Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 27: Dark Side Of Humanity (VI): Roland, Innocence

Chapter 27: Dark Side Of Humanity (VI): Roland, Innocence

Rezar didn't have to wait too long before he was dragged out for his trial, as opposed to the first time he was brought to town, this time the militia made sure to rough handle him as best as they could, the slaves and other denizens of the mining town certainly appreciated the sight of him being shoved to the ground, Rezar felt like Jesus.

But unlike Jesus Rezar did not perfume miracles or did good things, or went to their temples to beat the shit out of merchants. In fact he did nothing, but then again he was a death class holder, that was a taboo, in a world where eternal life was guaranteed he was one of the few people capable of delivering death, permanently. People tend not to like things like that.

It was practically a straight line from the spire and market place to the mine entrance, however to the west of that was the church and to the east was the guard house he was just led out of. The distance between both buildings were roughly about a hundred meters, the town itself wasn't that big as most of the slaves slept in the mines or underground. Either way, it was enough distance for Rezar to get completely pelted with rotten fruits, shit and rocks, and they hurt...a lot.

Eventually he got to the steps of a small wooden church, there wasn't really much to be said about the church, it was just a massive wooden shack.

Rezar had some sort of feeling, he wasn't exactly sure, maybe before his upload he was a religious person, but now he doubted it mattered. Elysium didn't just take in humanity, it also took in their religion, and in a world where everything was codes and algorithm, there were a bunch of gods running about, basically the only unique sentient Ai's in the game apart from monsters.

The church was on a small hill with about a dozen steps leading up to its patio where a priest that looked like he has not had a good meal in months stood with a crucifix in one hand and a medallion with a sub emblazoned on it with golden wings stretching from its back. All in all it looked or rather he looked very holy....if you considered holy to be a priest on the verge of starvation, and would do anything to get a little extra 'donation' for his parish.

This was a fun game for Rezar, he was going to die, so it was quite entertaining trying to figure out why the people involved in this farce of a trial was involved in it. The priest looked as thin as a reed, the fucker was probably not enjoying enough donations for the upkeep of his parish, and this would help fill the coffers of the house of god and his belly. Standing beside him was Lenore; Rezar had to admit that was a better name than Red, it just rolled off the tongue.

She was there because she had no choice, right now she had no power to uphold justice, so all she could do was get swept up with the currents and be along for the ride. And standing beside her was the only person in the entire town that was neatly and extravagantly dressed. Blond hair slicked back, glossy and so shiny it seemed to reflect the sun. If Rezar had to give and advice he would tell the guy to take it easy with the gel.

He had on a red velvet blazer, some really nice looking black slacks and combat boots. There underneath it all he had a simple white t-shirt. Modern dressing in a fantasy world that was expected, medieval dressing sucks, but the price to dress like this wasn't cheap. Either way he was the perfect definition of handsome, his sky blue eyes could just draw you in, very unlike Rezar's deep midnight blue that did nothing but spook the shit out of anyone who stared too long into those infernal orbs of his.

So this was the mastermind to all of his current misfortune, his very obvious smirk on his face made Rezar very irritated. He just didn't know why, but this guy rubbed him off the wrong way, he made him nervous, but beyond that he very much wanted kick him in the balls and rub his face in a big pile of steaming shit. Such crass thoughts for a fifteen year old, but Rezar didn't care, he was pretty sure he was in his twenties before he got uploaded; he has more than enough right to curse damnit!

"We have gathered today to witness the trial of this..."

"Why did you kill that girl anyway?"

Rezar suddenly asked, interrupting the priest as he shifted his gaze to Mr. Tall, shiny and handsome. Lenore looked like she had swallowed a rock, but lack of fear or not, Rezar didn't think he was the kind of person who would go quietly to his death, after all he did get thrown into all this mess because he fucked his enemy's mother. So at the very least he knew one thing of his character.

Whether he was a good person or not, there was simply no changing the fact that Rezar was a very vindictive person, and he had a mouth sharper than a razor blade and powered by a very distinct lack of fear. He was a living, walking, talking natural disaster. At least until he dies, it would be nice to sow some chaos in the process, besides...he found this oddly appealing.

"What do you mean by that? Are you saying I killed all the people you so brutally murdered in the dead of night, you ripped out their throats and ate their hearts! And yet here you stand trying to slander my righteous personage. I should cut you down where you stand!"

Wow! Rezar blinked his eyes and moved his head back; he had to admit this guy caught him by surprise. He was good, really good, but why the fuck was there a halo behind him, was he using some sort of charismatic skill? Rezar didn't know how, but he had got to get himself one of those. Maybe that way his undead will listen to him a lot more easily...but maybe in the next life.

"Say Lenore? I thought only you and your militia along with the doctor in charge had seen the bodies? How in God's name does he know I ripped out their throats and ate their hearts, and how did you even know I killed them in the dead of night, it could have been the early hours of the evening or early in the morning.

I was told the information was isolated, and even if it spread no one would have gotten the full details, or at least not so accurately. Lenore could you grab hold of that medallion thingy, and answer me?" Rezar asked as he went up the steps.

"There's no need for that Rezar, I never told supervisor Roland anything about the incident, and in fact he was supposed to be away from town grinding monsters in a nearby dungeon until just about twenty minutes ago when he came and suggested we give you a trial by the truth." Lenore answered crisply and swiftly.

Pretty boy Roland's calm face twisted into an ugly scowl, ahhhh! Rezar hated to admit it, but even frowning; this ass was pretty much a picture of perfection. Of course Rezar knew he was also pretty good looking, he's seen his own face you know, enough that he could actually rival and surpass that guy. But he was covered in dirt and grime and was a death class holder.even a blind man would call him ugly.

"I did! I told the supervisor! As the doctor in charge of the autopsy I had to make sure the highest authority knew exactly what was going on!" Rezar looked at the spectacled fatso talking and smiled. How the heck is a slave so fat and why is someone so fat a bloody doctor, seriously!

"You don't say....hmmm oh well let's get on with the trial then, my next reincarnation calls to me"

The doctor should have kept his mouth shut, Roland was smart, he knew the moment the doctor opened his mouth to talk everyone else knew this case was not as straightforward as it might seem. There were now too many holes in the story, and to make matters worse, the most crooked person in town had stood up for him, obviously they were cahoots and both hand in this.

Even Lenore was able to connect the dots quite clearly now, after all it was the doctor himself that pointed her in Rezar's direction. She was shocked, and quite frankly she was shaken. In just the span of a few moments Rezar had not only proven his innocence, he had made the people guilty reveal themselves. He was smart, scary smart. But the scary thing was the fact that he had done all of this with a smile on his face.

But even if he had proven his innocence, there was nothing anybody could do for him, Roland was the most powerful person in town, even if he ran her through with a sword right now, nobody will be able to stop or even say anything to him. He was the lord, master and commander. But now his mask of being a handsome and benevolent lord had been pulled off, no one could stop this trial from happening, but Roland had already lost. And even if Rezar should die, he already had one up on Roland and everyone else in this town.

As for the person responsible for all of this commotion, he marched resolutely to his death. There really wasn't anything he could do about this, he drew no sense of satisfaction of justice from this, why would he? He was still going to die. And even if he would not admit this, Rezar had actually grown to love this life, the potential of who or what he might become, struggling for freedom and making money with all those ores, so much money man! And he's going to lose it all because of some psychopathic ass.

He wasn't feeling satisfaction, he was still very much angry. So he didn't waste any time as he marched up to the priest with a calm look on his face. The priest was a little hesitant to say the least, this went against his faith and he didn't want to condemn an innocent child to death, it didn't matter if he was a death class holder, all are welcome in the house of the lord. The priest wanted to pull back, but Rezar held on to his hands and said to him with a smile.

"Don't worry padre, I'll see you soon."

And then Rezar grabbed the medallion, and he burned. But just before could feel the scalding unforgivable burn of holiness and light, he felt the unmistakable scrape of fangs and a jaw against his neck, and then everything went dark.

[YOU HAVE DIED!!!!!!!]



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