Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 28: Dark Side Of Humanity (VII): Ressurection

Chapter 28: Dark Side Of Humanity (VII): Ressurection

[You have been infected with a viral strain by an undead cavern Mole! As such your Reincarnation has been intercepted, you will be resurrected as a zombie!]

[Your body is resistant to the Viral strain as it was created from your magic, it has turned into a rejuvenating Elixir for your body! You will be resurrected with only ten minutes left to live, please heal yourself as quickly as possible.]

[You have been blessed by the holy light of God, health increases by 1 every 15 minutes! Residual holy energy in touch body has melded with the healing light, new cells have been born. You have developed the passive skill, Holy Cells. You are now 10% more resistant to damage from the holy element. Your body is healing rapidly]

[Vampire Racial mission complete: Die: 1/1| You have gained 1,000 quest exp, 50,000 normal exp, and 500 battle exp]

[You have finally fallen into the embrace of death, and stared into the abyss of Darkness. Now you're not just her son, but also her partaker, and her beloved. However death is neither evil not just, but you were pushed in her embrace by the light of good and brought back by same light. You have unlocked the trait: Angel Of Death.]

[Angel Of Death: your death has brought you into the realm of the divine, you have been loved by death and blessed by God: +50% To Power, Magic, Mental and Defense. You cannot be killed, except by an object of divine and devilish might!]

[New class{es}available! Please visit the nearest spire for more information!]

[You have achieved an Unachievable mile stone! You have died, and you live again. +10 to Power, Magic, and Defense. -50% Exp for all undead to level up, -20% exp for you to level up. + 10 skill points]

Rezar slowly opened his eyes to a shabby wooden ceiling, every part of his body hurt like hell, but he couldn't feel any external damage. But his insides on the other hand was another story to tell, that medallion of truth really kicked his ass, and obviously it won, only the medallion was not responsible for his death, cowardly mole was.

Rezar had a theory, he wasn't sure if it would have worked, but asking his own undead like to kill him seemed to have been the secret to survive being smote by divine power. He was hoping to get resurrected as a zombie, he had enough exp to properly level up his class and stabilize his body. Who knew his own zombie viral strain couldn't kill him, but it was in that moment Rezar realized he made a big mistake.

Screet was evolved, and as such had access to the zombie virus, how the hell did cowardly mole that should probably have expedited by now, able to utilize it. It was absolutely shocking to Rezar, but whatever the case, he was absolutely glad it worked. Cowardly mole was so smart, he had completely forgotten that it wasn't as evolved as Screet. And he bet his fucking life on it!

If he wasn't so incapable of feeling fear, this would have left him pretty much terrified. He shook his head and took a look around the room he was in, he decidedly chose to ignore the forms of Screet and cowardly mole sitting in one corner of the room. There was barely anything in the room, however the walls were hung full of swords, a few whips, Spears, war hammers, mace's, and magic guns. It was as if this was an Arsenal.

In that moment the only door into the room slid open as the priest walked into the room, with a tray of food on his hands. Rezar didn't expect that, but there was nothing to it really....a bunch of things made sense now. The priest saved his life, that alone was enough to offset the fact that said priest was used to condemn an innocent man or rather boy to death.

"You've only been dead for 5 minutes, then you woke up and I had to heal you. That's a feat no one has accomplished, and it's made pretty much everyone think you can't be killed. But they don't know the extent of the damages, I do! Which is why I can't help but the hell are you standing up and hour after you just died and was resurrected? Sure this is a virtual world and the rules are different, but this is also our reality and it's not overly ridiculous that a man will die with sever injuries on his organs and then be able to actually sit up in under an hour."

Rezar blinked his eyes at the priest, the frail old man placed the tray at a bedside table Rezar had not noticed, before turning to face the white haired blue eyed necromancer. But Rezar didn't answer his questions, there were some things he also didn't Understand, so instead he asked the question that was burning in his head the most.

"Are all these weapons yours?"

The priest was taken aback for a minute, he looked at the room that truly could be considered a small Amory, then nodded his head. There was a small chair by the table which he pulled out and sat on. The chair creaked so loudly Rezar was baffled, how could a man so frail cause a chair to make that much noise as he sat down, it was weird, or was it the chair itself that was not really strong, it looked completely okay to him.

"You seem a bit out of it, but death class holders have always been known to be weird, so that's to be expected, but I'm in the mood for a little chat, so let's have one..Rezar was it? Yes those weapons are mine, or rather I should say the belong to previous reincarnations of me."

Rezar was confused, the priest was certainly weird, but keeping the weapons from his previous reincarnations, was something else. Basically this was a case of the pot calling the kettle black, it then again Rezar wouldn't mind a conversation. Frankly speaking he would rather not talk about the clusterfuck of trial that almost took his life, so this seems a goo enough topic to put his mind on.

"I'm sure you're confused, but really it's simple. I'm what you would call a permanent trait holder, if you don't know what that means I'll explain it to you. Permanent traits never change, they always go with an individual through every reincarnation, and more often than not, death class holders are also permanent trait holders, so your son of death trait is also permanent.

None the less my trait is Memory Bank! It's a funny sounding trait, but it can be extremely powerful, for an ambitious person at least. The trait makes sure I never forget anything I learn, even after multiple reincarnations. So as you can see, I have skills for every weapon you see here, I know magic that most people have pretty much forgotten actually exists. I also have Information about so many secrets, treasures and creatures that people don't know about. I'm a living, walking, breathing encyclopedia of Elysium."

Rezar had to admit that this was pretty cool, it was awesome beyond measure and he couldn't help but appreciate how wonderful such a trait was. However, sometimes things couldn't be as simple as it looked, because despite having a trait like that, he still pretty much looked like he had one foot in the grave. There was more to this old priest than meets the eye, but yet Alex had to ask something.

"Why're are you telling me all this? I suspect you're either hiding here or stuck here, because with how much knowledge you have, living a good life shouldn't be too hard for you. Besides we don't know each other, why trust me so much to tell me all these?"

The priest was a little taken aback, indeed he had to think on his course of action a little bit deeper, why was he able to just tell something so secret and important about his life to Rezar. Maybe it was because he felt Rezar wasn't much of a threat, because when you think about it, the kid was still just a slave, what more could he actually achieve, even after the hell he just went through by dying and coming back to life.

"I honestly don't know Kid, I feel like I owe you for the part I played, the church is supposed to uphold truth, justice and purity, and I let my needs cloud my judgement. I guess I'm trying to get to know you better, and maybe....."

"Do a few nice things for me so that I can forget you owned the medallion that burnt me tons crisp from the inside and sent me to my death, that I would forgive you, because you nursed me from the brink of death after I resurrected and maybe have teas with you... don't be stupid preacher! The real world never worked like that, and most definitely this one, if you're looking for pity and understanding from me, because you think I look young and impressionable, then you're even more stupid than I thought."

The priest was surprised to say the least, the most surprise thing being the fact that Rezar wasn't even speaking with anger but had a cool and calm voice. But even after all that, he could see that the young man still had much to say, and all he could do was calm down and listen to him.


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