy I fell in love with? The one who fought against all odds with a smile on his face."

"Fell in love with?" I looked at her still confused, my eyes show nothing as I felt nothing. Tsukiyomi looked at me her eyes showed her sorrow and pity.

"Not even reacting to that. The usual you would have started blushing and stuttering. Were you really such a weak person to fall like this?"

"I do not know if I was weak or not, but does it matter if I was weak or strong? If in the end, all that's left is nothing, then why bother with such trivialities?"

"As usual you speak way beyond your age. Hmm, that gives me an idea!" After saying so Tsukiyomi closed her eyes and stopped talking. I returned my attention to what's happening to my outside body it was almost done with killing all the enemies. I wonder what will my body do next? Well does it really matter?"

Tsukiyomi's POV:

Edge my beloved partner was being devoured by all of his negative emotions. Talking to him seems to be useless. He was not thinking straight, actually, I think he's not even thinking at all anymore.

There must be something in here that I could use. Seeing as I manifested in his subconscious with only a few months of knowing me. He must trust me deeply, so I'm sure I can save him. The same as he saved me from that dark place. I will save him from this.

I did tell him that no matter how much he breaks I will always be there to fix him up. I dived into his memories or to be more precise I entered his soul. His soul was not like any other I have seen before. It felt immensely powerful, almost frightening. I noticed that there was something hidden deep within his soul, but I couldn't access that part, as a powerful wave would assault me as I near it.

Was there another being inside Edge's soul?... Well, it doesn't seem like this other being was an intruder, it feels like it was a part of Edge. Well, I guess I need to look elsewhere.

That was when I saw memories, scenes of people, and places that do not exist in this world. The main focus of these images was a man seeking out his revenge. How is this related to Edge, no in the first place why are these images seen inside his soul?...

A soul in a certain sense is immortal it either reaches enlightenment and goes beyond the mortal realm, or it can use the other way and change vessels. The soul might be immortal but the body isn't. So that must mean the soul will enter another body to retain itself. Thus the concept of reincarnation was created, which is said to be a part of this world.

So that might mean that these images were from a previous life. Yet why are they on the surface of the soul alongside his current memories?... There's too much information that I don't understand to conclude anything, but I'm assuming somewhere in this past life's memories an answer can be found. An answer to save that idiot I have fallen in love with.


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