New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 151 - PDA

After the impromptu dance, Kyle clapped his hands and said, "That's a wrap. First years, please stay behind. The rest of you, hasta la vista!! Go forth and learn," Kyle said. flashing his Million-Dollar Watt Smile yet again.

With that, the First Assembly of the year ended and everyone shuffled back to their classrooms. Once it was emptied except for the first years, Kyle sat at the edge of the stage and smiled at them.

They all paid full attention. As Kyle was talking, the rest of the Student Council Members came by. Beatrice stood behind Kyle while the others were below the stage in front of Kyle.

"It's simple," Kyle said gesturing to all the chairs in the Hall, "We'll be having your placement tests here. There are 120 of you, more than enough to move the chairs and tables into position. The girls will move the chairs and the guys will move the tables."

Everyone nodded, slightly groaning but did not complain.

"We'll be helping as well, too, of course," Kyle assured them, "Rick and Sam will be in charge of the tables and its arrangements. Janice and Beatrice will be in charge of the chairs and its arrangements."

Everyone wondered what Kyle would be doing but did not ask openly. Kyle didn't provide any information about it either as his eyes sparkled, looking at them with a smile. Naturally, Beatrice was the leader of the girl's group and surprisingly, Sam was the leader for the guy's group.

Beatrice and Sam were together, discussing with their heads close together, as to the best method to distribute the workforce. Betty stood to one side, watching the scene and couldn't help but notice how Beatrice's facial expression was softer as she spoke to Sam.

Betty knew Beatrice well, and Beatrice had always been aloof with strangers - more so with boys. Yet, with Sam, she actually appeared relaxed and her eyes were not twitching at all. There was even a ghost of a smile on her face!

Betty then looked at Sam, and felt her heart lurch a bit. Even his side profile was handsome. She noticed how striking looking he was before, but with him looking all serious and all right now, the handsome meter went off the charts.

Betty sighed.

Sam was exactly Beatrice's type. The look. The temperament. It was also obvious to Betty that Beatrice liked him. Betty patted her chest, while taking a deep breath. She will do all that she can to help Beatrice. Beatrice deserved to be happy and be with the one that was meant for her.

After making that resolution, Betty swallowed the lump that was in her throat. She took several deep breaths to calm herself, wondering why she was having these rather weird feelings. She wrinkled her nose and looked at her feet, suddenly finding them fascinating. Focusing on anything was better than watching the warm lovey-dovey scene in front of her.

"Alright, let's begin," Beatrice's crips voice sounded and Betty raised her head.

Only to have her eyes lock with Sam's.

This time, there was no doubt that he was looking at her. Betty gulped, pulled on her twintails and forced a happy smile as she nervously shook her shoulders. It was a subconscious movement, little realising what an impact it had on the poor, unprepared soul in front of her.

Sam felt like his head had been hit hard.

Head? Heart? Which was it? He didn't know and all he did know was that the sight of Betty looking so unbelievably cute and adorable in front of him was more than he could take. He gritted his teeth and forcibly pulled his eyes away to stare at Beatrice instead.

Beatrice was looking at him with worry.

"Samuel? Are you alright?" she asked, placing a hand on his forehead.

Since this morning, she noticed that Sam had been out-of-sorts. Not like his usual self. He seemed distracted, not focused and kept clearing his throat. Perhaps he was falling sick and he was finding difficulty to think.

"No fever," she commented, as she then placed her palm on his cheeks and neck. Sam was so focused on trying to reel in his irrational urge to rush over to Betty that he didn't realise what Beatrice was doing at first.

Once he did, he blinked and then took her hand in his, saying, "I'm fine. Just a bit tired, I suppose."

Betty watched this scene while biting her bottom lips, her nose twitching.

Whisperings were heard behind her.

"Hey, look at that. Do you think the Vice-President and the PRO are an item?"

"Looks like it, don't you think?"

"But isn't the Vice-President older than him?"

"I don't know," another said, "Does he look younger?"

"He IS younger! He's our age, you know?" one said, "He skipped a grade. Don't you read up about the Elite Five?"

"Yeah, yeah, I remember now," another added in, "Isn't she just too old for him then?"

Betty turned around then, her hands on her hips as she glared at them, "What's it to you?! Jealous?? Why must the guy be older anyway? Is there a rule?!"

Those who had been whispering looked at her and scoffed.

"Why are you so upset anyway?" one demanded, "We're not talking about you."

Betty didn't break eye contact and stepped forward, "Beatrice - "

She stopped suddenly, feeling a hand on her shoulder. She turned and saw the smiling yet worried face of her cousin, "What's up, Betty?"

Betty quickly smiled and with a shy smile, said, "Nothing. Just playing around with my new friends!"

The ones behind her marveled at her sudden 180 degrees change. From the look of a person who was ready to beat them up, she now looked like she wouldn't even hurt a fly.

Betty grabbed Beatrice's hands and said, "Come, what do we do?"

Beatrice cocked her head to one side, feeling something was up but let it slide for now. She addressed the girls in front of her and assigned the tasks.

"If you notice, Kyle has already arranged the first few tables and chairs," Beatrice said, as she pointed towards the front of the stage, "So make sure that the spacing for each table and chair will be as such."

People gasped.

There were five tables and chairs already arranged. Three in the first row and two behind it.

No, they had not noticed. They had been so distracted with Beatrice and Sam's apparent PDA that they didn't even realise he had silently been working. The ones who had not been distracted had been sufficiently appeased and happy, seeing Kyle carrying the tables and chairs easily.

The way his arm muscles became more pronounced as he easily lifted the desks, the way he moved so stealthily and quickly from one end to another. They could watch forever. After that, they set to work.

While everyone was working, Kyle slipped away and went to the cafeteria. He had made arrangements beforehand for refreshments to be handed out after the Hall was re-arranged. Thus, he went to ensure that everything was in place.

As he was walking towards the cafeteria, Kyle started thinking of what he had seen earlier. He noticed the way Beatrice was caring for Sam, as well as the looks Betty was giving and the way Sam was acting.

[Looks like we're going to have our first couple forming] Kyle said wistfully [And he's only 12, darn it. When I was 12, boys was hardly on my mind!]

[You were a nerd in your past life, dear brother]

[Sam's a nerd]

[He's a hot nerd. You, on the other hand ...]

[Ouch] Kyle said, making it sound like it was really painful.

[Truth hurts, dear brother] Kay said with a laugh.

[But, it's not going to be smooth sailing] Kyle said with a sigh.

[When is love ever smooth sailing anyway?]

[I see a love triangle forming though]

[EH?! Really?! Who else is in the picture?] Kay gasped in surprise.

Kyle grinned to himself as he reached the cafeteria, [Oh, you'll see it soon enough. I don't want to give spoilers]


[Oooh. I'm So scared. Not.] Kyle responded with a laugh.

[How can you give a teaser like that and leave me hanging?!] Kay whined

[I can, and I just did]

Kay grumbled to herself, knowing that she would not get anything out of him anytime soon. [Fine. Be that way. I'll get back at you sooner or later.]

[I don't doubt that at all, dear sister] Kyle replied [That's why it's so fun to do it]

Things were arranged rather quickly at the Hall. By the time Kyle returned, everything had already been set up. He was carrying a box which had some sandwiches and started distributing them. Three other people from the cafeteria also came with boxes of drinks and sandwiches.

The atmosphere was lively and friendly, with everyone getting to know each other. This was also a way that Kyle and Principal Godric had thought of to break the ice for the new students. After all, everyone was new, right? Everyone was nervous, right?

What better way than to get them to work together then eat together?

Kyle flung his arm around Sam's stiff shoulders and said, as he indicated the new students, "How does it feel, Senior Sam?"

Sam shrugged, his eyes darting all over the Hall and trying very hard not to see Betty, "Feel about what?"

Kyle patted him on the chest, wriggling his eyebrows, "I believe someone's voice just broke..."

Sam froze. He suddenly remembered something. He turned to look at Kyle in fear, "No. No no no no no!"

Kyle just grinned, holding on to Sam's shoulder tighter, "Initiation time!!"


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