Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 11: Realm Gate

Chapter 11: Realm Gate

Where did he go?!

Not everybody saw his face clearly, so it was like finding a needle in a haystack.

Find him!!

The three Sect Master ordered their own servants.

What a joke. If they let this once in a lifetime genius disappear, they will not be able to sleep well at night!

Ah, Big Brother Shu! Dont leave me alone! Min Li started crying.

Min Li, what are you crying about? Im right here.

Tian Yi, as if nothing happened, appeared before her.

Big Brother Shu! She wiped her tears and ran to hug him.

He smiled and picked her up to carry her.

Your Big Brother here will not leave you here without saying his goodbyes.


Min Qiu and Shang Guang became nervous and started shaking a bit.

The way they used to see him had completely changed. Who is he now? He was the one who climbed all the way to the Peak of Stairway to Heaven! Someone way out of their Familys league!

However, this person whom they cant even stand next to was holding their daughter happily.

Min Qiu calmed down after that.

Young Master Shu, congratulations. She changed the way used to address him.

It was nothing. He laughed.

He looked at Min Li who was in his arms and turned serious.

Min Li, Big Brother here came back to say goodbye. I will probably not be back for another ten years

Min Lis face paled right after hearing that. She knew this day would happen sooner or later, but she was still reluctant to let him go.

Big Brother Shu, do you really have to go? Her eyes turned watery.

Yes, I do. If I dont go now, not to mention ten years, I will probably never be able to come back. He smiled bitterly.

She turned silent after hearing that

Min Li, do you remember our promise?

Un! She nodded.

When I come back, I want to see the same old Min Li but more mature, is that okay?

Yes! I will stay a good girl forever! She became brighter after hearing that.

Un, thats a good girl.U//ppTodat𝒆d fr/𝒐/m nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)\/m

Also, do not forget about the thing I gave you. Its really important, so do not lose it okay?

I understand Big Brother.

Next, Tian Yi looked at Min Qiu.

Senior Qiu, remember the favor I owe you? Do you have anything in mind right now?

He did not forget her kindness and kept his promise.

Min Qiu was startled for a second. He still remembers that?

Dont worry about that small matter; I dont mind. She rejected.

Her husbands face went in shock when he heard that. Favor? He owes them a favor?!

You may not mind, but I do. I take all of the people who treats me kindly serious. He insisted.

My beautiful wife! Hes right! Youre hurting him by declining his kindness! You must accept this favor! Her husband also persuaded her while giving hints to her with his eyes.

Min Qiu looked at this husband of hers while sighing, This old man Fine, since Min Li wants it too, Ill try asking it She gave up and nodded.

She looked at Tian Yi with a worried face. What will they do if he rejects it?...

This may sound weird since I asked you to forget about it but. When Lier grows up, can you save a spot for her? Im fine with her being just a concubine or even a bed warming girl Shell grow up to be beautiful too She said awkwardly. This is definitely the most awkward line she has ever said.

Shang Guang eyes lit up like a torch and looked at him with anticipation.

Min Lis face turned bright red.

Tian Yi looked at her weirdly. Thats it? He already promised Min Li that if she could fulfill the conditions, he would marry her

But after he looks at Min Lis amusing face, he laughed. Good! When I come back, Ill look for her! But whether or not she wants to do it then, is not up to me!

Shang Guang felt so good right now he thought he went to Heaven.

Yessssss! Mother, Father! Ancestors! Do you see this?! Our Family is about to leap through the Dragons Gate! Us being a High Ranking Family is just right around the corner!

Look! I found him! Hes over here! Someone suddenly shouted and pointed in his direction.

Tian Yi sighed. It looks like its time to go.

Its really him! I saw his face clearly too!

Everybody in the surroundings instantly looked at their direction.

He put down Min Li and gave her a little kiss on her forehead.

Min Li, Big Brother is going to leave now Stay safe and remember our promise!

Big Brother Shu. Un! I will be a good girl and wait for you! She felt something prick her heart, but she didnt understand what that feeling is at the moment.

Min Family, it was nice meeting you! Until we meet next time! Good Bye!

Lao Bai! Lets go!

Yes, Young Master!

Their figures flashed and disappeared.

Ahhh! He disappeared again!

What is he? A ghost?

Excuses me! This family over here! What is your relationship with him?!

The Min Family got swarmed from all sides with questions.


Shang Guang coughed loudly, indicating that he was going to speak.

Everybody turned quiet to listen.

Listen up! That was Young Master Shu! And our relationship you ask? He is my Son In Law! My youngest daughter is currently engaged to him! He said with a proud voice.

Damn, that shit felt good! He laughed in his heart.

The crowd turned wild after that.

Son In Law?! May I ask which Family are you from!?

Nobody doubted that after seeing him kiss that little girls forehead.

I am Shang Guang from the Min Family! This is the first time he ever got to say his family name with such pride in front of so many people.


The entire place felt heavy all of sudden and three figures came out of thin air and stood in front of Shang Guang.

Youre his Father In Law? One of them asked.


Shang Guang gasped and said, Greetings Seniors! This little one is indeed his Father In Law! He promised to accept my youngest daughter as his concubine when he comes back!

These three were precisely the three Sect master.

When he comes back? Where did he go and did he say how long he will be gone for? Cao Jian asked.

Seniors, he did not mention where he was going, but he said that he would be back after ten years to marry my daughter! He didnt dare to put on airs in front of these three Seniors.

Ten years Thats not too long. Good! Which one is your daughter? Xuan Ruogang asked.

Ten years is like ten days for Immortals like them.

Min Li, come over here to greet your Seniors! He beckoned her.

Min Li followed and said, Greeting Seniors.

Xuan Ruogang smiled after seeing her and said, Good, good. Min Li, was it? Do you want to be a disciple of my Five Sense Illusion Sect?

The other two Sect Master face changed after that. What quick thinking! If she took care of his concubine when he comes back, wont he owe her and join her Sect?!

Wait! Little girl, come to my Sect, Ill make you a direct disciple, and we can use pills to increase your Innate Talent! Zou Guo said.

No, no, little girl, you should join mine! Ill make you super powerful so that your husband will like you more! Cao Jian was not too bad with his head.

Everybody looked at her with envy. So young and already a direct sect disciple But that was nothing compared to having such a legendary husband. Shes bound to become famous starting today.

Everybody was jealous as hell! But they couldnt do anything! Who dares to touch her? Even the Sect Master treated her with such respect

. Min Li didnt know how to answer.

Then she remembered something.

She asked, Seniors, do you know how to keep my soul pure?

Eh? The three of them were shocked by her question. So young and shes already talking about a pure soul?

Xuan Ruogangs eye lit up, Lier, my sect has a Soul Technique called Stainless Soul and it can help you clean away the impurities in your soul and keep the already pure souls even purer! She already started addressing her with affection, like she was her own daughter.

Min Lis eyes began to glitter and said, Okay! Senior, I will follow you!

Keeping her soul pure is the most important since her Big Brother did not care about her talent or cultivation.

Aiya The other two sighed

But then they motivated themselves by thinking, Just because she has his concubine doesnt mean shell actually get him! I still have a chance!

Xuan Ruogang smile grew even wider when she heard that.

Good, good, good! I will personally guide you! Liers Guardian, do you have any objections? She looked at the two shocked parents.

No, no, no. Of course not! Were honored that Senior will personally guide our daughter! Shang Guang bowed.

You must be brain dead if you decline such an offer.

Xuan Ruogang nodded and said, Good, then Ill give you three days to say your good-byes. On the third day, Ill come and pick her up to bring her to my Sect!

Thank You, Senior! The parents both kowtowed.

* * * * *

The news blew up into every corner in Immortal Realm.

A dark horse stepped on the peak of Stairway to Heaven finally after ten million years!

A 10 years old girl became a direct disciple of Xuan Ruogang, Sect Master of Five Sense Illusion Sect!

That little girl was also the geniuss future concubine!

Her name was Min Li, and she came from the Min Family!

* * * * *

The entire Min Family was so busy receiving guests that they didnt even have time to eat or shower!

Everybody and their mother came with gifts to say their greetings and trying to have a connection.

They are now recognized as a High-Rank Family and had the backers of three of the four Ancient Land!

Shang Guang was so happy his face froze with a smile and stays like that even in his sleep!

Min Lian envied her younger sister, but she also felt happy to have a sister like her.

Min Qiu was so busy at greeting guests; she thought she was a waitress at a restaurant!

Shang Hai, the never seen before brother came back to his family and thought he walked into the wrong family! When the fuck did my family turn into a restaurant?!

Min Li stayed for three days and said goodbye to her Family to followed Xuan Ruogang as her direct disciple.

* * * * *

Wang Bao was staring at the sky absentmindedly.

A few hours later, he yelled out, It cant be helped! Even I would fall for someone like him! I Wang Bao, will admit defeat for the first time in my life!

The same day after he said that sentence, a rumor saying how the second eldest son Wang Bao turned gay and spread throughout the entire family.

Wang Bing sighed at this rumor.

Meanwhile, the Long Family and the Church of the Qilin God was still searching for this Mysterious Senior with no avail

* * * * *

Somewhere in Xian Chengshi, there is a guard who usually sits around doing nothing while protecting a 25 Meter tall Gate.

What a great job, you get a high pay, nobody dares to cause trouble, and nobody even comes here! He thought to himself.

He is precisely the guard of the Realm Gate. He is always bored because nobody ever comes here to use the Realm Gate.

Why does no one use it you ask?

Who has enough time and money on their hands to go back to where they came from, the lower Realms?

Everybody came from the lower Realms at some point. So who would pay to go back down to where the Spirit Power and Resources were worst?

Everybody had to cross through dead bodies that can form rivers and large amounts of hellish trials just to go to a higher Realm. And after that, they do the exact same thing trying to ascend to the next Realm. So who the hell have time to go down to bully weaklings? Nobody!

Hmm? The guard looked up to see two figures walking towards him.

Halt! What is your business for being here? He ordered them to stop as trained.

Were here to use the Realm Gate and go to the lower Realms.

The ordinary looking boy replied.

Wow, someone actually wants to use the Realm Gate

Okay! As long as you have enough Immortal Stones for your own travel expense and also pay us a fee, you can use it! Which Realm do you want to go?

Can I keep where I want to go a secret?

Secret? I dont mind, but youll have to pay extra!

Its normal for people to want to keep where theyre going a secret, so he didnt mind.

Thanks, give us a moment.

Okay, take your time. He went back on duty.

* * * * *

The two figures were Tian Yi and Lao Bai.

Lao Bai, you are the first being I have met since coming down. You also have done your duties perfectly, and I do not have any complaints. Now that Ill be leaving, what will you do? Do you want to keep on following me or do you want to go back?

If youre willing to follow me, then come with me to the Mortal Realm! If you decide to go back, Ill give you a worthy reward as a thank you for serving me. Choose! I will not force you!

He asked Lao Bai, who has been with him since the day he came down.

Lao Bai kowtowed and said without thinking, Ill follow Young Master Shu wherever he goes! Even if he goes to hell, Im willing to follow!

What a joke, if he doesnt follow him now, hell regret it for the rest of his life. What can some reward be better than following his Young Master who was like God himself?

Is that so? Ill ask you again. Are you willing to follow me to the Mortal Realm or stay behind?

Ill follow Young Master no matter what! He shouted, and the guard had a startle.

Your mother! What are you shouting at?! You almost scared me to death! The guard cursed in his heart.

Tian Yi looked at this loyal servant of his and smiled.

Good! When we arrive at the Mortals Realm, Ill tell you my real name!

Yes, Young Master! He cried happily.

They walked towards the guard.

Were Ready.

The guard nodded his head said,

Okay, the cost for each person is

Mortal Realm 3 billion High-Grade Immortal Stones

Spirit Realm 2 billion High-Grade Immortal Stones

Heaven Realm 1 billion High-Grade Immortal Stones

and the fee will be 100 million High-Grade Immortal Stones!

He said professionally.

Since you want to do it secretly, the fee will be 200 million instead. And because you have two people, it will be 400 million! After you pay up the 400 million High-Grade Immortal Stone, go to the Realm Gate and put in the amount corresponding to the Realm you want to go! Thats all!

Sounds good, here.

Tian Yi handed him a Storage Pouch.

Good! Go ahead and use the Realm Gate! He counted and nodded.

Tian Yi and Lao Bai walked towards the Realm Gate.

Are you ready? He asked the nervous looking Lao Bai.

This is my first time going to the Mortals Realm. This will be fun! Im ready whenever you are Young Master. He said excitedly.

He was born in Immortal Realm, so he has no idea what it looks like down there.

Good! Lets go!

Tian Yi placed 6 million Perfect Immortal Stones into a hole next to the Realm Gate.

The Realm Gate activated, and a Purple Portal appeared.

Tian Yi looked at it with a calm face.

Lets go. On to the Mortals Realm!

He walked towards the Purple Portal with a smile, followed by Lao Bai, disappearing from the Immortal Realm.


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