Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 252: Tyrant Elephant, Golden Dragon, Transferring to West Meng Empire

Chapter 252: Tyrant Elephant, Golden Dragon, Transferring to West Meng Empire

The breakthrough took only an hour. When the golden true power within him gradually settled, Chen Chu slowly opened his black eyes. They were as gentle as jade, with a cold and dignified golden vertical pupil at the inner layer.

Compared to before, the golden dragon pupil appeared even clearer. Due to the overlapping nature of his pupils, however, his eyes seemed merely extraordinary rather than giving a bizarre and unsettling impression of having two pupils in one eye.

With the breakthrough complete and the rune fully condensed, the colossal beast-like oppressive aura that Chen Chu had intentionally emitted disappeared. Instead, there was a sense of returning to simplicity and purity.

Chen Chu used his thoughts to summon the attribute page; nothing else could illustrate the detailed changes in every aspect of him more directly.

Realm: Fifth Heavenly Realm [Late stage]

Physique: 1349 → 1410

Strength: 1612 → 1715

Agility: 1162 → 1192

Spirit: 1270 → 1295

Innate ability: Soul Splitting [Top level], Golden Dragon Double Pupil [Middle level]

Martial Arts: Tyrant Body Divine Might Dragon Elephant [Maximum], Eight Desolations Purgatory Halberd [Advanced]

Secret Arts: Hidden Divinity [Advanced]

Runes: Divine Might Dragon Elephant [Complete Rune, possessing three states]

Low-level state: Burns vitality to enter the Tyrant Elephant state, increasing strength eightfold.

Middle-level state: Burns true dragon power to enter the Golden Dragon state, enhancing strength and defense fivefold, and agility twofold.

High-level state: Simultaneously burns vitality and true power to enter the Divine Might Dragon Elephant state, increasing strength and defense fifteenfold and gaining the power of the Dragon Elephant.

Note: The Divine Might Dragon Elephant state heavily consumes willpower. Current strength is insufficient; use with caution.

Blade of Void [Incomplete]

Attribute Points: 93

Equipment: Eight Desolations Purgatory Halberd [Transcendent weapon forged once], Fiery Wind Crystal Armor [Transcendent battle armor forged once]

Avatar: Ancient Six-horned Thunder Fiery Colossal Beast

Evolution Points: 9200/30000

In this enhancement, most of the energy had been consumed in the ultimate extrapolation of the cultivation art, with the remaining part used to facilitate the fusion of true power and willpower.

As a result, Chen Chu's true power had only increased twofold in terms of intensity. His dantian had expanded, and his cultivation realm had smoothly broken through to the late stage of the Fifth Heavenly Realm.

Additionally, after the Dragon Elephant Tyrant Body had reached its maximum, Chen Chu's physical body had completely fused with the elephant and dragon essences that he had previously absorbed.

From now on, he no longer needed to manually activate the Tyrant Body Divine Might, as his physical body was now constantly in the Tyrant Body state, imbued with divine might and unparalleled strength.

This state was similar to the True Martial Battle Body condensed in the Eighth Heavenly Realm, with qi and spirit united, constantly at the peak state.

Compared to Li Hao, who needed to manually activate his king-bloodline power to enter the Bull Demon state, with his Battle Body at the intermediate level, Chen Chu's Tyrant Body Divine Might had already reached the advanced level.

Moreover, this breakthrough had increased his four main attributes. It wasn’t as significant as previous breakthroughs, such as his Strength gaining only 100 points, but the changes in his physique were secondary. Chen Chu's gaze fell on the rune notes below.

The complete Divine Might Dragon Elephant rune possessed three states: the Tyrant Elephant, the Golden Dragon, and the most powerful, the Divine Might Dragon Elephant. Each state had different activation costs.

The Divine Might Dragon Elephant could instantly increase strength and defense fifteenfold. Although this seemed to only be an increase of five times over the Elephant Fury rune, its upper limit was much higher.

After all, a fifteenfold increase at the Sixth or Seventh Heavenly Realm was vastly different from a tenfold increase at the Third or Fourth—a difference that was almost indescribable.

Chen Chu's gaze lingered on the Dragon Elephant rune as he pondered for a moment. Suddenly, a powerful force erupted from his body.


A violent elephant's roar echoed through the air. As his vitality burned, red flames danced across Chen Chu's body. His muscles swelled, and in an instant, he had transformed into a towering figure over two meters tall, his skin rough and emitting a metallic sheen.


In the Tyrant Elephant state, Chen Chu exuded an aura of oppressive strength, compressing the surrounding air and creating gusts of wind that blew in all directions.

He slightly clenched his thick arm, and in an instant, the air in his palm exploded, creating a ring of transparent shockwaves.

Feeling the eightfold surge of power within him and the controlled burning of his Tyrant Body's vitality, Chen Chu's voice rumbled, "This state can last a long time."

With the rune complete, the burning of his vitality was no longer a frantic and endless ignition, but instead a controlled, proportional burn. Given the current strength of Chen Chu's physical body, he estimated that he could sustain the Tyrant Elephant state for half an hour without severely depleting his energy, and if it did get depleted, he estimated that it would take only ten days to half a month to recover. If he had resources to replenish his energy, the recovery would be even faster.

Chen Chu sighed in relief. His greatest fear had been that burning his vitality would leave him as drained as with the Elephant Fury rune, just a brief burst followed by severe energy depletion. This would have made the rune's drawbacks too significant.

After testing the Tyrant Elephant state, Chen Chu extinguished the flames of his vitality with a single thought. His muscles instantly deflated and quickly returned to their normal appearance.

After resting for a moment, Chen Chu ignited the true dragon power with another thought. Instantly, his dantian emitted an endless golden light, like a blazing fire, which spread across his entire body and activated the Golden Dragon power within his muscles and bones. His entire body became covered in a layer of substantive golden dragon scales.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The air around Chen Chu resonated with dragon roars. A terrifying draconic power spread out from him, causing all living beings to instinctively feel fear and panic.

"This state feels strange."

Standing at a height of 1.9 meters, Chen Chu now looked like a golden draconic man, feeling the surge of power within him. He moved his limbs slightly.


Chen Chu instantly disappeared from his original position. In the cultivation room, golden afterimages appeared and vanished continuously.

Chen Chu's usual movement speed was already incredibly fast. When he exploded with full force, his powerful physique allowed him to break the sound barrier.

In the Golden Dragon state, the scales on his body seemed to contain a special power, emitting golden light that reduced air resistance. As a result, Chen Chu's speed reached over seven hundred meters per second, twice the speed of sound.

Soon, all the afterimages vanished, and Chen Chu reappeared in the center of the cultivation room. His dantian burned like an engine filled with gasoline. With his current late-stage Fifth Heavenly Realm cultivation, he estimated that he could maintain this state for about fifteen minutes.

With a thought, Chen Chu’s true power was extinguished, and the golden light on his body faded away. The oppressive draconic power he had been emitting vanished.

This maximum enhancement had not disappointed him; it was indeed powerful, especially the three transformations of the Dragon Elephant rune.

In the first state, the Tyrant Elephant state, his strength was fierce and domineering, capable of overwhelming everything in its path. It was perfect for charging headlong into battle, where almost no one of the same level could stand against him.

The Golden Dragon state, on the other hand, was more balanced and could handle more complex situations. For instance, if he encountered an unbeatable enemy, he could use an explosive burst of speed to escape. If faced with an assassin of the same level, he could instantly kill them.

As for the full-power Divine Might Dragon Elephant state, Chen Chu decided not to test it right now, finding it unnecessary. He then continued to familiarize himself with his enhanced strength.


While Chen Chu was breaking through in seclusion, the geniuses at the late stage or peak of the Fifth Heavenly Realm, ranked in the top thirty on the Achievement List in the Yunwu Mountain Range, received messages summoning them back to face a challenge.

Although the schools weren’t under military jurisdiction, orders from the highest commander on the southern mutated beast battlefield still had to be obeyed.

"Breaking through to the middle stage of the Fifth Heavenly Realm as a first-year is indeed monstrous, but saying we can't withstand three moves from him is too arrogant."

However, some brightened with excitement, saying, "Not being defeated in three moves earns you a free top-level scripture? What a great deal!"

"Hahaha... Arrogant! Let me see how you can beat me in three moves."

"Who would've thought someone could outdo my arrogance? I have to meet him..."

Immediately, those geniuses who had planned to stay in the mountains to continue honing their skills burst forth with explosive speed, heading out of the Yunwu Mountain Range. They had to get back before this Chen Chu was defeated in three moves by someone else.

None of them wanted to miss this opportunity, whether it was to see what this freak looked like, to make him eat his words, or to earn a top-level secret scripture... Especially for the secret scripture.

Normally, cultivators could reach the peak of the Sixth Heavenly Realm and break through to the Seventh without a top-level secret scripture.

However, the Seventh Heavenly Realm was a crucial threshold, just like breaking through from the Third to the Fourth. It determined whether one could eventually reach the Ninth Heavenly Realm or even the king level.

A top-level secret scripture was equivalent to a stable path forward, a complete inheritance. With such a scripture, their condensed True Martial Phantoms would become more powerful, and their True Martial Battle Bodies would be more complete.

"Unfortunately, we still have to set up the satellite network here, otherwise we could have gone to watch," Chen Qi remarked regretfully upon seeing the notification.

After all, Chen Chu was her student, and witnessing him gain such prominence would bring her pride. Unfortunately, unlike those students, they had many tasks to complete after the siege on the invading demon cultists.

Now, they had to use the satellite crash sites as central points to set up fixed signal towers, and arrange defenses to prevent any mutated creatures from sabotaging them.

Soon, a fixed network covering the Yunwu Mountain Range would be established, which would significantly change the landscape there. With more complete coverage and a smooth flow of information, even Fourth Heavenly Realm students could venture deeper into the mountains, marking dangerous areas and teaming up to hunt high-level mutated beasts. Searching for resources would also become more convenient.

However, even though it was going to become safer in the Yunwu Mountains, this did not necessarily mean everything was all good; such a situation was going to take a while to fully realize.

At 1:40 PM, the door of the cultivation room slowly opened. As Chen Chu walked out, he saw Xia Youhui and the others already waiting outside and smiled. "Everyone’s here."

Xia Youhui, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement, asked, "Ah Chu, how do you feel? Are you confident?"

Chen Chu glanced at him. "Do you think I would joke about this?"

"I know you wouldn't joke about something like this, but the commotion this time is insane," Xia Youhui said with a bitter smile.

"Even the military higher-ups have heard the news about you challenging all of the Fifth Realm students. The battlefield general’s announced that anyone who can withstand three of your moves without being defeated can choose a top-level secret scripture for free.

"Because of that, everyone in the top thirty of the Achievement List has come back from the Yunwu Mountains. These guys are all at the late stage or even peak of the Fifth Realm."

"A top-level secret scripture? What a grand gesture," Chen Chu remarked, raising an eyebrow.

In the school's exchange system, a top-level secret scripture required 3,000 merit points, roughly equivalent to 10,000 contribution points. The issue, however, was that earning merit points was significantly more challenging, especially since there were no channels to earn them on the mutated beast battlefield.

"Also, the general said that you shouldn’t hold back in this. The military’s gonna be compensating any injuries or damages."

Chen Chu's lips curled into a slight smile. "Interesting, he’s treating me like a whetstone. But even so, I should thank him."

With this assurance, he could fight more freely in the upcoming challenges.

Chen Chu then looked around and turned to Xia Youhui. "Old Xia, where's Luo Fei?"

When he had returned at noon, he had noticed her absence, but had initially thought that she had simply been busy with something. Now, however, three hours had passed, and she was still missing.

At this, Xia Youhui suddenly remembered. "Oh! I was so shocked by you earlier that I forgot to tell you about Luo Fei leaving."

"She left?" Chen Chu's brows furrowed. "When?"

Liu Feng walked over and chimed in. "It was the day after the demon cultists' invasion. Her aunt came to the battlefield to take her away. You were deep enough in the Yunwu Mountains at the time that we couldn’t send you any messages about it. Otherwise, you could have seen her off with us."

He then said excitedly, "Chen Chu, you wouldn't believe it. Luo Fei's aunt is actually General Luo Wuyue, the one who became a general despite being an ordinary person!"

Chen Chu shook his head. "I knew that already."

"What? Ah Chu, you knew this all along?" Xia Youhui was taken aback.

Luo Fei didn’t explicitly mention it when he had visited the military base to watch the girl shoot, but Chen Chu had already suspected that her aunt was General Luo Wuyue.

After all, in the whole of East Xia, the only person who fit the description was this female general, and there was also the same surname and military backgrounds.

However, Chen Chu hadn't expected that Luo Fei would leave right when he was about to reach the pinnacle of glory on the southern battlefield, making him feel inexplicably regretful.

After a moment of silence, Chen Chu asked, "Did she say anything when she left?"

"Yeah, she did. She said she’s transferring to West Meng once the semester ends, and hoped we could take the time to see her off. She wasn't sure if she'd get the chance to meet us again after that."

"Transferring to West Meng?" Chen Chu was stunned.

Xia Youhui scratched his head. "We were surprised, too. We couldn't understand why she would want to transfer to West Meng when she was cultivating so well here."

"...I understand." Chen Chu slowly exhaled. He remembered Luo Fei mentioning that her parents were in the West Meng Empire. That was the most likely reason.

"Let's go. We shouldn't keep those seniors waiting."

As he spoke, Chen Chu's eyes sharpened, and he strode toward the base's martial arts training ground. The invincible aura around him, which had previously subsided, surged once again, stirring up a tempest.


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