Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 253: The Invincible Chen Chu, Who Else? (I)

Chapter 253: The Invincible Chen Chu, Who Else? (I)

In the afternoon, the base’s martial arts square was packed with people.

The seasoned students of the Third and the Fourth Heavenly Realm were gathered around the arena, excitement evident in their expressions as they eagerly anticipated the upcoming battles.

At one end stood students emitting the aura of the Fifth Heavenly Realm, each exuding a formidable presence.There were only about twenty of them present; among them were Li Heng, a third-year student, Lin Mei, and Ji Changkong, a second-year student.

Across the entire southern battlefield, there were only a little over five hundred second- and third-year students at the Fifth Heavenly Realm. While this seemed like a considerable number at first, these students were spread out across eighteen first-rate and forty-one second-rate high schools. On average, there were barely ten such students from each school.

On top of that, due to the preliminary screening during enrollment, most of these talents were concentrated in the first-rate schools. The most unlucky second-rate school bases only had a small handful of students at the Fifth Heavenly Realm.

As one of the upper-middle first-rate schools, Nantian currently boasted twenty-two recorded students at the Fifth Heavenly Realm. However, most of them were still in the beginning stage, with hardly any in the late stage.

This was why the reveal of Chen Chu’s cultivation level had shaken all of the students in the southern battlefield; it was just too astonishing.

Behind Ji Changkong, who carried a golden battle sword, stood the sturdy figure of Zhang Baili, his expression solemn. "The time is nearly upon us."

Zhang Ling, clad in red battle armor, had a complex expression. "I never imagined that the junior we encountered twice before would turn out to be such a freak, reaching the Fifth Heavenly Realm in just half a year."

As she said this, a tinge of jealousy crept into her heart. Two years ago, she had also been considered a genius, completing Foundation Building in just one week. Yet, despite her diligent cultivation, she had only reached the late stage of the Fourth Heavenly Realm after all this time, with no clue how much longer it would take to reach the Fifth.

Ji Changkong smiled faintly. "That's why I've always advised you not to underestimate anyone. There are countless geniuses in this world, and no one can guarantee they're the strongest."

"Indeed." Zhang Baili nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of awe. "Before this batch of freshmen arrived, I always thought Changkong was the most monstrous talent I'd ever seen.

"Reaching the middle stage of the Fifth Heavenly Realm in just the second year, mastering a sword will, and still having the energy to cultivate three secret arts to the advanced level; that’s nothing short of abnormal.

"With that level of strength, even a beginning stage level 6 beast could be slain with a single strike. Even the middle stage Fifth Realm senior who challenged him earlier didn’t stand a chance."

Suddenly, Zhang Ling's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Changkong, do you think you can defeat that junior?"

If he could defeat the renowned Chen Chu, he would instantly become the foremost figure among the younger generation in the southern battlefield.

Facing the hopeful gazes of his teammates, Ji Changkong shook his head slowly. "It's unlikely. Since Chen Chu dares to claim that no one can withstand three of his moves, he must have absolute confidence in his own strength.

"Didn't you notice? The school and even the military are standing behind him, indicating their own confidence in his ability to sweep through everyone.

"Furthermore, he just returned from outside. Clearly, something happened during the extermination mission in the Yunwu Mountains that we're not aware of.

"And this time, I'm not the main force." With that, Ji Changkong glanced toward Li Heng, who was meditating not far away. "For a free top-level secret scripture, Li Heng and Lin Mei won't hold back.

"Not only has Li Heng reached the peak of the Fifth Heavenly Realm, but he’s also cultivated the Primordial Animitta to the sixth stage, and the supplementary combat skills to the advanced level. Although he hasn't ignited the flame of true power or condensed a sword or saber will, he can already be considered a cultivator of the Sixth Realm.

"Meanwhile, Lin Mei's cultivation is slightly weaker than Li Heng's, being in the late stage of the Fifth Realm, but she comprehended the sword will of wind in her second year.

"It's been a year, and Lin Mei's sword will may have reached an intermediate level. With their strength, there's a good chance they can withstand Chen Chu's three moves. By then..."

Just then, everyone suddenly felt a distant tremor.

They saw a figure approaching, clad in black and red crystal armor and wielding a halberd. A boundless aura filled the air around him, and every step he took seemed to shake the earth.

It was as if it wasn't a person walking toward them, but a colossal beast, each step heavy and ominous.

"Here he comes."

"It's about to begin."

Excitement lit up many faces.

On the arena, spanning a hundred meters and constructed of solid blue stones, Chen Chu stood with his halberd, his gaze sweeping over the surrounding senior students as he spoke in a deep voice.

"I am Chen Chu from Class Three, Year One. Which senior dares to step up and face me?" Chen Chu was surrounded by a fierce aura, his tone domineering.

Even without the provocation in his words, the Fifth Heavenly Realm students had to step onto the stage. Under the general’s orders, they had no choice but to fight if they didn't want to lose the discount privileges for geniuses.

A student clad in black armor, with a cold expression, spoke calmly. "Allow me to go first. Although my cultivation is only at the beginning stage of the Fifth Heavenly Realm, I refuse to believe I can't withstand three moves.

"Junior, remember there's always someone better. It's wiser to be humble."

"I'm not looking down on the seniors here; I'm just stating facts." Chen Chu remained calm, but his tone remained as domineering as ever, furrowing some brows. While these people knew Chen Chu must have the strength to back up his bold claims, it didn't stop them from feeling disgruntled.

Liu Feng, who had followed behind, was puzzled. "Why does Chen Chu seem so arrogant today, looking down on everyone? Wasn't this guy quite humble before?"

Xia Youhui pondered for a moment. "...Because he wants to integrate body and mind, actions and words."

"What do you mean?" Li Meng and others looked puzzled.

Xia Youhui slowly explained, "If I'm not mistaken, Ah Chu should be getting ready to take the path of invincibility. He’s using these people to sharpen himself and build up external momentum to condense his battle will."

This was the advantage of having advanced cultivators in the family, knowing information that many ordinary cultivators didn't.

Li Ping's figure flashed, spanning dozens of meters to appear on the arena platform. As he slowly drew his saber, a murky aura enveloped him.

Without further ado, gray true power erupted, and Li Ping's figure became a gray beam of light as he shot out. His boots shattered the ground as he moved, and his speed was akin to a raging storm.


Halfway through, Li Ping split into two, each hand slashing out saber lights five meters long that intertwined like a ferocious serpent. Wherever the saber lights passed, the air was cut into a pitch-black plane, emitting a sharp qi that spread toward Chen Chu.

As a genius who had cultivated to the Fifth Heavenly Realm in just over two years, Li Ping's strength was formidable. His Yin-Yang Sky-Devouring Saber possessed astonishing power as the Yin and Yang alternated.


The halberd light wrapping around the golden halberd reached six meters, sweeping like a giant halberd nine meters long. In an instant, the air exploded, resonating with roars of dragons and elephants.


In the face of the halberd’s sweep, the intersecting saber lights instantly collapsed, the earth shattered, and a violent shockwave exploded, stirring up a frenzy of wind mixed with countless stones flying dozens of meters away.


A broken figure shot out and crashed toward the ground.


"Be careful, quick, get out of the way!"

The onlookers screamed and scattered like rabbits to dodge the impact. Li Ping, who had been sent flying by a single blow, crashed to the ground with a loud thud.


Amid the smoke and dust, a small crater several meters in diameter appeared on the ground, with Li Ping lying inside, weak, battered, and his battle armor in tatters.

Under Chen Chu's strike, this formidable genius had been directly and severely injured with a single blow, his saber shattered along with his armor.

"Li Ping didn't even manage to withstand a single strike." Someone gasped in shock.

"What a domineering power!"

Watching Chen Chu standing calmly on the platform with his halberd, everyone's expressions turned serious.

Li Heng solemnly remarked, "Such formidable strength. He’s already cultivated the Divine Might Tyrant Body of the high-level Dragon Elephant Art. And that mysterious roaring aura has to be the True Martial Spirit."

During Chen Chu's seclusion, many people had received some information about him through their teachers. They knew he was cultivating one of the strongest high-level arts, the Dragon Elephant Tyrant Body.

An excited senior at the Fourth Heavenly Realm exclaimed, "This is unbelievable. Even though they're both at the Fifth Heavenly Realm, he couldn't even withstand a single strike. This junior is too strong."

"Ahem! Xiu Lan, watch your image, you're drooling."

"Is that so? Haha, you must be mistaken."

"I'll take the lead. Brothers, don't give him a chance to recover. Even at the Fifth Heavenly Realm, he can’t defeat everyone with just one move every time."

With a fierce shout, the indignant Wang Xiong leaped high into the air, several dozen meters away. Black true power gleamed around him as he wielded a long spear, stirring up circular waves of air.

"Black Dragon Sky Domination!"


With an echoing roar, Wang Xiong descended from the sky like a black dragon, surrounded by fierce winds. In his hands, the long spear transformed into a sharp edge, gleaming in the furious jaws of the dragon made of true power.


The spear tip in the dragon's mouth vibrated continuously, changing positions dozens of times in an instant, making it impossible for anyone to see where the spear was aimed.

Chen Chu, however, didn’t need to see clearly.


As the halberd swept through at supersonic speed, there was a moment where the world seemed to be engulfed by a golden light, obliterating everything in its path with overwhelming force.

The black dragon descending from the sky was instantly obliterated by the halberd, exploding into a shockwave of black and golden colors in mid-air with a tremendous uproar.


Within the raging air waves, Wang Xiong was sent flying like a cannonball and crashed into a decorative rockery a hundred meters away, causing rocks to explode and smoke to billow.


Many people gasped in unison this time.

"I don't believe you can maintain such a powerful outburst indefinitely either."

Amid the shouts, another figure shot out from the audience, with the true power of the Fifth Heavenly Realm flowing around him. Like a blue stream of light, he appeared in front of Chen Chu in an instant.

Before the person could swing his battle sword, there was a flash of golden light before him, followed by an earth-shattering explosion. He spat out a mouthful of blood.


The third-year student was sent flying backward with white air waves over a hundred meters after getting casually struck by Chen Chu, causing chaos among the spectators.

"My foot's trapped!"

"My butt hurts."

"Quick, give me a hand, I'm injured..."

Just then, a burly figure charged onto the platform with a resounding roar, each step crushing the ground beneath his boots as he unleashed torrents of yellow air waves.

"Demon Sealing Mountain Destroying Strike!"


In the face of the nine-meter-long halberd light’s sweep, the battle sword in the hands of the student who had just rushed onto the platform shattered instantly, his true power collapsed, and he, too, was swept away with a loud bang.

"Don't give him a chance to recover!" With a fierce shout, a burst of golden light shot out, tearing through the air and leaving a long rift in the ground.

And just as the sword light rushed halfway in, it suddenly split into six, enveloping Chen Chu in a vast expanse of golden light...



Boom! Boom! Boom!!

To everyone’s disbelief, seventeen geniuses at the beginning stage of the Fifth Heavenly Realm and two at the middle stage were all blasted away by a single strike each.

No matter how fast their speed was, no matter how exquisite or powerful their killer moves were, they all collapsed in an instant under the supersonic golden light swept up by the heavy halberd.

Unrivaled, unstoppable, simply terrifyingly powerful.

For these students who had no way out and had to fight on stage, their plan to exhaust Chen Chu by not giving him a chance to catch his breath was completely shattered.


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