
Chapter 5: testing her theory

Chapter 5: testing her theory

ARGENT was in deep thought. They were currently on their way back to Hanover manor. But her mind still couldn't stop thinking about what happened in that shop. Of course she didn't really care about that brat, he's just an ignorant bully who will eventually grow up into a bastard. What she's interested in was what happened after that boy suddenly attacked her. She looked down at her sleeve that was burned. Did that fireball just graze her sleeve and it didn't reach her skin? But based on the damage on her sleeve, that would have been impossible. So then, why didn't she receive any damage? She has a theory. But she has to test it first to make a proper conjecture.

She glanced at Felicia. She was eating one of the shortcakes they bought with relish. "Is it tasty?"

"Yes, Young Lord!" Felicia replied happily, she didn't even bother to wipe the cream on her face.

Argent sighed at her clumsiness. She took a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped the cream on Felicia's face. "You're eating like a kid."

Felicia blushed. This was the first time her Young Lord has done something like this. Her Young Lord has always been shy and won't take the initiative to touch others. But somehow she doesn't dislike this kind of Young Lord. With his silver hair and purple eyes, her Young Lord will surely grow up to be the most handsome Lord. She grinned. "Would you like a piece of this cake, Young Lord? It's really delicious."

"No. I don't like sweets. Anyway, Felicia, I need you to do something for me."

"What is it, Young Lord?" Felicia asked, full of seriousness.

"I'll tell you once we're near the manor."

Argent glanced back outside the carriage's window. An hour later, she could already see Hanover manor. She told the driver to stop and pulled Felicia outside.

"Drive back to the manor without us," she told the driver.

"But where are you going, milord?" the driver asked worriedly. "What am I going to say to the Duchess if she ask why I came back without you, milord?"

"Tell her I'm going to pick flowers over the hill with Felicia and that we'll be back soon. Oh, and don't forget to give the things I bought to the butler or the head maid. Tell them to put it in my room."

Before the driver could complain, Argent already pulled Felicia towards the nearby forest path.

"Are we going to pick flowers, Young Lord? But that's not the way towards the hill," Felicia said, confused.

"Because we're not going to pick flowers, silly."

"Then what are we going to do?"

"Remember what I told you earlier, about the thing that I want you to do?"

"Yes, Young Lord."

"I'll tell you once we enter the forest."

What Argent needed Felicia to do has to be done in a place where no one could see them. This piece of land belonged to the Blackbourne's. Outsiders wouldn't enter this place so carelessly. So it would be safe to test her theory there.

Once they enterd the forest, Argent let go of Felicia and turned to face her. "Listen, Felicia, whatever I ask you to do, I want you to do it without any complaint. Do you understand?"

"Of course, Young Lord. Whatever it is, I will do it."

"Then I want you to attack me with your Gift without holding back."

Felicia thought that she just had an auditory hallucination. How else could her Young Lord tell her that that he wanted her to attack him? "Could you repeat that, Young Lord?"

"I said attack me with your Gift."

"No!" Felicia immediately refused once she made sure that she didn't hear it wrong. She was aghast to even think that she would attack her Young Lord. "How could I do that?"

"Remember what I told you, that you can't complain?"

"But Young Lord--"

"Felicia, are you disobeying my order?" From the original owner's memory, Argent knew that Felicia was very obedient to her. What happened in the shop only proved that. Felicia will probably do anything she asked of her. That's why she's the only one she could ask to do this.

"N-no, Young Lord. It's just that I can't bear to hurt you," Felicia said, on the verge of crying.

She sighed. "Fine. Then just close your eyes, point your hand to some random direction, and then release your Gift."

"O-okay. I'll do that." That's definitely better than attacking the Young Lord.

"Then do it now."

Felicia immediately closed her eyes and pointed her hand to her right. A second later, powerful balls of water were released from her hand. Argent walked towards the direction where the water landed. When she saw that one of the balls of water would pass by her, she held out her hand. The water didn't pass by her, it disintegrated the moment it touched her skin. She looked down at her hand, it wasn't even wet. She repeated that action for five times, and the same thing happened. Those waters just vanished whenever it touched her skin.

"You could stop now, Felicia."

The barrage of water balls stopped and Felicia opened her eyes. She saw that the Young Lord was so close to the place where she released her Gift. Then she remembered what he told her earlier, about her attacking him. Did he purposely get in the way of those water balls? She was horrified by the thought. She immediately went to him. "Are you okay, Young Lord?"

"I'm fine."

But Felicia only breathed a sigh of relief when she checked that her Young Lord has no injuries. "Do you need me to do anything else, Young Lord?"

She shook her head. "No, you've done quite enough."

Yes. This was enough. Now it was certain that other's Gift apparently doesn't work on her. But it's not because this body suddenly developed a Gift. She was sure of that. Not only because there wasn't any mention of a nullifying Gift in all those books she read, but also because this body really doesn't have that much Mana which was needed to produce a Gift. Now, she just needed to find an object that released Mana to fully solidify her conclusion. There will be plenty of those in the Manor.

"Let's go back, Felicia. And oh, pick some flowers along the way. Those types that Mother will like."


As soon as Argent entered the manor, her Mother came running towards her.

"How was your trip to town?" Anthea asked, smiling down at her daughter.

"It was fine, Mother. I managed to buy everything that I need."

Anthea stared at her daughter and shook her head. Somehow, she's still not used to this adult like Argent. Argent naturally noticed her mother's expression. She knew it was because she wasn't acting like the original owner. Well, what could she do? She's not an actress, she's an inventor. She doesn't have the ability to copy the temperament of others. And besides, who would want to act all shy and timid in front of others?

"I see. That's good then." Anthea suddenly noticed Argent's ruined sleeve. She reached for her daughter's arm. "What's this? Did something happen?" she asked worriedly.

"Just a little trouble with a former schoolmate. You have nothing to worry about, Mother. As you can see, I'm quite alright. Felicia protected me well. Oh, right," Argent turned to Felicia and took the bouquet of assorted flowers she's holding. "These are for you, Mother."

Anthea looked like she still wanted to say something but in the end she just sighed and took the flowers that Argent handed to her. "Thank you. They're beautiful," she said, smiling.

"I'll go to my room to rest then."

Argent climbed the stairs and walked into her room. She immediately noticed the bags of the things she bought. It was placed on her bed. She walked to her dressing table and opened one of the drawers. If she's not wrong, that thing should be here. She saw a small square box and opened it. Inside was a beautiful silver brooch that emits a faint silver light. There were stones in this world that contain a small amount of Mana, making them somewhat glow. Many people used those stones as jewelries or accessories. The stone in this brooch was one of them. It was a gift from her mother on her and her twin's fifth birthday. She picked it up and just like she thought, the moment she touched the stone, the faint light it emitted quickly faded.

Now her theory completely solidified. Because her soul was originally not from this world, so it also doesn't follow the law of this world. Which meant this body now literally repels any form of Mana. Argent doesn't know if this would have a negative effect on her body later. But for now, she would think of its advantages. Because now, she no longer has to worry about Aurum's Mana affecting her. Her strong Mana wouldn't have any effect on her now. She also no longer had to make that shield. She could focus on making that bracelet that would help her twin control her Mana.

She stretched her arms and cracked her neck. Alright, let's go make that bracelet.


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