One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 55: Attack

Chapter 55: Attack

Rena-sensei couldn't even look me in the eyes as she runs off to the next place she needed to go. I'm having an ominous feeling about this. Tsukiyomi and I quickly headed to the Principal's office and saw him sitting in one at his desk. On top of his desk were numerous communication orbs. When he noticed us, he handed the communication orbs to his assistant beside him.

"Edge-kun, Tsukiyomi-chan... We are having a crisis right now. All of the black-clads except for you two have been dispatched in various locations. Even some of the teachers were forced into action. The kingdom's military is also all over the place trying to contain the situation."

I noticed that Harold was looking quite pale, and his breathing wasn't right. It would seem like he would collapse in any second.

"What's happening?"

"We don't know... The kingdom has been attacked in multiple locations at the same time. The attackers were people within the different cities, towns, and villages. They were normal everyday people that suddenly attacked in a synchronized manner. We haven't determined if this is something done by a spell of sorts, or if they are really some sort of faction."

While Harold was explaining all this he was looking at me weirdly. As if it was taking everything he had to speak, Harold sighed as he continued.

"There is nothing I could say that will make this sound any better, but still I need to say it... Edge your hometown was attacked."

Upon hearing that line, a flash of memories from my past life came into mind.

"While the major cities were being attacked by the unknown faction, a group of humans calling themselves the true humanity came attacking all the villages with demi-humans in them. It was so sudden and coordinated, they also attacked at the same time as the unknown faction. We aren't sure if the two are partners, Yet....." I didn't hear what else the Harold wanted to say as I started running while using [full boost] on my body. This was an unknown technique in this world only I am able to use it.

"Edge!" I heard Tsukiyomi's voice but it sounded so distant. I continued to sprint as the horrid memories of my past life came flooding in.

Tsukiyomi's POV:

The moment he heard the news of the attack, Edge sprinted forward. It was a speed no human could have managed. Still, it was within the range of what an I could do. I followed behind him screaming his name, yet it doesn't seem like he could hear me. Rage has filled his soul and is tainting his mana.

Edge's POV:

As I was running past some horses, I felt a hot sensation coming from my chest. It was burning but I had no time to stop. I looked at my chest while I was running. The mark of the contract, the silver full moon was changing color, it was turning vermillion the color of blood.

A vermillion moon was now etched on my chest. That was when my worry turned into rage, my thoughts of saving turned into killing my enemies. Slowly but surely my mind was losing its clarity but I don't care I need to kill those bastards that attack my village.

I don't care who they are. I'll rip apart their innards, break their skulls, shatter their bones, and before they die I'll feed them to the trolls, and once their souls are released from their bodies I will destroy them so that they can't reincarnate nor reach hell. I will wipe out their very existence!

Tsukiyomi's POV:

Sh*t, this emotion that I feel from Edge through the contract is too much. So much rage so much hatred... I might not be able to retain my sanity... For as long as he's like this, it's going to be hard. Damn it... My mind's going blank I hope when I wake up you won't regret this Edge.....



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