One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 253

Chapter 253 - Jiang Hao's Conditions

Yet, Jiang Hao's gaze held not a trace of fear as he watched the two men with keen interest.

In the moment the third brother reached for his gun, the boss intervened, pressing down on his hand.

“Third Brother, don't be rash!”

Confused, the third brother turned to look at the boss.

“Big Brother, who is this guy?”

The boss shook his head, took the gun from the third brother's grasp, and tossed it onto the dry leaves at his feet.

A sense of unease washed over the third brother as his eyes darted between the boss and Jiang Hao.

Without answering the third brother, the boss discarded the gun and then turned to Jiang Hao.

It was a gesture meant to earn Jiang Hao's trust.

Jiang Hao simply offered a smile in return, acknowledging the boss's actions.

At that moment, even though the Super Antidote Pill had neutralized the poison in the third brother's system, his reflexes were dulled, leaving him unable to fully control his body.

Thus, the third brother couldn't stand. The boss propped him against a tree before standing up to face Jiang Hao.

?”What are your terms?” he asked.

Jiang Hao shook his head and replied,

“We'll set aside that discussion for now. First, throw all of your weapons over there.”

He pointed to a clear spot on the ground not too far from where they stood.

The boss hesitated, his brow furrowed, but ultimately complied.

He had no choice. Though confident in his marksmanship, the lives of his four brothers were in Jiang Hao's hands.

Moreover, given the uncanny abilities Jiang Hao had just revealed, the boss couldn't be certain what else he might be capable of.

He wasn't willing to gamble; if he failed to deliver a fatal blow, it was likely none of them would make it out of this primeval forest.

As he removed their weapons, one by one, placing them where Jiang Hao had indicated,

The boss found himself within five meters of Jiang Hao.

A sudden thought crossed his mind: to overpower Jiang Hao and use him as leverage.

But as this sinister thought took shape,

Jiang Hao's voice cut through the air.

“Do you really think you can take me down?”

Hearing this, the boss froze, his gaze locked on Jiang Hao.

His gaze locked with Jiang Hao's innocuous smile, and a shiver of fear ran through him.

“How did he know?”

“Can this guy read minds?”

Just then, Jiang Hao broke the silence.

“Don't worry, mind-reading isn't in my skill set!”

“But, I can introduce you to my partner!”

With that, Jiang Hao called out loudly.

“Xiao Soong, come here!”

Jiang Hao's call took the boss and the third brother by surprise.

“How can this be? Is there really someone else around here?”

As seasoned mercenaries accustomed to dodging bullets, they prided themselves on their alertness. It was inconceivable that someone could be nearby without their notice!


But the next moment, a thunderous roar preceded the emergence of a massive brown bear charging forward.

The bear's sudden appearance sent shockwaves through them, and the thought of retreat loomed large in their minds.

Yet, what astonished them even more was the bear's behavior—running over to Jiang Hao and nuzzling him like an affectionate puppy.

This sight shattered their preconceptions completely.

And just like that, their resolve crumbled.

The boss wasted no time. He rushed over to disarm his men, stripping away their weapons—including those from the third brother.

He then tossed the firearms to the spot Jiang Hao had indicated.

Watching this unfold, Jiang Hao nodded in approval, gave Xiao Soong a pat, and announced.

“Now, let's have a conversation.”


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