On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Five Hundred And Thirteen *Contains Status – Haru 3*

Five Hundred And Thirteen *Contains Status – Haru 3*

As Eri and I entered the living room, we were greeted by a few surprising faces. Suzu-san was here again, though not wearing her usual gothic lolita-style dresses, but a sparkly idol outfit, red waistcoat over yellow shirt and a short black miniskirt. Seeing me looking, she brushed back her blonde drill-curled braids and greeted us.

“Morning, boss! Morning Eri-chan. I hear you had fun fast night. She was quite jealous, it was cute. She really is honest with herself, unlike some.”

“Oh, you mean Shiro?” Eri asked, and Suzu-san nodded happily.

“Yes, she came over with a few drinks last night. Not that I touch alcohol of course, it’d be a scandal if an idol such as me was caught out indulging. It was quite lively though, we had other guests too.” She nodded at those, and the ones she indicated surprised me.

“Oh come on, Akio-oppa, I wasn’t going to stay in a hotel when you had a house with spare rooms right there!” Violet-noona gestured with her chopsticks, earning a frown of disapproval from auntie Hana, who was here this morning and helping make breakfast. We did have maids, hired by both Hinata’s grandfather and also sourced from Shaeula, but auntie felt the need to be busy. Though as she saw me coming in with Eri sticking to me, her face radiant, auntie’s expression softened.

“Yes, it was quite the party!” My mom said. She seemed to have hit it off with Violet-noona, and also had the two Kitsune with her. Mae looked as imposing as ever, her tails occupying the space on one entire sofa, while Nebisuki looked a little pitiful in comparison, though she now had an artificial prosthetic, likely sourced from the military, over her missing stump. Seeing me looking, she grinned, though there was a trace of sadness there.

“Fear not. I have enjoyed my sojourn to the mortal realm once more. I am fully aware you shall restore me in time. Until then…” she giggled, her momentary sorrow buried deep behind her flirty façade. “…I am content to be a guest who is treated like a queen. Last night was rather fun.”

“It was.” Yu-mi was the next to speak up. “I enjoyed getting to know your mother, Akio.” This morning she was dressed in a rather more casual set of jeans and jumper. Beside her were the other two from Korea. Eui was quiet as always, her eyes darting around, perhaps unable to shed her hypervigilance after the long time trapped in the hellish Choe-Museon, though she was eating heartily, shovelling the food down as if she was worried it would be stolen from her. That’s good. She’s still terribly thin. She needs to get back to a healthy weight…

“I was going to go to a hotel, but…” Suk-ja said softly in Korean, glancing at Violet-noona, who was laughing uproariously, my mom continuing to praise her tattoos.

“There’s no need for that. I welcome all cute girls! We have the space, and as Aki’s mom, I want to do my part.” Mom declared boldly, interpreting her expression. She then winked at me, a sly expression on her face. “Yu-mi here told me all about how you met and what was proposed. Silly Aki, she was handed on a plate to you!”

“See, never a dull moment.” Suzu-san giggled, as Eri sat down beside her, while I listened to my mom continue to embarrass us. Yu-mi’s face was pink, but she merely smiled at me, one eyebrow raised in commiseration.

“I can’t just do that, mom. You’re a woman. How would you like to be forced into an arranged marriage with someone you don’t know, even if it’s for a good cause? And you didn’t raise me to extort women that way!”

“See, Yu-mi! My Aki’s a good boy!” Mom said proudly, puffing out her chest and standing tall. As Yu-mi chuckled a little, she nodded.

“I know it. Our acquaintance has been brief, but meaningful. My cousin is recovering well, so dad says, and now… the future is what we make of it, right?” She winked at me cheekily. “I’m aiming for a high position, and I’m an ambitious woman, I’ve found. So I’ll get it through my own efforts. I don’t need to sell myself for it. That said…” she nodded at my mom. “…I won’t say there’s no thoughts of what if I’d have just smiled and accepted it? I didn’t, so I’ll never know, but… well, it’s on hold, isn’t it?”

On hold again, huh? “If you want it to be. I’ll not pressure you.” I conceded, before changing the subject. “So, what… all of you had a party at the home Suzu-san’s crashing in?”

Mom agreed. “Yes, it was a lot of fun. We’ve got legendary mystical foxes, guests from Korea and America…”

“I’m Japanese.” Suzu-san grumbled, tossing her head. “And I have to practise. It’ll be Saturday before we know it, and I still need to nail down my routine. It’s my big break…” She gulped down her tea and stood, flashing her long legs in her daring outfit. “…no rest for the wicked. Probably why my two bosses are always so busy…” She giggled, rushing out like a storm.

“There’s definitely something dangerous about her.” Violet-noona mused, watching her go, before shrugging, the material of the tank top she wore struggling to cope. “But then, better that than being too soft, right. Fuck… I mean shit… no … uh… oh damn, trying not to swear is hard.”

“It’s all right, Taichi doesn’t approve of bad language, but I’m not such a prude.” Mom giggled. “I know what you mean though.” Mom’s sapphire blue eyes, so like Aiko’s, narrowed as she looked at the exit Suzu-san had left from. “She’s definitely… a little eccentric, but… I think she’s had a hard life. I tried to get her to open up yesterday. I wasn’t just enjoying fawning over the new additions to our household.”

“Don’t say it like that, Emi.” Hana complained as she brought over fresh food and drink, just as Motoko, Natsumi and my sis came in, fresh from their baths, the two nobles changed into the elegant Hanafubuki uniform, my sis in a casual tracksuit. You could at least make the effort, sis. Everyone else has. If you lounge around all day you’ll put on weight…

“Bro’s thinking something rude, I can tell. So, what were you saying? Suzu-chan, right? Yeah, she’s an odd one. But then, I get the impression she’s made a clean break from her past, reinvented herself. That’s not such a bad thing. Besides, bro can keep an eye on her, and she looks up to Shiro, so… all’s good, I guess? Better her here with us than getting in trouble or causing trouble, right?”

“Yeah.” I agreed. Apparently Suzu-san’s Karakuri puppets were excellent in battle, only limited to the base materials, construction, and what ingenuity and aether Suzu-san could invest into them. I know some Mortal Engineers have been helping her. Though… she treats the puppets like members of her idol group, so she doesn’t want to risk them in battle unless she has to… “I know Arisu-san feels better having Suzu-san under our care, rather than having her sleep in internet cafes, cheap hotels and worse…”

“Yeah, no thanks. That’s just asking to get molested. Though I suppose Suzu-chan could kill any ordinary thug or pervert…” My sis declared, shaking her head. “So, you were living it up last night, mom, auntie? What were dad and uncle doing?”

“They are spending time with my parents, and Hana’s too. As well as Tsukiko’s.” Tsukiko was absent for breakfast, and as an early riser that was unusual, so I assumed they were all together. “It’s been hard for us, but also for them. They… don’t understand how to relate to their daughter. It’s a shame. Tsukiko is such a good woman. Just what you need, Aki!” Mom smirked knowingly. “An older woman to pamper you. She has a very motherly figure too.”

“This is… confusing.” Mae said to her granddaughter, bemused. Though I note that’s hardly stopping her enjoying the food. “For such desperate haste in trying to free me from my prison, everyone seems rather… relaxed. Perhaps I might even say… lazy?”

“I hardly think so, grandmother.” Nebisuki twitched her ears softly. “It is simply that a mind overstretched will crumble. Few have the disciple or drive to spend every moment struggling. Nor should they. We know better than any, do we not? A life of toil without amusement is a life that shall be brief.”

“Hmm.” Mae murmured. “It is true that the pursuit of pleasure is the greatest motivator. But… the situation is dire, no? Hence the haste?”

“Yes, but I constantly need to reaffirm what I’m fighting for.” I told the cynical fox who had lived far too long without hope. “And look around. Isn’t this worth protecting? Honestly, I never dreamed I could have a life like this. That we could. I’m actually not as strong as you think.” I admitted. Most people were listening into my conversation, though since I was speaking in English, due to our Korean guests, Yu-mi was translating for Suk-ja.

“It isn’t as though I found yesterday easy. Forging the Tengoku-seki, going beyond to repair you, Mae. But… I could do it because I wasn’t doing it just for me. But… also equally because it was for me.” I grinned at Eri and Motoko, both of whom flushed, remembering our night together. “The Night Parade concerns itself with pleasure, doesn’t it? Well, humans are the same. It’s a rare person who can do good just for doing good. That’s not to say I don’t want to be righteous, if I can do a little good here and there, all the better. But… I put our own welfare first, our family.”

“Even us?” Yu-mi couldn’t help but ask, and it was Eri who answered.

“Adamant… much as I don’t like the way Hinata and the others went about it… I understand why they made some of the rules. It’s to forge a larger family, a group that lives and dies for each other. So yes, you’re family, Yu-mi. And… I personally am grateful to you. I don’t forget when someone helps me. Not anymore.”

“Of course…” mom said, eyes sparkling. “Yu-mi, dear, you could always take that final step… now’s the best time, before the wedding…”

“Mom, this is a serious talk…” My sis sighed theatrically, and mom laughed.

“I am serious, Ai dear. Yu-mi here is a well-bred young woman, and pretty too. Eri likes her as well, so…”

“I see.” Mae snorted, idly combing the fur on one of her tails. “Yes, perhaps my experiences have left me rather… distrustful. I know you saved me from endless imprisonment, slow agonising dissolution, but… I always feared your motives. After all, am I not a great betrayer, the ruin of empires, the trickster who led many great men to their demise? I… do not trust easily. But seeing this… simplicity… I understand. You are a fool. But a fool with power and determination. I suppose… I am not ungrateful enough to spit on that. Not anymore.” She stood, her tails spreading out behind her, nine parts of a furry halo. Aether surged, and she stretched, yawning. “You say you fear for your seeds, no? I shall watch over them, until I get bored. For now you may have the upper hand, but I am Tamamo-no-Mae, and I am confident soon you shall be under my spell. Until then…” Her green eyes were distant. “…and until I see old friends again, I shall aid you.”

“That’s reassuring.” I grinned, pleased. A willing helper was worth ten coerced. “But for now sit down and enjoy your breakfast and some time to unwind. You’ve been trapped so long, and a little freedom can’t hurt. Besides, disturbing dreams or no, what will come will come, and we have time yet, I think.”

“Dreams?” Mae said. “You mean prophecies? I have heard the woman Tsukiko speak of her gifts.” I nodded, so she continued. “In that case, we should speak to her. I too am no stranger to foretellings, though compared to Uranai, that greatest of Kudan…” She turned to Nebisuki. “You need not think you can rest, despite your injuries, little Hana. You may be crippled, but your mind is still sharp. I suspect that the whole of the Parade is buzzing with news of my return, brought by those idiot Oni. We can use that to our advantage.”

“You mean…?” Nebisuki titled her head, surprised.

“I do. When it comes to the shifting tides of the future unwritten, a Kudan simply must be consulted. Though such power comes at a great cost. Kudan almost always die in their infancy. Only a truly stubborn and powerful creature such as Uranai has the will to endure these long centuries.” Mae pointed out. “I am not at my best, but…” Aether still bubbled through her, and she smiled, and around me everyone flushed, as her Charm was incredible, even the girls were momentarily affected. “…you did not lie. All my pain, these… Chirurgeries… you worked upon me, the cold metal, glass and gems forged into my spiritual flesh… I am stronger than yesterday, far more than I would have expected. A pittance compared to my peak, of course, yet… likely enough to project an illusion of strength.”

I nodded, and as we chatted, Violet-noona piped up. “Well shit, oh, oops, uh… yeah, anyway, being in a Guild is like being a family too. And you’re the boss now, Akio-oppa. It’d be good if you can take my little bro under your wing, he’s a bit of a coward when it comes to women. He could use an older bro for advice, as he doesn’t listen to me, the fucking… oh, the idiot.”

“Really? From what I’ve seen he’s telling you to get in a relationship, Bora-unni.” Yu-mi smiled teasingly, and Violet-noona actually flushed, before tapping her tattooed arm, flexing it.

“Sure, but let’s be real. I’m crude and wild, and I’m strong. You’re Korean, so you know. Japan’s the same, right? Women like me aren’t popular, in fact we’re looked down on, hated. No mother-in-law’s going to welcome their son dating me…”

“I think you’re cool!” mom chimed in unhelpfully. “You’ve got a wild charm, and you’re funny, Violet dear.”

“Be serious, please.” I chided her. “Look, Violet-noona, don’t worry about that. I think soon any mother-in-law’s going to want a strong daughter-in-law over a demure homemaker. So don’t sell yourself short. And you’re right. You appointed me as leader of the Violet Scorpions, so yeah, I am like an older brother to the members. I’ve done all right with my own sis…”

Eri laughed at that as my sis flushed, but I ignored them.

“…so yeah, don’t sell yourself short. We’re all a team here. And it’s not just us.”

“Where do I fit in?” Suk-ja said, frowning, feeling out of place.

“Hey, aren’t we all allies?” Violet-noona laughed heartily. “We all went through shit at Choe-Museon together, and we’ll be working such shit jobs together again in the future. For now, might as well enjoy your easy task. Not every time has to be a shitshow like the Academy.”

I agreed. “Yeah, I want you to continue working with Daiyu while I’m away, helping her to strengthen and realise her Jade Qi. You can also store any excess crystal element in bluesteel batteries for later use…”

Breakfast continued, Motoko and Natsumi leaving after kissing me on the cheek, being driven to school. More people came down when they woke up, and I enjoyed the bustling yet harmonious atmosphere. But unfortunately, Mae is right about one thing. Today… I have a great deal to do. Since tomorrow I’ll be away for over a week…


“I see.” Tsukiko nodded. Mae and Nebisuki were with me in her room, and she sat in Seiza, wearing her shrine maiden garb, as the Diviner. It’s a shame, as I like seeing her in casual clothes, but since we sought her advice in interpreting Tsukuyomi’s dreams, she felt it was appropriate. Not that she looks in any way bad in this outfit.

“The difference is clear. There are actually several types of visions.” Tsukiko continued. “The first set, the creatures that spilled out into the streets, killing as they pleased, and the shadow over the moon… that is a Realised vision. I believe those creatures exist. A more distant event can often be shown as such, if Tsukuyomi wills it, though being so clear is often not possible. I hardly claim to understand the Gods, even Tsukuyomi, who I revere, but… there are definitely certain restrictions on how knowledge can be displayed. Realised visions are rare. The second…”

“They are Allegory.” Mae declared, bringing a nod from Tsukiko. “Such are the difficulties of interpreting the future. After all, even a future such as the sun rising tomorrow, as it always does, has not actually happened yet. So a true image of it is merely a likeness, a facsimile. Even Realised visions contain a measure of uncertainly, of allegory. And it will be inevitably coloured by the perception of the receiver of the visions.”

“Many of my visions are thus. The Red and White Dragons, the Princesses of the Six Paths. None are simple, though I was able to recognise some, the nature of the dreams clear to me.” Tsukiko agreed. “Perhaps even the Gods are restricted, or there are some risks to clear, Realised visions. But real or metaphorical, the issues are the same. The danger is coming, and we have to be ready.”

Seeing Tsukiko so pumped up, the rest of us smiled. “Indeed, you have courage, woman.” Mae nodded. “Now…we have the information.” She nodded at the tablet computer I had typed everything onto, rather intrigued by how it worked. She said some jade tags and plates in Kunlun had similar functions. It makes sense. Science or magic, both will try and invent the same convenience, I’m sure.

“And what is next?” Nebisuki asked, and Mae smiled, wiggling her vulpine ears in amusement.

“Simple. The next delegation from the Hyakki Yagyō will seek me out. After all, my return shall bring change to the world of Yōkai. Besides… old friends will wish to renew our acquaintance, reminisce over the olden days.” Mae said confidently. “I shall visit the Parade and speak to Uranai. After all, I do so need to thank her for her words which pushed you to act, my dear granddaughter.”

“That is dangerous. You have many enemies, grandmother. And the Parade recognises only strength. You are… still weak.”

“Yes, though…” She stretched, the cloth of her kimono protesting. “…I am far from the broken shell I should be. I can certainly project strength, and I shall not spare my effort to revitalise myself. I shall be able to chastise any insolent fools who disregard my reputation by the time we must go. The wise will be wary of antagonising me, knowing I hold grudges and nurse slights for centuries, and the fools… I can marshal power for a brief time, enough to dissuade or punish them.”

“I see. It would help to seek another opinion. But…” Since I wasn’t going to be here, I was wary. “Take Shaeula with you. That way Uranai will be on your side, and it lessens the chances of any… incidents.”

“Hark at him worrying about me. How… unexpected.” Mai chuckled.

“That is simply how Akio is.” Tsukiko said softly. “And I would not have him change.”

“It seems he means his words from this morning.” Mae continued, and I shrugged.

“Of course I did. And hopefully one day soon, Su Caihong and Su Liena can be sitting there as well, experiencing a world unlike anything they remember.”

Ears and tails twitched, and Mae was silent for a long moment, before letting out a cavernous sigh. “I find this hard to deal with, granddaughter. I have strode across the known world, courted and wooed by many, from humble beggars to kings and emperors, Yōkai, spirits and humans alike. I am well used to flattery, to obsequious fawning, gifts and promises both grandiose and foolhardy. Yet… I find myself quite believing he means it, and not to win my affections.” She addressed Tsukiko and Nebisuki, rather puzzled.

“That is so. I find it strange myself. The mortals have certainly changed. He deals with both the Hyakki Yagyō and the Seelie Court with such ease, as though we are merely the same as he. And it is not only him. Last night… ordinary, uninteresting mortals, chatting and drinking with us as though it was nothing. I… find the world strange. Yet now…” She clutched at her two remaining tails. “…I would soon be healed, and condense my fifth tail, and live. There is too much I have not seen, too much I have yet to do. And as for the other Kitsune… yes, many will perish, but those who endure… they will surely thank you in the end, grandmother, Akio.”

“I too wished to live, despite being fated for death, the dissolution of my entire being. So I sympathise.” Tsukiko said with a slight smile. She touched her face, unused to being without veil in shrine maiden hakama, but her ruby eyes were resolute. “I have chosen life, a life here, with everyone. Perhaps I could have chosen another path…”

“Yeah, Yukiko-san would be happy to take you in.” I agreed, and Tsukiko shrugged.

“That would simply be this path, merely delayed. I am certain of it. You shall shelter the Princesses, and stave off disaster. That it not prophecy, or the world of Tsukuyomi, but what I believe, from seeing it with my own eyes.” Tsukiko insisted. “…no, this path is the one I wish to walk. Perhaps it shall not be perfect… but I will take earnest efforts and what happiness I can hold, rather than pining over dreams that may never come true.” She paused then, and flushed, smiling ruefully. “Though that sounds like this was not my first choice. I would hate for you to think me unwilling or lacking in eagerness.”

“Such amusement.” Mae snorted, waving her tails for emphasis. “I am quite dismayed, to be lectured by one who venerates those worthless Gods. No, I understand your faith, woman, but… we Yōkai have no love for the Kami and those above them. But… you are indeed speaking true. Compared to the suffering I have endured, the loss of dignity, pride, hope… this is paradise. And even without that…” She looked at me wolfishly, licking her lips. “…promises were made. I can lie, but I abhor being lied to. And I admit… your straightforward desire to aid me… it certainly is fresh. I am not a hasty woman. What is a year, or ten, or a hundred, here?”

“Grandmother, if I am not mistaken…” Nebisuki began, only for her to fall silent as Mae looked at her fiercely.

“Enough of this.” Mae chuckled. “There are words to say and words not to, granddaughter. There are few of my blood left, no doubt. At least try and have the wisdom, grace, poise and charm I have. Else you will end up with only inferior lovers.” She nodded at me then. “I believe you are also in the Boundary, yes? At that great Tree?”

I nodded. “Yeah, I’m recovering my energy, and I’ll be mitigating the Berserk Blessing so we can get more ether. I’ll be meeting Eleanor later, as well as Miss Aditi, and hopefully handing over Jumong’s Favour. Meanwhile, here I’ll be meeting up with Haru soon.”

“We should go then.” She seized Nebisuki by her ear, giving it a gentle yet insistent tug. “If I am to appear before the Hyakki Yagyō once more, and see that old rogue Nurarihyon, I cannot shame myself by being so weak…”

I nodded. Yeah, and the faster she works her newly Shapercrafted body, the better placed she’ll be to play her part in Uranai’s prophecies…



“You’ve worked hard.” I handed Haru a coffee, and she sipped at it gratefully.

“And who’s fault is that, Akio-kun?” she said with a smile, clearly not actually angry. “When I took the post as Undersecretary for the Ministry, I never expected I’d be doing so much work… not even daddy… father works so hard.”

“I told you, you don’t have to watch your words in front of me.” I grinned, taking a sip of my own coffee. It was high-quality stuff, as expected from the private stash of our Minister.

“You don’t get it, Akio-kun. How can a man with eleven… it is still eleven, isn’t it?” At her words I had a troubled look on my face, and she sighed. “Yes, you’re definitely getting stabbed in the future, Akio-kun. Then you can be a ghost, like me. But yes, you should have worked out by now that women don’t like to seem too childish, especially in certain company.”

“All right, I get it.” I apologised. “So, did you at least take time off and have some fun last night?”

“Yes, I went out drinking with some old friends, then spent the night talking to father.” She was very clear in her words. “He’ll be relying on coffee to stay awake all day too, but he has capable staff under him, so he’ll manage. As for me…” She pulled out her own tablet, checking some files. “…the preliminary work on soothing the minds of the Choe-Museon hostages is done. Obviously they are far from fine, but they are in a state where they can lead a functional life. I’ll likely have to supplement ordinary psychology for them in the future, but it shouldn’t be frequent. The other matter, the Blue House releasing footage of you, your sister and the others involved… I don’t like it. It seems careless, or spiteful. Yes, there’s a lot of anti-Japanese sentiment there, but we aided them in their hour of need. It doesn’t seem quite right.”

“You think it’s part of a wider scheme?” I asked, and she shrugged.

“My instincts are telling me that’s the case, but we have no proof, Akio-kun. And so far the footage hasn’t caused any problems in Japan, as we managed to shut down the broadcasts apart from a few outliers. Word is spreading online, but… your popularity is high. Oddly enough, Arisugawa-san is also incredibly popular. And you should see some of the gossip online.” She giggled then, and I was happy to see it. I know she won’t heal quickly, but… compared to the early days, she’s got a broader range of emotional responses, and seems less down in general.

“Do I want to know?” I asked, and she shrugged.

“Depends. A lot of people online say the two of you would be perfect for each other. Both Chosen and celebrities…”

“I’m flattered. Arisu-san’s a real beauty, and clever too. But… yeah, no thanks. Shiro would be upset, and Arisu-san would kill me if I ever suggested that.” I changed the subject. “So, we don’t know why the Koreans did it?”

“Not yet. But we’re digging. Hinata-chan’s a fiend you know. You’d have thought she was ten years older, the way she raked that diplomat over the coals. She did secure you a lot of compensation, but… is money and a few trade deals worth whatever they are doing in the shadows? I don’t know…”

“We can’t do much except be wary.” I agreed. “Anyway, you can take a bit of a breather now you’re back in Japan…” I trailed off as she gave me a flat stare.

“Can I now? Hardly! There’s so much that needs my attention. I have to manage Kyoto, deal with various requests, I even have the concert to oversee at the weekend, though I’m getting help from Miyu-san’s father and his Ministry, while someone swans off abroad to party with Hinata-chan!”

“It’s hardly that. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there will be some of that, but it’s important work.” I protested, and Haru laughed.

“Sure, sure, I get it. Honestly, I intend to hang out with my friends after the concert too. I dare say I’ll introduce them to your fiancées. That aside though… I’ve heard you were at the heart of the Nasu volcanos during the eruptions. Obviously you’re all right, but…” She was concerned, so I smiled warmly, reassuring her.

“Yeah, it was a mess, but… everything worked out. And it was an opportunity we couldn’t miss. Speaking of…” My Eye shone, and I inspected Haru.

Suzuki Haru

Chosen Of She Who Shows Compassion And Mercy, Kannon


[Material Statistics]

[Intangible Statistics]


449 469+30


2 4 +1


439 459 +30


1 2 +1


511 544 +30


7 9 +1


424 486 +30


10 11 +1


563 583 +30


10 13 +1


401 421 +30


1 +1


2003 2285 +30


7 +1

[Material Skills]




[Aetheric Skills]

Silver Cord

Rank 5

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Chakra Network

Rank 5

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Aether Manipulation

Rank 3 Rank 4

Sufficient (3) Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)


Rank 6 Rank 8

Noble (5)

Rule (5)

Split Thoughts

Rank 2 Rank 4

Noble (5)

Foundation (4)

Enhanced Spiritual Form

Rank 1 Rank 2

Noble (5)

Principle (7)

[Elemental Skills]




Light Manipulation

Rank 7

Noble (5)

Foundation (4)

Third Eye Chakra Of Light

Rank 6

Noble (5)

Foundation (4)

Darkness Manipulation

Rank 4 Rank 5

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Throat Chakra Of Darkness

Rank 1

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Flame Manipulation

Rank 4

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Solar Plexus Chakra Of Purifying Spirit Flame

Rank 3

Noble (5)

Foundation (4)

[Unique Skills]

Blessing Of Sharing Light

Rank 6 Rank 7

Noble (5)

Rule (5)

Light Of Muted Emotions

Rank 6 Rank 7

Imperious (6)

Principle (7)

Lovers’ Link

Rank 1

Noble (5)

Artifice (6)


38 40


Ghost Of Light 8/10

Conqueror 1/50

Purified One 3/10 4/10

Wielder Of A Mutated Element 1/10

Spirit Guider 1/20 4/20

Pledged Vassal 4/10 5/10

Fae-Bonded 2/20

[Mastered Class]

Empath 10/10 Ghost Of Light 10/10

Territory Rank

3 - Vassal Territory To Oshiro Moonstone Akio Rank 3

“You’ve really increased your mental and healing Skills and Classes.” I observed, and she smiled at me wearily, covering her embarrassment by sipping more coffee.

“Of course I have. If I wanted to get done before Christmas I had to multitask. Of course it helps that my brain isn’t entirely physical. I’m a ghost, remember? So I don’t think I have the limitations others do. But as I reached into more and more minds, often multiple ones at once, I found what I could think about expanding. Perhaps it was Kannon showing mercy on me, so I could focus on more work at once. It’s the only way I’ll keep up with the Ministry. Now all I need to do is work out how to grow more arms…”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. It’d upset your father.” I joked. “I don’t think I’d like to see that either. Anyway, I’m not sure that being a primarily spiritual being makes it any easier to overwork your brain. You shouldn’t downplay your efforts.”

“You won’t get anything from flattering me, Akio-kun.” She rolled her eyes. “It’s Arisugawa-san that the internet is shipping you with, not me.”

“Yeah, whatever.” I snorted, amused by her deflection. I won’t mention I extended her the Rank of Lovers’ Link I can grant anyone suitable. Having the extra stats from me might save her life in an emergency. But… the name of the Skill might upset her. “Anyway, hopefully that means you’ll be able to help the British and Japanese Chosen a little easier, now that you’ve got better Skills.”

“I would think so. And, speaking of… aren’t you on a similar crusade later?”

“Yeah, I’m visiting a pair of hospitals. I know I’m supposed to be preserving my aether, but… we want to get ahead of any problems, so we’ve arranged for some patients for Ether Healing. It’s a shame I can’t help everyone, but…”

Haru finished her coffee and gave me a sympathetic look. “Most people cant help anyone, Akio-kun. Doing a little good is better than claiming that if you can’t help everyone, it isn’t fair to help anyone. I certainly don’t feel bad at being helped, even if… not all of us made it.” Her brown eyes were distant, and I didn’t like her dwelling on her harsh past, so I spoke quickly.

“Speaking of helping… are you ready for this? She’s… annoying as ever.”

Haru looked at me knowingly, a slight smile on her lips. “I’ll let you distract me. I appreciate it, even if you’re as a clumsy as usual. And yes, she is annoying, but… if you’re going to America, you have to use every tool at your disposal to stay safe. Do you really have to go? Alone?”

“I do. There’s things I can’t leave there. As for going alone… I’m more vulnerable with others, as they can be used against me. If America wants to take me hostage or kill me… I won’t say they can’t, but they’d need to know more about me than they do, and be prepared to pay a ruinous price. Even then, their odds aren’t great…”

“Fine then.” Haru stood, and I finished my coffee. A minute later we were entering a secure room, the door sliding open, and the smiling face of Christina Bakker greeted us, as she bounded off her bed.

“Akio, you came back! That’s great. I have so many questions I need answers to…”

Haru and I exchanged exasperated glances, before I forced a smile. Here we go again. She’s… very hard to deal with…


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