One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 254

Chapter 254 - The Truth

“What are your names? Where do you come from? What do you do?”

The leader, eager to comply, began the introductions.

“My full name is Gu Quanzhong, followed by my second brother Gu Quanxiao, third brother Gu Quanren, fourth brother…”

“Our names embody the virtues of loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, and faithfulness!”

“We hail from Pluto, the world's second-largest mercenary organization!”

“Our mission is to use this map to pinpoint the location of Emperor Zhou's tomb!”

Jiang Hao found that their account matched the information he had previously heard.

He nodded, tentatively accepting their story.

As Jiang Hao probed further and listened to Gu Quanzhong's responses, the picture became clearer.

It turned out that this seven-man squad was merely carrying out a task assigned by the Pluto organization!

Their patron had provided them with an ancient map, instructing them to verify the authenticity of the tomb depicted on it.

The reason they believed it to be Emperor Zhou's tomb was based on information supplied by their patron.

Jiang Hao, now examining the map he'd just received from Gu Quanzhong, furrowed his brows in concentration.

“Where did this benefactor acquire the map, and how can he be so certain it's Emperor Zhou's tomb?”

“And if his only intention was to check if the tomb was real, why specifically inform Gu Quanzhong and his team that it belonged to Emperor Zhou?”

After much deliberation, an idea struck Jiang Hao.

“The tomb likely exists, but whether it's truly Emperor Zhou's remains to be proven!”

“Perhaps the patron intends to use Gu Quanzhong and his team as guinea pigs, luring them into the tomb under the guise of it being Emperor Zhou's, all to reap the benefits later.”

?Jiang Hao pondered for quite some time, his speculations running deep.

Yet, unbeknownst to him, his theories were edging closer to the truth.

But that revelation would have to wait.

Shaking off the maze of thoughts, Jiang Hao decided to focus on the present.

Meanwhile, Gu Quanzhong, glancing at his brothers strewn on the ground, grew visibly distressed.

Seeing that Jiang Hao was no longer pondering, he quickly spoke up.

“I've told you everything you wanted to know. What will it take for you to save them?”

Jiang Hao, upon hearing this, seemed to be lost in contemplation.

He resolved to recruit Gu Quanzhong and his team as his subordinates.

The location was close to Jiang Village. If the situation was indeed as serious as it seemed, the wealthy patron would surely not let it go. More people would inevitably be sent to this area!

In such a case, it wasn't the fear of the probable but the fear of the possible that troubled him.

The thought of mercenaries storming into Jiang Village was a troubling one.

Thus, Jiang Hao made the decision to take control of this squad.

To the outside world, they would still appear as mercenaries from the Hades Organization.

Secretly, he planned for Gu Quanzhong to infiltrate the Hades Organization as his undercover agent.

He expected Gu Quanzhong to report back immediately with any relevant information.

But the question remained: would Gu Quanzhong and his men heed his commands?

Although they were under his threat for now, once he healed them and sent them on their way, wouldn't they be out of his reach, like dragons returning to the ocean?

“How can I ensure their loyalty?” Jiang Hao wondered.

As he pondered, he noticed a spider dangling from a tree branch before him.

He swiftly caught it and mentally commanded the system.

“System, disassemble!”

“Affirmative, host!”

“Ding… Congratulations, host, for successfully disassembling a spider. You have acquired the Poison Master skill, along with 1.2 skill points and 1.2 experience points!”

Poison Master Level 1 (0/1): Upon integration, you will reign supreme in the realm of poisons.

As a professional poison crafter, you can effortlessly concoct any type of poison!

“Disassembly complete. Would you like to proceed with extraction and integration?”


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