Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 10: Dark Horse

Chapter 10: Dark Horse

On top of the 7th Level, two shadows can be seen crawling on the stairs.

The one in the lead was Mei Mingzhu, and only two steps behind her were Wang Shui.

Junior Sister Mingzhu, youre almost there! Just five more steps!

Wang Shui had his whole body drenched in sweat; his face was pale.


Mei Mingzhu was not any better; her drenched clothing revealed her excellent body shape.

Although it was only five steps until the 8th Level, each step was like crossing the sea by swimming, while the next one was an even bigger sea.

Everybody was paying attention to these two and ignored the lower Levels.

Theyre almost there! There are only five steps left for Fairy Mingzhu!

What do you even know? These five steps are even harder to reach than the past Levels added together

There are only a few hours left, do you think theyll make it?

What are you thinking, of course, they will.

Im not so sure about Wang Shui, but Fairy Mingzhu will be able to.

All the people watching were chitchatting nonstop about these two on the top until

Someone screamed with a shocked voice, Hey! Look at that! He pointed to a shadow that was currently flying towards the 5th Level.

What! Whos that?!

Whats with that speed?!

Hes Every step he takes, he goes up by 100 steps

Ahhhh! He just leaped 500 steps! Is he even human?!

Oi! How can you even call this climbing? Hes fucking flying already!

"Who the hell is this dark horse?!"

The spectators were shocked silly. What does it mean to skip steps?

Each step will increase the pressure on you. If you skip one step, that means youll have to endure both steps pressure at once. Geniuses only did this at the lower Levels where the pressure was nothing to them, but who the hell is willing to do it after the 2nd Level? Thats just wasting their strength, which means theyll have less chance reaching the higher floors. Even Mei Mingzhu and Wang Shui could only skip steps until the 3rd Level.

But thats not even what scares them. The scary part is the fact that even if geniuses skip steps, they can only skip around 5 to 10 steps. But this ghost over here was jumping well over 100 and at the 4th Level too!

My Heavens! Hes still skipping steps on the 5th Level! And its increasing not decreasing!

Can someone slap my face to see if Im dreaming or not?! Someone asked.


Fuck! That freaking hurts! I said slap but not that hard! He regretted it.

Ahhhh, hes already on the 6th Level!

* * * * *

In the sky, the three Sect Master were sitting down and drinking tea, ignoring what was happening at the Stairway to Heaven already.

Old Jian, when are you going to breakthrough to the Sovereign Realm? You have been a Peak Ancient Immortal for ages already. Zou Guo made fun of him.

If its so easy to breakthrough, then why dont you do it huh? Oh right, you just became an Ancient Immortal He sneered.

Zou Guo coughed, Ahem, Sister Ruogang, youre already so old, when are you going to get married?

He changed the topic instantly

Hmph, is it your business if I marry or not? She hated it when people mention her age and relationships.

When she was young, all she did was focus on Cultivation and ignored any relationships.

But now that shes old, despite her young looks, nobody dares to court her

Sister Ruogang, if nobody is willing to accept you, my arms are wide open Zou Guo said half seriously.

Hmph, you horny old bone already have ten wives, yet you still want more? She sneered in disgust.

Cao Jians ears twitched and said, Hey, isnt it terribly loud down there?

Ah, probably one of these two have already stepped on the 8th Level.

Lets go see who it is.

Then they activated their Divine Sense and looked at the Stairway to Heaven.

But when they did, all three of them stood up simultaneously, and tea glitters down the sky.


W-whos that?


The three of them were so shocked that they almost forgot who their own mother was.

* * * * *

At the top of the 7th Floor, Mei Mingzhu and Wang Shui are currently inhaling deep breaths and prepared to step onto the 8th Level.

J-junior Sister Mingzhu, were finally here! Just one more step!

Wang Shui didnt forget to encourage his Junior Sister despite being exhausted himself.

Mei Mingzhu was too exhausted even to reply and nodded her head

* * * * *

Haaa, I already somewhat expected this but really?... I dont feel a god damn thing!

Tian Yi grumbled to himself while breezing through the stairs.

He was expecting at least some sort of surprises. However, he was betrayed by his anticipation. He doesnt feel even the slightest bit of pressure at the 7th Level.

He flew past everybody like a bird while looking at their dumbfounded faces. He even saw some people cry and then break their talisman.

After a while, he stopped seeing people and started to turn bored, so he began skipping even more and more steps.

He was bored as hell right now. He couldve even jumped straight from the first Level to the Peak if he wanted to. But whats the point of that?

Oh! Theres still people ahead. He saw two figures sitting in the lotus position, and they were only one step away from the 8th Level.

He stopped right behind them.Rรชaฤ‘ lat๐’†st ch๐’‚/p/ters on n๐’/v/๐’†/l(b)i๐’(.)c/๐’/m

* * * * *

Wang Shui was currently recovering his Spirit Power and was preparing the take the last step. Even though he still feels the enormous pressure on him, it was enough to heal a tiny bit.

But then suddenly, he heard something behind him.

Impossible, who else in Immortal Realm besides us can reach here? He doubted his hearings.

But the next second he heard it again. This time he heard it clearly. It definitely sounded like somebody landed right behind him.

Mei Mingzhu turned her head to look at him, and he did the same They both looked at each other with a confused face.

Who is it? They both thought.

Wang Shui bit his lips and turned his head a bit more to look behind him, the next second his mouth dropped wide open.

Mei Mingzhu was bewildered at his expression and felt somewhat scared to look too.

But she too bit her lips and turned.

.. Her eyes went wide, and her mind reeled. She now regretted looking.

An ordinary looking boy was standing behind them.

He had a calm expression, and not even a drop of sweat can be seen on his face. It looked like he was walking in a park, and not climbing the Stairway to Heaven

Her mouth moved by itself and asked, Y-you are?

He smiled and said, I am called Song Shu.

Wang Shui still in shock, asked stupidly, W-what are you doing here?

Tian Yi had a confused face, Obviously climbing the Stairway to Heaven, what else would it be?

Wang Shuis face turned red from embarrassment.

He asked such a dumb question from shock. Of course, he was taking the challenge, what else would he be doing?

But because he looked like he was taking a stroll in the park and not the challenge, he blurted it out by accident.

Where did you come from? How come I have never heard of someone named Song Shu? Mei Mingzhu asked with an exhausted tone.

Tian Yi said, Im just a passerby. I became curious after seeing you two when I was alone for awhile You see I was kind of bored. He giggled.

Both Wang Shui and Mei Mingzhu felt an invisible force hit their pride.

B-bored?! Youre in condition to be bored?! Fuck! Wang Shui wanted to cry but had no tears.

I wont bother you two any longer. Good luck!

Tian Yi no longer loitered around and flew past them into the 8th Level.

Good luck?! Youre wishing us good luck?! Fuck you!

Wang Shui became angry and felt an invisible power grow inside of him. He stood up and took a step forward, stepping onto the 8th Level.

.. Mei Mingzhu wanted to cry but had no tears.

She was supposed to have the honor of being the first one to step onto the 8th Level in the past 1,000 years. However, somehow a random dark horse came out of thin air took that away in a split second. And now her Senior Brother took away her second place?!

Her eyes turned watery, and her bodys temperature raised. She was angry and used that anger to take a step forward, becoming the third one today to step onto the 8th Level.

* * * * *

I want him! You two should just hand him over and not make things difficult! Cao Jian said with a domineering voice.

Bull fucking shit! Your Water God Sect already has Wang Shui! My sect is the only one without a monster! Hes mine! Zou Guo cursed. He was hell-bent on getting his hands on this disciple no matter what!

Hold it! My Five Sense Illusion Sect needs him more! I want him to be my Mei Mingzhus Cultivation Partner! Dont argue with me you old frogs!

Xuan Ruogang actually wanted him for herself, but shes way too old and didnt have enough face to have a young boy as a Cultivation Partner and can only give him to her beloved Disciple.

Think about it! If Mei Mingzhu and he had a baby, wouldnt that baby be Heaven-defying?! That will benefit all of us! She tried to sound reasonable and persuaded them.

Zou Guo and Cao Jian both hesitated after hearing that. She was right if these two monster had a baby Wouldnt that baby be even more Heaven-defying?

Zou Guo thought for a moment and said, Dont worry about that! When he comes to my Sect, we will naturally allow him to be her Cultivation Partner! He was a fast thinker and thought of a perfect excuse.

Cao Jian frowned and was in a dilemma.

Both of them had logical reasons. Zou Guo had no monster in his sect, and Xuan Ruogang had Mei Mingzhu as an excuse for having him.

He bit his lips and threw away his shame. If he can get a disciple like that, he wouldnt mind offending the other three!

Hold! Church of the Qilin God also has no monster now that Long Huo died! And my Sect has the most powerful Cultivation Techniques out of all four of us, so its reasonable that we should have him and allow him to grow to his fullest!

Shameless! You have already had Wang Shui, yet you want another one?! Zou Guo was angry now. He only wanted one, yet this bastard wanted two?!

Pei! What is Wang Shui compared to him?! Look! Hes already at the 9th Level now!! Cao Jian was also hell bent on having him.

Hmph, I dont care as long as he has a baby with my Mei Mingzhu!

* * * * *

Tian Yi was now at the top of the 9th Level. He stopped at 20 steps before the peak of Stairway to Heaven.

He smiled and took one step at a time, in a slow and relaxing manner.

* * * * *

The entire audience became silent and watched with wide eyes, afraid to even miss a second of this grand scene.

After ten million years! Finally, someone else besides the Legendary Tian Qiang has stepped onto the peak of Stairway to Heaven!

This was a sight that might not appear ever again, so who would want to miss it?

Min Li looked at the tiny dot in the sky.

Although she could not see the person, she knew it was her Big Brother Shu.

Big Brother Shu. Her eyes glittered like never before. This was like witnessing her hero ascending to Heaven.

Her parents were so shocked they didnt know what to say or think.

The random boy they met was actually a monster with talents similar to the legendary Tian Qiang?

Will he also become the first one in ten million years to step onto the peak of Stairway to Heaven?

They were so close to a monster like that and not even know?

Wang Baos father, Wang Bing sighed, Haaiii, looks like I have to get my son a new fiancee

Shang Guang stared at that figure, Oh my dear wife, my Min Li is really close to him right? Thats not the wrong person right?

. I think so Min Qiu also doubted that now.

Of course I am super close to Big Brother Shu! Min Li boasted when she heard her parents doubt her relationship with her Big Brother Shu.

Ha... Haha Hahahahah!

Shang Guang laughed like an idiot. His daughter sure gave him a huge surprise! Now he can go around flaunting his pride, saying that boy and his daughter were like two peas in a pod. Who would dare to mess with him now?!

Min Qiu looked at him with a weird face

Lao Bai stood there with his hands on his hips, heads high and an expression that says, Yup! Thats right; Im his servant! Bite me!

* * * * *

Tian Yi was now only a few steps away from the peak.

Each of his steps was slow and elegant, yet had a domineering aura as if an Emperor was walking to his throne.


The moment he stepped onto the peak of Stairway to Heaven, an illusion started to come to life.

In front of him were millions of life like Immortals, kowtowing to an unclear figure sitting on a throne as if they were acknowledging him as their Emperor.

Angel like beings with wings was dancing around, blowing into a Heavenly Horn, making Heavenly music resound throughout the entire Immortal Realm.

Next, a Heavenly Staircase appeared, leading directly to a Celestial Palace.

In the middle of the Celestial Palace, was a throne. And sitting on the throne was now an unbelievably handsome young man, so handsome all the female spectators watching him felt their face turning bright red and heavily panting. Even Xuan Ruogang was no exception!

Some males even turned homosexual after seeing him!

This young man was an illusion of Tian Yis real face. But only Min Li knew that.


Tian Yi was speechless. He wanted a surprise, but not this shit! This is basically telling the whole world who he really was.

Ill have to leave here as soon as possible Or else itll be too late He sighed.

But first. He looked at the direction where Min Li was at.

Smiling, he took a step forward and disappeared from the Peak of Stairway to Heaven.

* * * * *


The lifelike illusion disappeared after another minute, and everybody came back to their sense.

But when they looked at the peak of Stairway to Heaven, the figure had disappeared!

Eh?! Where did he go!

No way! I can't find him either!

The entire crowd went wild after his disappearance.


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