
Chapter 6: meeting aurum

Chapter 6: meeting aurum

ARGENT excitedly raised the bracelet in her palm. She finally finished it. It took her three days but it's finally done. She made a lot of mistakes at first because she's not familiar with the materials she used. Theoretical knowledge was totally different from practical application. It's not enough that she knew the material's composition, she has to thoroughly understand it. That's why it took too long.

She looked around at the mess in her room. She's been holed up here for the past three days. She only went out during meal times. Truth to be told, she'd rather not go out at all. But if she did that, then her mother will worry more. Argent barely kept her from going inside her room. It would be not good if Anthea found out what she has been doing. It might arouse more suspicion. Of course, once she took Aurum out of the tower she has no choice but to tell her about the bracelet she made. But if her mother learned about it now, she will definitely not believe that what she made would work. After all, how could her timid daughter suddenly make such a convenient item. She would think that she's just doing that to see Aurum. And then she would be much stricter in her surveillance. Then how would she get close to Aurum?

She put the bracelet in her pocket and went outside her room. She immediately searched for Felicia and found her downstairs, cleaning. She walked up to her. "Felicia, let's go outside."

"Young Lord?"

"Play with me," she said and then continued pulling Felicia.

Before they reached the main door, Nelly came from the kitchen holding a basket of freshly baked bread. Nelly was the head maid and the mother of Felicia. She was a plump woman with a very comely face. Once you see her, you couldn't help but develop a good feeling towards her. Argent really wondered how this homely woman ended up marrying their stern faced butler.

"Are you going out, Your Grace?" Nelly asked with a smile.

"Yes, Felicia and I are going to play," she answered.

"Then I'm going to make a delicious snack, so once you're done playing you could replenish your energy."

"Mama, I want strawberry shortcake!" Felicia said excitedly once she heard the word 'snack'.

"This kid, always wanting to eat sweets," Nelly said shaking her head but not refusing Felicia's request. She turned to Argent. "Then what do you want, Your Grace?"

"Anything's fine. Just not something that's too sweet."

Nelly of course noticed the change in the young lord's taste. Before, she loved to eat foods that have over the top flavors. But after that accident in the tower two weeks ago, she suddenly preferred foods with light flavors. This contradiction was so glaring that everyone in the manor noticed it. Not only that, the young lord's temperament also made a complete 180 degrees change. If they weren't completely sure that this was their young lord, then they might suspect that she was replaced by someone. The Duchess said that it might be the side effect of being exposed to the young lady's Mana. So they should monitor the young lord more carefully just in case. No matter the case, Nelly just hoped that it will not have any negative effect on their young lord. Because she already has too much burden to bear.

"Then I will make scones," Nelly finally said.

Argent nodded and pulled Felicia outside. She didn't stop until they reached the garden maze.

"What are we going to play, Young Lord?" Though the Young Lord never asked Felicia to play with him before, she won't question him now. She's kind of getting used to the sudden change of the Young Lord. It's like, every time she saw him, he would always show him a new side.


"Here in the maze?" Felicia wrinkled her brows. "But what if you got lost?"

"That's why you have to find me. Now close your eyes and count to ten."

Felicia reluctantly closed her eyes and counted to ten. No matter, her Young Lord was right. If he got lost, then she'd just have to find him.

Argent walked deeper into the maze. She knew her mother asked some servants to monitor her whenever she went outside the manor. To make sure that she won't go near the tower again. But how could she simply cooperate? That's why she asked Felicia to play hide-and-seek here in the maze garden. This maze was huge and complicated. Even if some servants followed them here, they wouldn't find her so easily. This was the only chance she got to secretly go to the tower.

She already memorized the layout of this maze. So she knew where the exit closest to the tower was. She closed her eyes and determined her location in the maze. Once she figured out where she was, she started walking towards her destination. After a few minutes she finally exited the maze, then she ran towards the tower as fast as she could. It wouldn't be good if someone saw her. Then she saw a tall tower, vines of wild flowers snaking around it beautifully.

No one was guarding the entrance. After that incident three years ago, servants were too scared to be in close proximity to Aurum. Those who weren't afraid were probably only the butler and the head maid. But both of them also have their own duties so they couldn't possibly stand guard here. Argent knew that her mother wouldn't lock the entrance to the tower even after what happened to her two weeks ago. She already kept her daughter here, if she locked the entrance, then what's the difference between Aurum and a common prisoner? That's why Argent easily got in.

Argent stared at the long and winding staircase and sighed. This was going to be kind of tough. She sighed once again and started her long trek. When she reached the final step, she almost collapsed. Maybe she should start strengthening this body. In this world full of humans with powers, it wouldn't be good to stay as a weak chicken. She evened out her breathing and opened the door in front of her.

There, sitting beside a glass window was a seven year old girl. Her long hair was flowing behind her back like a golden waterfall. When the light hits it, it almost seemed like it was shining. She turned towards Argent, showing big amber eyes surrounded by thick golden eyelashes. Her skin looked almost translucent, probably due to not being exposed to the sun for a long period of time. But that only added fragility to her image. It's like Argent was staring at a weak angel that needed protection. This beautiful girl was her twin sister, Aurum.

Just as Argent was observing her, Aurum was also doing the same thing. Aurum stared at the person in front of her. Silver hair and a pair of purple eyes. This person seemed to be a very beautiful young boy, but she knew that wasn't the case. Because this person was a girl. Her twin sister, Argent. A NoGift who needed to disguise herself as a boy in order to retain the title of the Duke of Hanover in their family.

She knew it was a secret between her mother, the butler, and the head maid. But they didn't really need to tell her in order for her to know. Ever since she could remember, people's thoughts just passed freely inside her head. She couldn't control it. Even though she didn't want to, she could still read what's on their mind. They're afraid of her, full of fear and disgust. What happened three years ago was probably her tipping point. The overwhelming Mana inside her just burst out. Before she knew it, she was already locked up in here.

But that was probably for the best. At least here, people's ugly thoughts won't reach her. She didn't have to hear from them how much of a monster she was. She only have to interact with her mother. Her mother was an S level Gift, so she could mask her thoughts from her. But sometimes, her thoughts leaked out. So Aurum knew that despite the affection and love, her mother was also afraid of her.

Aurum stared again at this twin of hers and she couldn't help but feel envious. Maybe being powerless was a gift in itself. But then, maybe Argent's life wasn't as good as she thought it was. She remembered what happened two weeks ago. She knew that Argent went here. Her thoughts entered her brain the moment she went inside the tower. Argent wanted to be friends with her because no one wanted to approach her. So she thought that since they were twins, maybe they could be friends. She couldn't help but released a mocking laugh at that. They were really twins. One was being avoided because she's too weak, and the other because she's a monster.

She knew Argent wouldn't be able to reach her room. Being a NoGift, she wouldn't be able to withstand her Mana. And she was right. The next day, her mother told her that Argent lost consciousness on the way to her room. What Aurum was surprised about was that Argent was still alive. She almost thought that she died that day. And that the next day, her mother would blame her for what happened.

So how could Argent stand here now without seemingly being affected by her Mana? And why couldn't she read any of her thoughts? There wasn't even a bit of static. All there was was silence. Like an ocean without a wave.

Argent looked around the room and noticed the nullum stones embedded in the wall. Then she brought her attention back to the golden angel in front of her. "Good morning," she greeted.

Aurum stared at her. "How can you be here?"

"I don't know. Maybe when your Mana hit me the last time, I became immune. Or maybe because we're twins so it doesn't affect me that much." Argent walked in front of her. "What do you think?"

Aurum knew she was just talking nonsense. But looking at those pair of purple eyes, she couldn't help but believe her. Probably because her eyes were unexpectedly clear, there was no fear, mockery, or disgust. This was the first time she saw those kind of eyes directed at her. This was the first time someone could stand in front of her without her having to receive the other's thoughts. And she didn't really know how to feel about that.

"What do you want?"

"Our birthday was two weeks ago, so I'm here to give you a present." Argent took the bracelet from her pocket. When she was about to reach for Aurum's hand, she immediately hid it behind her back. "It's okay. I'm just going to put it on you. I promise it won't hurt."

Aurum didn't know if she's lying or not. Another first for her. Before she could answer, Argent already held her right hand. She was startled by the sudden warmth. And then a bracelet with a beautiful amber stone in the middle was put on her wrist. Before she could observe it more, she noticed one important thing. She could feel her Mana slowly dissipating. As if it was being contained in just one area in her body. She looked up at Argent. "W-what is this?"

"I made it. So you could get out of here."

Aurum's mind was in a mess. She couldn't understand what was happening. "W-what did you say?"

"I'm going to get you out of here," Argent repeated.

Aurum shook her head. How could she get out of here? No. No, she couldn't. She doesn't want to hear other people's thoughts anymore. It would just continue to make her crazy. And what if what happened three years ago happened again?

Argent stared at Aurum. She's obviously having a panic attack. She sighed. She's really not good with this kind of thing. But she had to do something somehow. She held both of Aurum's hands. "Look at me." Aurum looked up and she could see panic and fear in those amber eyes. "Nothing of what you're thinking would happen. You can feel it, right? Your Mana is not leaking anymore. You could be near people without affecting them. The same way that their thoughts won't be available to you."

"I won't be able to read other's thoughts?"

So that was what she was worried about. "You won't. Unless you remove that bracelet that is."

Aurum finally digested everything that Argent said. And just like she said, she could no longer feel her Mana leaking. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because we're twins. I want to help you. Living your whole life locked up here would be a great tragedy. You're not a caged bird, Aurum. I don't want you to fade away in this place. And I want to be with you."

"Y-you want to be with me?"

"Yes." She wouldn't be able to start with her plan if Aurum stayed locked up here.

Aurum never thought that someone would tell her that they wanted to be with her. It felt like her heart was being squeezed and she couldn't breath. But when she thought about it, this was how things were supposed to be. They were twins. They're supposed to stay together. She looked up at Argent. "Y-you... you won't leave me?"

"I won't. As long as you need me, I won't leave your side. I promised." And Argent meant it. Because this was one of the wishes of the original owner. She would do everything to fulfill that.

Aurum felt like something was stuck in her throat. She stared at Argent's clear eyes. It's like she's looking at a pair of beautiful starlight. Her breathing became hard. She could feel her heart beating faster and faster. She doesn't understand what she's feeling. Maybe it was the connection between twins. But whatever it was, she knew that this moment changed something inside her. She reached out her hands and embraced Argent, basking in her warmth.

Argent was somewhat surprised by her move. She doesn't really like close contact with other people. But since this girl was her twin sister, then maybe she could tolerate her more. She returned her hug and pat her back. "Let's leave this tower."

Aurum felt Argent's arms around her. She didn't notice the smile that appeared on her own lips. She hugged Argent more tightly. She would never let go of this warmth. Never. "Yes."


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