New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 150 - Student Council President

Principal Godric stood at the podium, grinning away.

"Welcome! Welcome to the new students of Sakura Academy and welcome back, old students of Sakura Academy!"

All the returning students cheered, completely shocking all the new students. Shocked, because they've always been taught to keep quiet when the teacher is talking. In this case, when the Principal is giving a speech. Seen and not heard.

They looked at the principal, only to find that not only was he not angry, he was also looking happier. He gleefully rubbed his hands together then finally put them out, palms up and then waving them down.

Everyone settled down quietly.

"It's great to have people actually wanting to come to school!" Principal Godric said and everyone shouted in happiness again.

"Or is it because you just wanted to see Kyle again?" he teased and people laughed though no one could really refute that either.

Eyes darted over to look at Kyle, who was sitting on a chair on the stage, next to Beatrice. A lot of girls just sighed hearts in their eyes. Kyle looked at all of them and flashed his Million-Dollar Watt Smile, hitting more people right where they were vulnerable.

Just two months and one could already see a difference in him. Wasn't his nose sharper? His eyebrows more elegant? His lips fuller? Well, not really but all sorts of nonsense went through their minds as they could finally see the person rather than just looking at a picture. It wasn't the same.

"Ah, I'm kidding," Principal Godric said, waving his hand in front of his face, "This school is full of awesome students, bringing this school even higher than before."

Principal Godric then went on to give the results of the last major examinations, which revealed that more students got good scores and were accepted into good places of higher education. He then went on to give a list of those who achieved great things during the holidays.

It wasn't limited to academic achievements, but for anything that had been done. Ranging from winning national contests or social activities such as fundraising.

Of course, Kyle was saved for last.

"And last but certainly not least, we have our own Student Council President, Kyle Smith."

The whole Hall erupted into whooop whooop and claps.

"Yes, yes, that Kyle Smith," Principal Godric said with a smile, "I won't really go into details as his head is big enough ..."

People laughed and booed at him when Principal Godric put up his hands, "Actually, it was Kyle himself that asked me not to. I'm merely respecting his wishes."

Then as if saying a secret as he looked left and right, then whispering into the microphone, "But you can check out his Insta account for all his achievements. His sister lists them out very well."

"I'm not allowed to talk about him, but he can't stop his sister now, can he?" Principal Godric said with glee then he added, "The photos are a bonus, I believe."

Kyle groaned and shook his head while rolling his eyes.

Principal Godric was getting to be more mischievous, it seems. He had NEVER met such a principal before in his life. One who talked TO his students rather than at them. The former was him treating his students as one who was at his level and a friend while the other would have this barrier that could not be crossed.

People respected him and his position, but he never talked down to people nor demanded people to bow down to him (figuratively speaking, of course). Principal Godric believed that he is there as a guide and he can't guide if people don't feel comfortable enough to approach him.

After that, Principal Godric introduced all the teachers and what they were teaching. He explained about the different systems in some classes and how it was being taught. He was pleased to see how everyone was paying close attention and not playing with their phones or talking to each other.

It was a very good sign.

What he didn't know was that part of the reason for that attentiveness was because they wanted to give a good impression on Kyle. He was constantly just looking at all of them, smiling and even waving occasionally to some people that caught his eye.

"Alright. Without further ado, I hand it over to our Student Council President," Principal Godric said as he gestured for Kyle to come.

This was the way Principal Godric would have his first day Assembly Speech.

A welcome speech, then 'catching up' speech (that is, telling the students of the current - and just graduated - student's achievements) and finally, the Student Council President would give a talk about the student activities for the year.

Kyle got up, and went to the podium amidst the loud applause of welcome.

"Thank you, thank you very much," Kyle said, imitating a particularly well known singer, E.P., who had long passed.

"Thank you, Principal Godric and hello students of Sakura Academy!!"

Everyone yelled.

"Everyone good?"

They all yelled again.

"Great! Because this year, it's only going to get better!!"

The Hall erupted in applause and yells again.

"Well, first, I'd like to introduce my very capable team for the year. Beatrice Chin, my capable and dependable Vice-President," Kyle said as he looked at Beatrice. Beatrice got up, smiled and gave a slight bow before sitting down.

"Irene Chee, the ever efficient Secretary. Rick Stein, the dependable Treasurer. Samuel Johnson, the adorable PRO."

As Kyle mentioned them, they all stood up where they were in the Hall and faced the crowd to let them know how they looked like. Other than Beatrice, the rest of the Student Council members chose to sit amongst the students for it was more comfortable that way.

Sitting on stage is nerve-wracking, okay? You can't really do what you want, knowing that all the eyes are on you. Sitting still, all prim and proper? Who would volunteer to do that?

Meanwhile, Sam was giving Kyle a glare for the 'adorable' jibe and people laughed.

When Sam had turned to face the crowd, naturally, his eyes landed on Betty. Of course, she was looking straight at him as well and their eyes locked for a few seconds.

Betty blinked, thinking it must be her imagination as there were hundreds of students there. He was just looking at everyone and she started thinking he was looking at her? How could he see her amongst all the others, right?

Still, she couldn't stop the blush that was forming so she quickly pulled on her twintails again while biting her bottom lip.

Sam, on the other hand, was frozen for a second. First, because he got lost in those eyes even though she was so far away. Then, she had to start looking so adorable and cute with her holding onto her twintails and the way she looked so shy.

Why was she looking so shy, though?

Sam started looking around her and saw several guys giving her some glances. He sat back down, eyebrows furrowing as he noted each and every one of those faces. He'll find out who they are later, as the Student Council had a list of all the registered students there.

"If you have any problems, you can always come and see any of us at the Student Council Office after school hours. If there's an emergency, then come over to Sage Class as Beatrice and I are there," Kyle said.

"Now," Kyle smiled while rubbing his hands, "A few announcements. New students, your class placement tests will begin after this Assembly ends. It will take about 2 days for the papers to be marked and everyone allocated to your classrooms. In the meantime, you're to use those two days to explore the school, look through the extra-curricular activities and chose the ones you want."

"And that brings me to my second announcement. There will be a new class offered this year for co-curricular activities: Wing Chun class," Kyle said, "It's conducted by Sifu Xin. She will have a demonstration today, at 3pm in this Hall. This is to show you what it's all about and will answer any questions."

Kyle went on to make two more announcements, mainly about Valentine's Day which would be the next month and the Career Fair, just before the break. Although the latter was going to be much later in the year, he wanted them to think about it already. Especially those who would graduate that year.

"Last, but not least, there is one final change that will be implemented and be done from now on," Kyle said as he closed up his speech, "Students will be more active in the keeping the school clean and to help about."

Groans were heard.

"Now, now," Kyle said with a smile, "The school is big and we have all of you here. It's only right that you also take care of the school, right? We will spend five years of our lives here. Not only that, you're spending most of the day here. So just like you're expected to do chores at home, you're also expected to take care of your school. Your second home."

"Let's make our lives here, meaningful. Not just about studying, right?" Kyle ended, looking so sweet and expectant for their cooperation that no one had the heart to deny him. After all, he made sense, right?

Everyone then gave a resounding cheer to which Kyle raised his two arms above his head, then formed a heart with the forefinger and thumb. He grinned, wriggled his eyebrows, pressed something on his phone and Drake's song 'In My Feelings' started blasting.

Everyone whooped and stood up as Kyle did the Shiggy Dance Challenge which lasted for a minute or two. Phones were whipped out and people started recording. Principal Godric and the teachers were just staring at him but didn't stop him.

[A bit much, brother]

Kyle didn't answer but just laughed. People melted.


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