On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Five Hundred And Fourteen

Five Hundred And Fourteen

“I’ve been waiting, it’s so dull being cooped up in here.” Christina declared, crossing her arms under her chest and pouting like a younger woman. “I had thought you had forgotten about me, Akio, but then I thought that couldn’t be right.” Her pout changed into what she regarded as an alluring smile, but instead it seemed comical to me, as though she was merely aping behaviour she didn’t really understand. The annoying thing is she’s right. She is very pretty, so she still looks attractive. But I’m happy with what I have, I’m not a fool led by my lusts into picking up such a poisonous snake. Perhaps Christina was the sort that wouldn’t bite out of malice, but she had no qualms using her venom if it would help her reach her goals, even on herself.

“Actually, I did have other things on my mind.” I couldn’t help but say, and she shrugged.

“Now I know that’s just you being a shy boy!” She glanced at Haru with some interest. “If you don’t want to say in front of her, I understand…”

Haru snorted, exasperated by her already. “You certainly have a high opinion of yourself, Miss Bakker. But honestly, all you are is a hostage again, isn’t that right? It seems to me Director White wouldn’t raise much protest if Akio-kun here was to take out his frustrations on you, or worse, as it would just give him a bargaining chip to write off some of America’s past actions in exchange.”

“Adam… Adam’s a pragmatic man.” She admitted. “But when it comes to getting results, there’s nobody better than me. Sure, I may ruffle a few feathers, but…” Her eyes were distant. “…Adam understands that. For the greater good of the United States of America, and humanity… in that order. That’s his motto.”

“And what’s yours?” I asked. “For science, anything is justified?”

“Not anything.” Christina shrugged again. “I don’t like it that you seem to think I’m eager to hurt others. I’ve explained to you if there are other ways, I’ll take them. But I am a woman of science, of logic, of mathematics. If the sacrifices of ten can save a thousand, there’s no question it’s the right thing to do.”

The trolley problem again. I hate that one so much. Just like with Ling. But… “The ten might not think so.”

“That’s why I am more than happy to be one of those ten.” Christina declared, her conviction shining through. “Though obviously those of us who blaze a trail through the darkness of ignorance to seek the light of knowledge should be preserved, I’m no hypocrite. I believe in my goals. Sometimes…” she nodded at me, her expression earnest. “…I don’t really understand other people. Don’t they want to know? The wider universe is open before us, vistas we humans can only dream of unfolding, and all everyone wants to do is hunker down, stay as we are. It’s frustrating. I offer people the chance to see beyond, and all they do is call me mad, or evil. It hurts my feelings a little, you know.”

She genuinely seemed sad about it, and I had to steel myself not to sympathise. Just because she’s an attractive woman doesn’t mean she deserves my pity. I’m not so shallow. She’s right about one thing though…

Before I could voice that, Haru laughed coldly. “Hurt feelings are trivial compared to what your experiments have done. Broken minds and bodies, people have died. You may think that trivial, but take it from one who knows, death is anything but easy. You think you have value? Akio-kun has achieved more, learned more, knows more than you ever will. You’re not here to make jokes and try and seduce Akio-kun. I’ll never allow that!”

At her vehemence, Titan, who was in one corner, minding his own business, leapt to his feet, unsure if he should step in to protect his charge. Haru shot him a baleful look, and despite his powerful frame and great strength, he flinched back. As well he might, physical strength is useless against Haru, she’s an Onryō. Her light element would fill him full of holes before he could act anyway.

I opened my mouth to speak, and Haru’s thoughts came across to me. Sorry Akio-kun, something about that woman rubs me the wrong way. And I owe it to your women to stop you making a mistake. What is it Eri-chan says? You can love anybody you wish, except for those who truly aren’t worthy. And this one… she’s not capable of understanding love. If you want to indulge, you have far better at home! There are others too who would warm your bed if you need some variety…

I was shocked that Haru of all people could talk about such matters so casually, considering her past. I’m not so shallow. I promise! I’m not a lustful beast, who can’t help but pounce on hot women with big breasts…

I know you noticed her chest. Westerners tend to be bigger.

It’s not… I mean…

I know. I’m teasing you, though I admit to being rather annoyed. She reminds me of Nie Ling in a way, though Ling is full of self-pity, and Christina here doesn’t even care. Both might admit to being wrong to get what they want, but they’ll never believe they made mistakes, deep down. Now… don’t get dragged into her pace. We’re not here for you to flirt, we’re both too busy for that!

The mental conversation happened in an instant with our high mental stats, and Christina spoke, amused. “Touched a nerve, did I? I’m used to being hated by women. They’re just jealous. Beauty and brains, I have the winning combination. But you’re pretty enough. And I’m not interested in a monopoly.” She grinned in a manner she likely thought was inviting. “I told you. I don’t mind sacrificing for my goals. Like Adam, I’m a patriot, but… I’ve already fell into your clutches, Akio. You gave me the chance to see the world that Titan and the others do. I don’t want to die for it if I can help it, and Adam would vanish me without hesitation if I go too far, but… I have money only a woman can use, don’t I? And I’d say my balance is plentiful.” She deliberately bounced her ample breasts with her arms.

“So you’d be a common whore then?” Haru said coldly, and Christina narrowed her eyes.

“Touched another nerve, I see. Sorry, but I don’t see it like that. Set aside emotions and be rational about this. Be dispassionate. It’s merely a physical act, one that supposedly men enjoy. Is it really any different to working a manual job. If I worked up a sweat lifting boxes all day, is it any different than lying back on a bed with my legs spread? Oh, I’m aware it hurts a bit the first time, but then, I imagine if you put me to a day of hard, physical work, I’d be wishing for the relief of a bed and a little prick.” She giggled then, amused at her own joke.

“I…” Haru paused. “Maybe there’s nothing wrong with a woman doing as she pleases. But… without love…”

“Love? That’s not a tangible thing.” Christina shook her head. “Physical relationships are something I can trade. How can one sell love? In fact, I’m a little surprised.” Her grin was now manic. “You’re not wrong. While I did decide to come to Japan under my own steam, Adam would be more than happy to trade me for some goodwill from you, Akio. You’re the top of the Vermillion List now. There’s only a couple of others he’s got his eye on as much as you. If you worked out your anger using my body… well, there’s no end of ways that could work out. If you’re a monster, then I could die, and then Adam has the moral high ground. Less cruel and… well, he knows I’d get over any assault. It’s purely physical, when the bruises heal I’d be as good as new.”

I glanced sideways at Haru, who had gone expressionless and deathly silent. Uh, do you want to step out? I can handle this for now. Haru? Haru?

She didn’t answer me with her thoughts, and the idiot woman continued. “Of course, there’s reproduction. Now, you don’t strike me as the sort who’d disregard your own child. Being pregnant seems a hassle and would interfere with my work, but I could certainly use it to earn your sympathy, and…”

A flash of light flared, and Titan moved, only for a second burst to scour a hot line down the floor in front of his feet, forcing him to halt. Christina, who had frozen, only moved her eyes, watching as strands of her hair drifted down beside her, the smell of burning proteins filling the room. She opened her mouth slowly, but Haru spoke first, her tone icy.

“You know nothing, Miss Bakker. I almost pity you your ignorance. You should be thankful Akio-kun isn’t the man you imagine.” Every word was enunciated clearly and dripping with pain and anger. “In fact, I do pity you. In the world you inhabit, there’s no room for anything but what you can see and touch. It’s why… why you’ll never be able to grasp what you desire.” Haru glanced at me then. “See? She’s not worth your time, even if she was naked. It would just be masturbation.”

Hearing such a word out of Haru’s mouth shocked me. Are… are you all right?

I’m fine. I promise. Just… bad memories. She’s an idiot. For someone so intelligent, she has absolutely no understanding of normal human emotions and behaviours. But… she’s still a woman. She should pray she never endures what I did. If it wasn’t you, I’d… no, never mind.

“It must be hard, chaperoning her.” I remarked to Titan, who was still looking down at the charred line in front of him. Swallowing, he stepped backwards, and managed a nod.

“Ya man, totally. Miss Bakker, she sure is a beauty, but… nah, not for me. Ya know what they say, man. Don’t stick it in crazy, ya?” He wiped sweat from his brow, before glancing at Haru, who was radiating an icy anger. “Uh, sorry… ma’am? I’ll… shut up now.”

“I think you should make yourself scarce.” Haru warned him. “Don’t worry, we won’t hurt her, despite me sorely wanting to teach her a harsh lesson about the realities of life. But…” She shuddered. “…I’m better than that. I wouldn’t honestly wish it on anyone.”

“You… yeah, you can step out for a bit, Titan.” Christina said after a moment, face pale. Perhaps she had realised she had pushed too far, or said something that had triggered Haru. As he shuffled out, she managed a grin, though it lacked her usual insane confidence. “So, I… I’m sorry? I’m not entirely sure…”

“Spare me your apologies. You just have no idea.” Haru cut her off. “If Akio really did assault you, you’d not be laughing or thinking you gained something. Trust me. Now…” Haru turned to me. “I want to get down to business. There are her victims that need helping.”

“Yeah, you… make a start.” Look, if you want to talk, I’m always here. And if not me, then one of the girls…

It’s fine. I promise. It’ll do me good, being distracted, even if I’ll have to share some terrible memories. If you need me, I’m just a thought away, all right?

With that, Haru left the opulent cell that Christina was occupying, though not through the door. Perhaps making a point, she left through the wall, becoming translucent and sliding through it unopposed, while Christina watched her go. After another moment of silence, the woman spoke. “I… so, I don’t quite get it, but… did she…?”

“It’s not my place to talk of her struggles. But… just because you think nothing of it, doesn’t mean others don’t suffer pain. And as a scientist, you’re a bit of a disappointment.”

That got her attention, making her annoyed. “How so? I work on facts, results, outcomes. Setting aside emotional, illogical responses, enduring what can be managed… how is that wrong?”

“Because we all live with emotions. And emotions and bonds have power too.” I declared. “If you try and divorce the human element from the world, you’ll fail. You may wish that we were all machines, computers, logical and predictable, but we aren’t. And it’s that which drives progress.”

“Isn’t that just a weakness?” Christina was warming to the argument, already forgetting the momentary fear she felt at Haru’s justified anger. I did have to admire her ability to set aside her own emotions and wellbeing for her goals, not that I found that particularly praiseworthy. “Imagine a world where Chemistry varies depending on the mood of the elements involved. It would be chaos.”

“But if that was the world you lived in, you’d have to accept it.” I pulled up a chair and sat down. Christina sat across from me, and tilted her head, thinking.

“An oversight! You’re right, Akio. No wonder you’ve done so well. Oh, if only I had the knowledge you had. My… my offer stands you know. Maybe I upset your companion, but… I know.” She winked. “You find me attractive, desirable. Everyone does. You gave me the ability to enter that other world, and I don’t think it was just to get information out of me.” I opened my mouth to say it was, but she continued, stroking her face. “You healed my scars too, couldn’t bear to see my beauty tarnished, you shy boy you? Well, how about it? I was serious earlier. I’m not interested in marriage. Unless that’s something you’re into.”

Marriage? With you? Hell no. Even if I was interested, Eri would kill me, and rightly so.

“I get that men are possessive. There’s a certain importance to a woman’s first time. I’m not sure why, sure, there’s the biology of it, but what does breaking a membrane matter? A woman doing too much sport or riding a horse can lose that young. I can promise that I’ll only sell my body to you, if that appeals. Nobody else can pay what you can, anyway.”

As she offered with no sense of shame, I sighed. In a way, she’s offering an arranged marriage, so I shouldn’t be disgusted, but… comparing Hinata’s earnest liking of me, the strong loyalty and care of Motoko and Natsumi, even the genuine respect the Elves seemed to have for me… this was just grubby and off-putting, no matter how attractive the madwoman was. “I think we should change the subject.” I declared, and she shrugged.

“Suit yourself. It’s rather cute, considering.” Her grin was wide now. “In that case… I have to say, my treatment here leaves a lot to be desired. I’m not allowed to go out, and I just know all my calls are being listened into and monitored. And here’s little old Christina, bringing back her charges as promised, but not thanked for it, oh no.”

“It’s hard to thank you when you were partially responsible for their kidnapping in the first place. That’s like being grateful when someone steals from you, then returns barely half of what they stole.” I shook my head, once more forced to admire her ability to compartmentalise things.

“Point taken.” she conceded, giggling softly. She pushed up the bridge of her glasses, leaning forwards. “But… speaking of listening in, you’ve made changes to your telephony networks and encryption, which has made our job of gathering intelligence a pain, but we’re the United States! You don’t think we are short of methods, do you? We’re always listening.”

“Maybe so, but I’d like to see you listen in on the other world.” I snorted. “You don’t know what goes on there.”

“True.” She conceded the point. “Now, I think we keep misunderstanding each other, Akio.” She continued to lean forwards, and the angle did make the most of her assets, perhaps her intention. Coyly, she twirled some of her long, dirty-blonde hair with her fingers. “I definitely don’t want to disappear, but… Adam knows I’m a pipeline to you now. Sure, he was furious, but… he knows me well enough to understand there was no way I could have turned down your offer, to be able to experience that world. Even if it’s incomplete.” Her eyes narrowed knowingly. “I’m not an idiot. We get reports from your training school. America has many friends. You should be one too!”

A mole? Or is she bluffing? “We’ve been through this. I’m happy enough committed to Japan and Britain, and I guess South Korea as well now. There’s nothing you can offer me… as for your reports, I expect you’re trying to catch me out.”

“Want to bet on that?” Christina’s eyes gleamed behind the lenses of her glasses. “I’m told you do love a good gamble.”

“What do you have in mind?” I asked, though I wasn’t going to be drawn into her games carelessly.

“Simple. Look, Adam’s giving me a certain leeway. Not just because I’m the best at what I do, but because you are. You know… not taking anyone with you to America is a pragmatic move, but it’s unnecessary. Adam knows to move on you, or especially those you hold dear, would be like poking at a sleeping dragon. We remember your threats when that poor deep-cover squad got wrecked. Though we learned from that. We make sacrifices too, you know, for the greater good.”

“Maybe so, but… I’m confident of protecting myself. Why risk others?” I ignored her talk about the attack on Shirohebizumi, as that was a bad memory. I was far too indiscreet. I hope I’ve improved.

“It’s your call, but… honestly, it does ruin our plans.” she admitted, surprising me. Seeing my look, she pretended to cower. “Oh no, don’t take it out on my body, Akio! I’ll talk, no need to torture me… unless you want to, of course.” With a sly giggle, she continued. “We have no plans to attack or abduct your little fiancées, even if some of the brass think that might be the way to get you to fall in line. Me, I’d rather try and control a tiger by holding its tail. Less likely to get killed that way. Kyoto, London, South Korea… when you take action, you win, and your opponents don’t come out of it safely. Or even always alive.” She snorted. “No, Adam’s listened to me on that at least, so you should thank me.” Her grin was switching between amused, seductive and manic in rapid succession. “It’s time I started paying up, isn’t it? Before our little wager.”

“Yes, you do owe me.” I reminded her.

“In that case, the plan is simple. Candy-coated bullets.” She laughed. “You might be happy with your standard of living, of wealth, but… your fiancées, they’re women, aren’t they? I don’t quite get it myself, but when I think of it in terms of an increased research budget, or fancy new machinery and instruments… no, from the second they stepped foot off the plane and onto American soil, they would be treated like Hollywood stars, given the best of everything, with promises of more and more. Every desire could be fulfilled. Money, property, high fashion, exclusive jewellery, cars, boats, private planes… even things beyond the reach of ordinary people.” Christina was warming to the subject, waving her hands about for emphasis. “Perhaps they want to star in a Hollywood blockbuster, or release a bestselling song? Somehow it would just happen, every obstacle just melting away. And when it comes to being the elite, a celebrity, no country beats the land of opportunity, the home of capitalism, the American Dream.”

“You think we can be bought?” I snorted, thinking of the girls. “Anything they want, they can get through their own power.”

“I’m sure. We’re profiling them all, of course. A whole set of entries on the Vermillion List. You should be flattered. There aren’t many that Adam pays attention to like you and yours. But… don’t you want to give them the best life you can? America can guarantee that. Even your polygamy… the President finds it so very manly of you, I’m told. He’s just dying to meet them…”

“Dying would be apt, I’ve heard of his reputation…” I said darkly, and Christina laughed loudly, face pink with amusement. When she finally recovered, she pushed up her glasses and wiped the tears from her eyes.

“I don’t think even our President would be that foolish, to make a move on one of yours. It would hurt his chances of re-election, being blown to pieces.” She shook her head. “That’s beside the point, though. An aircraft career… uh, Ford-Class, I think it was called, is what, eleven billion dollars? And who’s to say you have any less value than such a military weapon. You can support a lot of women with that sort of money. There’d even be room for me!” She smirked. “I’d be able to equip my own laboratory, and with your help and theirs…”

“Sorry to break your daydreams, but… not happening.” I shot her down. “I’m still not bringing anyone with me to the US. I’ll conduct my business alone, to prevent problems.”

“Fine. Play hard to get. But then, Miss Fukumoto… oh, it’s Takatsukasa now, isn’t it? I can’t say I care about Japanese politics and your rich families, but Adam pays close attention. She’ll be accompanying you to South Africa shortly, won’t she? It just so happens a number of wealthy American businessmen will be attending the same gala, for Miss Lindiwe’s recovery. Offers will be made. I’m very interested in your new business ventures. Magitech, isn’t it?” She was practically salivating. “Oh… but do be wary. One of the more interesting names on the Vermillion List, codenamed Midas, is often active in the area. I wouldn’t want you to be caught unawares!”

She knows too much. Keeping secrets from countries with spy satellites, supercomputers and other ingenious methods is hellish. “Well, how about giving me more information, rather than just teasing me?”

“Teasing? It’s you who is teasing me, Akio. Toying with my poor heart like that. Well, Chris says I have no heart, but I really only was trying to guide his children… their performance pales compared to your group…” As she saw my stern expression, she flushed, swallowing, her body twitching in a rather off-putting way. “So cold a gaze. Be still my heart I don’t have!”

“Get to the point.” I sighed.

“Wager first. You don’t believe I know about how you short-changed me. It was pragmatic, but… how about this. If I prove I’m speaking the truth, you have to give me the proper benefits. If I’m wrong… well, I’ll let you have your way with me, and I won’t even tell that ghost from earlier, I won’t tell a soul…” She pouted, seeing how unamused I was. “Oh, you’re no fun today, Akio. Perhaps it was that trouble with the volcanic eruptions? That wasn’t normal. I’m no seismologist or volcanologist, but I know something odd when I hear about it.”

“When you lose, tell me about Midas.” I insisted, and she shrugged.

“Fine. But I’ve already won. After all, I know about Eight Moons Chakra networks.” she declared triumphantly, puckering her lips. Seeing my expression, she made kissing sounds.

Yeah, only those within the training school are aware of that terminology. Unless someone’s spying on us with appraisal Skills… there’s a leak. But from where? Hinata is managing most of the new influx… “And how did you find out?”

“That… I can’t tell you without some assurances.” Christina was serious now. “Adam gives me more leeway than I thought, but… again, if I cross him too far, I’ll die. You wouldn’t want the death of a beauty like me on your conscience, would you? Your profile says you’ll take it hard. But rest assured, it’s just standard political espionage. If you worry we’ll try another black bag operation… Adam’s not prepared to risk it. And while he’s in charge, those who might are kept in check! You should thank me!” She puffed out her chest proudly. “After all, I put in good words for you whenever I can. So… my reward?”

“Why should I?” I countered, and she pouted.

“Because you promised? I made good on my word. A scientist can’t be a liar. After all, science is the pursuit of truth. I know the differences. Sure, I’ve measured improvement in my overall reaction times, memory, muscle strength, endurance and much more, but compared to what we know of your other works… the difference is night and day. Are you bullying me? Teasing me? Is this because you are crushing on me? Is that it, you shy boy?”

“Stop saying that.” I groaned. Okay, keeping Chirurgery and Ether Healing secret was never a viable long-term plan, but we’ve taken great pains to keep our recruits loyal. Hmm… In the Boundary, where I was talking with Shiro as we buffed up Asha’s Tree again to maximise our gains, I sent a runner to Shaeula, asking her to use her Winds And Waters Of Devotion And Worship to try and find the leaks. Back in the Material, I glowered at the annoying woman, sick of her teasing. Though if this was me of a few months back, I’d probably be thrilled. How times have changed. How I’ve changed.

“Why? Does it embarrass you? You know… I’m all for more humane experiments, and I’m prepared to push myself to the limits. But… is it really efficient to have us repeat experiments you’ve already performed? Knowledge should be free, after all.”

“Is that something an American should say? Don’t you hoard the best military advances? How is this any different?” I shot back.

“A fair point but look at NASA. We work with the world freely. And many of our breakthroughs in other sciences are shared, simply monetised. We don’t want you to work for free. You know… this is very frustrating.” She shook her head, sighing. “Can I be honest with you?”

“That would be appreciated.” I agreed, tiring of her mercurial teasing.

“I got you everything you asked for. The body of our Nordic friend, and there should be another couple of people who meet your criteria that you’ll be seeing. I understand you think me abhorrent and cruel, like some scientists from the darker part of history, but… the difference is, you know if we’re not strong enough, we’ll be destroyed. Adam believes it, though he also doesn’t trust these powers. That’s why we need to research them, understand them. There’s a basis behind them that can be known and measured, and what is understood is no longer feared. How can I win your trust?”

“I don’t know if you can.” I shook my head, though a nagging part of me remembered the deeds I had committed that others might see as evil. The ends justify the means. I don’t believe that. Some means are too vile to countenance, and some ends can’t ever be justified. But… “I was nearly kidnapped by your goons, Shaeula too, and innocent people were put at risk.”

“I’m serious. How can I make amends?” Christina took off her glasses and folded them neatly, pushing them into the pocket of her lab coat. She blinked at me, her eyes a little unfocused, but her expression was serene. “If it only was as easy as offering you my body… that would solve a lot of issues. Adam would have to be very careful about disposing of me then. Your profile says when you see someone as yours, you’d fight an army for them.”

This profile is so annoying. How have they gathered so much information? I let her continue. Seeing my silence, her smile became more natural, not the fake, put-on expressions of earlier. “We can’t change the past. But… here.” She pulled up her jumper, revealing her pale skin, and I wondered what she was doing. Her bra, a distinctly unattractive plain white one, was visible, her cleavage impressive, and she reached in with one hand. I blinked, even my reaction speed rather overwhelmed by the surprise, but after a moment her hand withdrew, pulling a piece of wire along with it. She lowered her jumper, face red, and smirked. “Like what you see? Honestly, the offer’s there. Once you’ve paid up your bet!”

She then reached out a hand and dropped a little metallic wire towards me. I caught it, realising it was part of her bra. “This is…?” My Eye shone, and Christina looked at my face, rapt with admiration.

“So that’s the fabled Eye. Incredible.” she murmured, before shaking her head, coming back to reality. “It’s an ultra-micro stealth flash drive. The technology is cutting edge, only used by top American spies. Memory metal, which can also hold electronic charge and data. It appears as just ordinary underwire. You Japanese are rather hospitable, I was searched on arrival, of course, but rather… politely. Not that many counties would suspect my underwear.” She grinned then. “Perhaps I’m hiding more elsewhere, perhaps you should thoroughly check me and see?”

“What’s in it?” I asked, ignoring her antics, and she sighed bitterly.

“Akio, you really are no fun. Like I’ve told you, I know I’m attractive to men. And while maybe you’re put off by my attitude, that it’s just an act of physical significance… it’s a little hurtful for you to show no interest. Anyway…” She sighed again, pensive. “There’s a lot of information in that one. I do have more, but I can’t just give you that. If Adam knew I had such data on me… I’d only be safe if I claimed asylum or became your woman. You need to see it from my perspective, you know?”

See it from your perspective? Huh… no way. I paused. “Christina… have you… been flirting with me in the most stupid, off-putting way all this time? Do you… like… me?” The thought was discomforting, I was used to being popular now, even if I still couldn’t quite fully accept it. Bell and Teare, they seem determined to win my heart, but… this one…

“What’s not to like? It’s very unscientific, but… from a purely aesthetic standpoint, your height, features and body seem perfect. You’re able to work such wonderous experiments and have skills and talents beyond compare. You’re also… rather generous. Which is why I know you’ll honour your wager. I’ve never really thought about it. I feel… rather foolish. I fortunately wasn’t taken up on my offers of trading my chastity for research materials. All of you who have your little followers from the Boundary…” She was showing off more of our terminology. “…are very protective of them. In your case, it makes sense, since you are marrying a number of them.” She chuckled, amused. “I thought… I am a woman, after all, even though I seldom act like it. And when I talk to you, I am constantly buzzing with excitement. I feel hot here…” she patted her chest. “…and here.” She also touched her crotch over her jeans. “I never felt this way before. And when I asked Titan, after he moped and looked embarrassed for a while, he told me that was lust. Me, Christina Bakker, the woman with no heart! Truly the world is a fascinating place, where wonders never cease!”

She was bright red and panting, after getting all of that off her chest. I thought for a moment, before shaking my head. “Sorry, but I don’t like you very much at all.”

“Oh, yes. Each time you dismiss my offers, it hurts me.” She hugged herself, panting. “Even this… makes my heart race. Perhaps… is it masochism? Am I pleased to feel your scorn?”

Yeah, not making her any more attractive here. “I’m not trying to scorn you, I just want answers.”

“I can give you answers, but…” She nodded at my hand holding the clever flash drive. “…what is in there is what I promised, what you blackmailed me into.” She grinned, face purple. “You could certainly force me to do more… shameful… things, I imagine. But now…” Seeing my cold expression, she was serious. “…all right, I know when to stop.” she promised, though I wasn’t so sure. Thinking about it, her attitude has changed over the times I’ve met her. She was always irreverent and rather casual about adult matters, but nothing like this. Damn, maybe having too much Charm is a curse?

“If you want the second set of information… that goes beyond what Adam would want you to have. And while I’m at your mercy…” This time there was no flirtation in her words, she was composed. “…it doesn’t do you any good to see me die now, does it? Adam’s unwilling to provoke you, yes, and he certainly wants you onside, but… he also fears and hates the unknown. If he could wipe out this new paradigm, he would. After all, status quo favours us. The world looks to America for guidance, culture, technology and more. But… he can’t, can he?”

“No. If we were all to vanish, humanity would likely follow us soon after. There are threats out there who would treat the Earth and all of us on it as playthings or food.” That golden-eyed toad bastard, for one. We defeated the clone, but… the main body is out there, somewhere in China, we think. And I doubt very much conventional weapons work against it.

“And you don’t think our conventional military might could handle it?” she asked shrewdly, mirroring my thoughts, and I grimaced.

“Against some threats, I’m sure we’ll have the upper hand. But at a certain point, it doesn’t matter how powerful the bomb or bullet, it’s not going to have an effect. You’re right, the Astral does work on certain principles, but one of those is that as we grow more powerful, we become less … bound… by Material standards. Why else do you think I’m prepared to go to the US, despite all the risk? Even if you blow up the plane I’m on, I’ll be fine.”

“I’d like to hear more about that, but… it’s not the time.” Christina declared, smiling despite her trying to remain detached and calm. “It proves my point though. Chris really shouldn’t have been so angry, I was just trying to help his kids get on the right path, following in your footsteps. Why does everyone assume I’m always trying to do sinister experiments?”

“Experience?” I said archly, and she blushed.

“That’s mean. You do enjoy putting me down. I feel hot… no, never mind. So… you’re saying even nuclear bombs wouldn’t stop threats of your level?”

I don’t know. I’d imagine that there’s limits, and I think a nuke is above mine. Of course, I’d simply switch to my Astral body, so it isn’t a lie to say I’d survive it… “I don’t recommend testing it, irradiating a good chunk of US soil just for me to pop back up, very pissed off, strikes me as a bad plan.”

“It does.” She nodded. “I’m all for experiments, but that one seems impractical.” She clapped her hands together. “So there you have it. Adam knows he can’t do away with everyone, though certain abilities he doesn’t favour. Which might be a problem for you.” She smiled knowingly. “But Christina is here to save the day!”

“You’re talking in circles. I want the information.” I pressed.

“And I’m… negotiating!” she insisted. “My life is on the line, and while you might think that a fitting end for me, considering what I’ve been involved with… I always operated with the highest levels of patient safety. It’s just… look, we tested a few to destruction, but they were criminals. The other deaths… look, they were accidental, or mistakes. I’m not one to dwell on my failures, and… in the end… do you really think I should die?” she asked honestly, and I thought back to Nie Ling. It’s not the same, but…

“What do you want?” I asked finally, hating myself a bit for it. It’s pragmatic, it seems she has a lot of information. Sure, I have my sources, such as Yasaka-san, but using him for truly high-value intelligence gathering is the best use for him, so having a broader info base gives us more options…

“I want…” She shut her mouth for a moment as I glared at her, and she blushed yet again. “Oh come now, Akio. You’re not being a man. I’m throwing myself at you and you keep denying me! If I was plain, I’d understand, but I’ve a great body and a pretty face! Never mind. Though it would be the quickest way to solve my problems. Both of them. If we can’t sway you with threats or promises, how can we get you to aid America? But… you’d do anything for your fiancées, wouldn’t you?”

I nodded. “Of course.”

“Well then. Adam wouldn’t be able to disappear me for leaking the precious secrets I’ve obtained. And I’d be able to prevail on you to share your research with America, take our assets under your wing. Japan, Britain, South Korea… we are all allies.”

“Didn’t stop your treacherous actions against us, did it?”

“A low blow. But in the interests of honesty, I agree. But needs must. We were exposed and suffered for it.” Christina shrugged. “Look, I concede, I’m not a very… ordinary… person. I never was, even as a child. While other girls were playing with dolls, I had a chemistry set and a microscope. As I grew older, I realised I was beautiful, and many boys tried to court me. They were all idiots though. I just wanted to talk about the world, all they cared about was seeing me naked. I … didn’t feel the same. In fact, I thought I was above such base emotions. But it seems I was wrong. I find myself fascinated by you, and… not just for your knowledge. I’m actually rather ashamed.” She was scarlet again, moving her legs restlessly. “But even that is thrilling. Maybe it’s selfish of me… but if I was yours, Adam wouldn’t be able to touch me. But I’m not a traitor. I’m a patriot!” She insisted. “It’s just… we’re going about everything wrong. I see that now.”

“So you want me to help America?” I asked, and she nodded.

“If the world is in such great danger, and I can confirm that a number of assets have delivered the same warnings as you have, and this Church of True Revelations has spread the same alarms, then we can’t let the good vanish. Perhaps you have no reason to love America, but… would you rather some oppressive regime takes over, one that isn’t so kind? Besides… there are three hundred and thirty million Americans. Most of them good, innocent people, who did nothing to harm you and yours. Do you want them to suffer and die if you could prevent it?” She smirked then. “Half of those are women. Not many are as attractive as me, but… won’t your heart ache at their deaths?”

I narrowed my eyes. “You… don’t strike me as someone who cares whether the population survives.”

“Harsh. Look… you healed my scars. I was going to offer payment, but… you did it anyway. You’ve a kind heart. It can be a weakness, but… you get results. Look…” She pulled up her jumper again, and rummaged around her bra once more. This time it slid down further, and I caught a brief flash of pink, before she pulled out another piece of metal. “…I…” With a sudden motion, she turned the long, thin piece of wire towards her neck, thrusting it. This time I wasn’t caught off-guard though and grabbed her wrist. She grunted in pain, flesh bruising, and the wire merely grazed her neck, a thin rivulet of blood beading on her pale skin.

“That’s very painful. I asked you to get rough with me, but this wasn’t what I had in mind, Akio.” She released the wire. “You’ll break my wrist, that defeats the point of stopping me.”

“What was that?” I grated coldly. “Were you trying to kill yourself?”

“I was going to slice my carotid artery, which certainly should be fatal.” she agreed mildly, which infuriated me more, I released her wrist, and she cradled it, eyes tearing from the pain.

“So why? I thought you didn’t want to die?” I snapped.

“I don’t. But I also don’t fear it. When you granted me the ability to enter the Boundary, I suffered many wounds, much pain. But it was worth it. I learned so much. Not enough, but my research exploded in potency. And… I no longer needed to resort to such experiments as you loathe. Don’t get me wrong… I still have a great wish for power and knowledge. Your eyes for one… if I had those…” She chortled, and I grimaced, wondering if this was what it was like to be on the other side of my plan and wager with Tan. Okay, yeah, it’s creepy as hell.

“…I was confident you’d heal me, not let me die.” Christina said after recovering her poise. “…and if not… it turns out I’m as bad a judge of character as everyone says I am, but perhaps you’d feel I deserve death. And in dying, I’d help America. Like I said, I’m a seeker of the truth, but also a patriot. Though the truth… it comes first.” she admitted.

I was at a loss. Dealing with this mad scientist was more tiring than even Mae. I trickled out aether, healing the small slash on her throat. “I already fixed your scars. Don’t make work for me.”

“Much appreciated.” She touched her throat, wiping off the thin line of blood. “So… you know my resolve. So, I’ll lay my cards on the table, what I want. Though… first, you have to keep your promise. I won our wager!”

“Fine then. Don’t regret it…” I grabbed her arm again, and pulled her close, and then the screaming began…


“So harsh. It made my first time seem as nothing.” Tears were in Christina’s eyes as she stretched, shuddering. Her lab coat was on the floor, and her clothing was dishevelled, but I hadn’t touched her lewdly, of course, merely performed Chirurgery without paying ay attention to minimising the pain it caused. I felt bad about it, but something about her really rubbed me the wrong way. A petty revenge, but… sadly it had the opposite effect. Looking away, I bit down on a sigh.  I guess she really is a masochist.

“That’s twice now. I’d say you’ve laid claim to my body.” Christina teased, all red and quivery. “So… I already feel sharper, though I itch infernally. Just like last time, though it seems far more… localised. Hold on a minute.” She pulled her jumper over her head, trying to peer over her shoulder at her back where the lunar Chakra was located.

“Cover up.” I complained, and she shook her head.

“No way. There’s no point anyway. The bra has to come off.” With a sly grin she unfastened it, though I turned my back quickly. I heard the rustle of cloth, and she said cheerfully that I could turn around now. Half expecting a trick, I did so, but she was wearing her jumper again, though her tame bra was in her hand. “Here…” She tore the cloth to shreds, revealing the underwire, which she also broke, gathering several more flash drives made from the unique memory metals. Tossing the scraps of cloth to the floor, she flushed. “People might get the wrong idea when they see this.”

“Enough. I have things to do today, and I wasn’t planning to spend all day with you!” I complained.

“Don’t be like that. I’m having a lot of fun. I guess I’m a late bloomer? Mother and father would be so proud of me. It’s been too long, maybe I should call…” Shaking her head, she sat down, crossing her legs casually. She also crossed her arms under her chest again, and without underwear, the effect was far more destructive, and she sniggered at my discomfort. “To business then. I do owe you intelligence, but that’s in your hands already. These…” She flourished the other items. “…you have to pay for. Firstly… I won’t ask that you show me a good time, Akio. Your little fiancées would kill me anyway… although if you want to have a clandestine affair, I’m certainly game for it. All right, I’m … no, I’m not joking, but now isn’t the time for that. It would be my preferred choice, though. No, you’re meeting Adam and the President wants to meet you too. No doubt Chris and the others will be there. So… secure my safety and liberty. I don’t want to disappear, and I don’t want to be imprisoned. It’s boring enough here. Speaking of… at least let me go out, I don’t mind guards. Or better yet, get me a lab. Being in Japan is sparking my creative juices. Other juices too.” She looked down at me, licking her lips, and I gave up worrying about her not-so-subtle come-ons. I just have to understand she’s new to these emotions and doesn’t understand proper behaviour. Besides, I’m used to Shinkume-no-Hana doing the same thing, though her entreaties are far more elegant, if just as flirty.

“Despite everything, I don’t want you to die. I’d rather you live to make amends.” I said at last, and she nodded happily.

“I still believe what I did was necessary. But… you tell me when I’m free and clear. I’ll do good deeds and my research will save the world!” she insisted. “Deal?”

“Deal.” I grimaced.

“Great. so…” She pulled out her phone. “I only have a phone your government provided, hence why I know everything is being tapped… but honestly, they’re all so foolish. I’m Christina Bakker, genius extraordinaire! You think we don’t have unbreakable, discreet codes?” she bragged. “Anyway…” She tapped at the phone, and as it rang, she winked at me. “Got to act fast. No point dawdling, when a decision is made, be bold! That’s the American way… oh, Adam, Adam, it’s been too long! Get on video… yeah…”

“Your face…” came the familiar voice from the phone, and Christina tilted the screen, revealing the visage of the Director of the Paranormal Branch of the NSA. “I see.”

“Yeah, good as new. Everywhere else too.” She giggled like a schoolgirl. “Now… we’ve come to an arrangement. I don’t want you to overheat, but… I’m going steady with Akio now.”

You what? Only my high stats kept my face impassive and my reaction muted. Adam raised one eyebrow on the screen, and she continued.

“He’s surprisingly shy, for a man with so many women, but I won him around! After all, I’m quite the catch. Beauty and brains!” she bragged, and Adam shook his head.

“All balanced by your inability to read the room, and your frankly abhorrent sense of morality.” Adam retorted. “I did admire your loyalty to your ideals as a counter to that, but… are you defecting?”

“Perish the thought, Adam! I’m grateful to be on Project Star Mirror, and for all the help you’ve given my research. Even if you were stingy with the budget!” She laughed them, running a hand through her hair. “Huh, Adam, you’re a guy, right? What hairstyle would I look hottest with?”

“Why not ask your boyfriend?” he said coldly. “I’m not here to play games, Christina. I tolerated your little stunts, expecting you not to wag your tail for the ability to enter the other world wasn’t feasible. But it seems like you’ve been wagging something else. Now, Akio, we have to talk.”

I nodded at the phone, ignoring the way Christina was moving her bottom, as if she did have a tail. “I think we do. I have to thank you for acceding to my request about Egil Andersen. As a fellow Chosen of the Norse Pantheon, I have a duty to see him repatriated and properly sent off.”

“A simple matter. His death was… unfortunate. As was the damage to the citizens we… forcefully invited.” Adam conceded. “But we agreed that was the past. The future … Christina Bakker knows far too much. You understand I can’t let that go, but… I also have little wish to cross you again. During your visit to America, you’ll see just how hospitable we can be, and why you should join our cause. After all, America was built on immigrants and their useful skills and work ethic.”

“Don’t be like that, Adam. When it comes down to it… I’m still thinking of our country.” Christina promised. With a grin she took my arm, pulling me close. Her breathing was ragged, her face flushed, and I resisted the urge to pull away as she pressed my arm into her chest. Yeah, no bra. Adam looked put off by her antics, but her expression must have been convincing, as he shrugged, resigned.

“I never thought I would see this day. I… man to man, are you sure this is a good idea? There are plenty of beautiful women out there, in fact, America is full of beauties. I’d be happy to introduce you to a number on your visit. But Christina… she’s… quite frankly, not all there.”

“How rude!” Christina smirked, pulling me closer. She lifted a leg, pressing it against mine, and I bit down on a grimace. You can’t even see that on the camera. You’re just taking advantage of me! “I’m unique, I have rarity value!”

“I do so hate idle chatter, when we are both so busy, but… I have to ask again, man to man… what attracted you to her? It can’t simply be her appearance, can it?”

Christina turned her face to me, eyes sparkling, waiting for my answer, and put on the spot, I fumed inside. Perhaps this is my punishment for my inconstancy? This is hellish… “She’s… driven. I appreciate a woman who knows what she wants out of life. And… well, while I don’t approve of a lot of her past actions… she has promised to make amends, so… that’s… praiseworthy?”

I was suddenly assaulted by her, her mouth pressing against mine. I instinctively wanted to resist, but as Adam was watching, I couldn’t retaliate or it’d ruin her play. She was clumsy, her tongue squirming, but I made the best of it, and when she parted, face red and chest heaving, she grinned foolishly. “I guess there are benefits to emotions. That ghost girl was right! Maybe it’s an avenue for further study…”

Resisting the urge to scrub my mouth out, feeling like a poor girl bullied in a bar, I forced a smile, as Adam watched on, incredulous. He then coughed, and his expression turned serious. “I can’t say I approve. You know you’re hardly indispensable, Christina. There are plenty within Project Star Mirror and the surrounding establishment who would love to get rid of you. You’ve made enemies.”

“Progress always comes with danger.” she said at last, after her eyes stopped spinning. Her breath was hot on my cheek as we stared into the phone she held. “Besides, while I’m certainly not brazen enough…”

It wasn’t just Adam who sneered at that, I felt my own lips curl.

“…to claim I am motivated purely for love of my country here, Adam… you won’t be disadvantaged.”

“Treason is treason, and in these troubled times, we can’t afford any betrayals, and those who do…” He glanced behind him at some sort of display case. “…will find we are prepared to punish them, no matter the cost.”

“I’ve heard it all before, Adam. How better a hundred innocents die than a single guilty one goes free. I’m not sure the mathematics check out.” Christina laughed, though I could hear her nervousness. “But not only will you anger Akio, my man, if you go after me…” She steeled herself, her confidence rising. “…I’m also in the unique position to advocate on your behalf, Adam! After all…” She kissed me again, and her eyes were sparkling. Damn it, you are using this opportunity to sate your own desires! “…I have his ear. You know, in the bedroom, after…” She flushed again, radiating heat.

“I don’t need to know about that. I myself would rather bed a viper. I’d never be sure what I’d wake up missing were I with you…” he said, amazed. “This… is not productive. Akio…” he ignored Christina, addressing me. “Don’t think that our goodwill is limitless. But she is right. I have no wish to be at odds. We should work together. We are natural allies after all. This is not a conversation we should have on a clearly suborned line. The work here is clumsy. I look forward to meeting you in person. And… I suppose I should congratulate you.” He narrowed his eyes. “Christina… do not forget yourself!”

“Sure thing, Adam. I’ll be too busy to get into trouble anyway!” She stuck out her tongue playfully. “Don’t worry, I know where to draw the line. Trust me, I’ve got this. Everyone wins. We’re all friends now, aren’t we?”

With a mutter of disagreement, the phone went dead. I immediately broke free from Christina’s grip and took some distance, my face thunderous. Seeing that, she giggled. “Oh don’t go back to being shy! You loved it. It was certainly… enough to make me hot. I have a different itch to the one on my back, deep inside.” She licked her lips in a crude attempt at seduction, still wet with my saliva. Seeing that, I conjured some water and rinsed out my mouth, but that just seemed to turn her own more.

“Don’t do that again! That was assault.” I insisted, and she shrugged.

“I don’t think most people would feel sorry for you. Now, I was just being driven, and going for what I want. And now… to make amends. On these drives is a copy of the Vermillion List. It might be a little out of date, but… Adam doesn’t know I stole it.” Her smile was wide. “What better way to prove my sincerity? Now Adam will find it hard to hold me to account. The second drive… that’s my research data. It might pale in comparison to yours, but it might be useful to you. Now, can’t we go out? I’ve been cooped up in here too long.”

She has absolutely no shame! It’s… oddly impressive, in a loathsome way. “And why should I help you?”

“Because you need me to put together a special device to read the drives? It’s high-tech stuff. Maybe you can figure it out, but it’ll take time.” she gloated. “Besides, I want a laboratory. Looks like I’ll be commuting between Japan and America quite a bit. Also…” Her cheeky, lustful demeanour suddenly vanished, and she was cold as ice as she put her glasses on again. “…I can trust you, can’t I?”

“To the extent I’ll not harm you.” I agreed, and she nodded.

“In that case… you wanted to know where I got my information. There’s… someone I want you to meet. She’s very interesting, and very talented. If only I was as fortunate as her… although…” she looked at me, a predatory, hungry gleam in her eyes. “…I don’t think that the surgery… no, Chirurgery, you call it, don’t you… you performed on me is the limit. Don’t worry, I can tolerate the pain, and now I don’t even have to worry about scars. Not that I worried before, but now I have to look my best, don’t I? Huh… there’s a thought. If virginity is so important to a man, that little membrane, you could make a fortune regenerating it over and over again. I’d be more than happy to sacrifice my body for science and let you test it out repeatedly, you know…”

Feeling a headache coming on, in the Boundary I watched as the Ring Gate flared into life, red and violet motes of energy scattering, and Princess Eleanor and her party arrived, the diffident yet terribly excited Miss Aditi standing behind her. At least in the Boundary I’m not being so soundly mistreated…

With one final sigh, I told Christina to sit down, while I pulled out my phone. It’s true, I’m very eager to see this Vermillion List, and the other information, but… As Katsuro-san, Motoko’s grandfather answered me, I hastily explained the situation. While Christina Bakker was technically not a prisoner, she was being held under the watch of the JSDF and our Ministry, so I thought it best to get a second opinion. On hearing that we had the potential of a great windfall of intelligence, including about possible leaks inside the training school, Katsuro-san approved of me chaperoning her until she had built her device to read the memory metals. Once I explained that, Christina pumped her fist, eager to head out, but I looked her up and down, before shaking my head.

“Somebody needs to get you a bra. There’s such a thing as public indecency.”

Turning away to arrange that, and also preparing to see Haru and make sure she had calmed down and her work was going well, I could hear Christina’s amused, wicked laughter, and I shook my head. Nobody can ever find out about this. Otherwise Eri will kill her. But she’s not the sort who looks like she understands tact, so…


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