My Researching Journey (HxH)

Chapter 22: I’m Just Annoyed

Chapter 22: I'm Just Annoyed


Chapter 22: I'm Just Annoyed


I headed back to my house, had a cup of coffee, and relaxed as I emptied my mind and sat down in a meditative position.

This is a necessary step to perfect my enhancement ability as well as increasing my normal output but most importantly, it will play a major role in my main ability as I plan to create a sub ability for which will be necessary.

My low compatibility in enhancement is quite limiting as It's the most balanced category, it plays a role in every other category if used well and It will only be beneficial for abilities I might have in the future.

Perfect compatibility in enhancement will not only increase my output, but it will also increase my durability and speed, and most importantly, it will increase my input. As for what input means? Well, it will become clear once I create my specialization ability.

So that brings me to the solution, a sacrifice similar to what Kurapica pays when using emperor time, When Kurapika's eyes shift into scarlet, he changes from a Conjurer to a Specialist.

This ability allows him to utilize all the types of Nen with 100% efficiency. Kurapika explains this using the terms "Level", "Force", and "Accuracy": his "Levels" in the various Nen categories remain the same during Emperor Time, but his "Force" and "Accuracy" for every category are raised to 100%.

Thus, if Kurapika's "Level" in Conjuration was 10, his "Level" in Emission (the polar opposite aura type) would remain 4 at the most, but his "Force" and "Accuracy" in any Emission ability would increase from 40% to 100%, making him evenly matched against a Level 4 Emitter.

However, the price to pay is considerable, as every second spent in this mode shortens Kurapika's lifespan by one hour.

I want to have 100% compatibility in enhancement, that's an increase of 60% so I obviously won't have to make a sacrifice of that caliber, but my understanding of Nen isn't that high so I'm not sure how sacrifices work exactly.

From what I've seen the person needs three things, determination, willpower, and emotions, I'm not sure if there is any other requirement but For now, I'll only consider the previous ones.

I have the willpower, I'm not sure if I have the determination since I'm not willing to sacrifice something like my lifespan but what I'm willing to sacrifice should logically be enough.

As for emotions then isn't desire an emotion? I simply desire to have 100% compatibility in enhancement, the question is if my desire is intense enough to allow such a thing.

I closed my eyes as darkness surrounded me, my willpower is something I proved across the years in this world.

I'm willing to sacrifice ever being able to create an ability that has to do with transmutation and emission, I desire to have 100% compatibility in enhancement...

I waited and waited for hours while repeating the same vow in my mind, and as time pass an air of chillness continued to envelop the house.

A suffocating pressure descended upon my surroundings, the source being was none other than me as what could be described as a dark purple aura surrounded me.

There was no change in my expression and I felt relatively calm, it's just my killing intent leaking away, a killing intent that I've taken control of years ago since it can be a weakness if the target sense it.

My killing intent is my representation of anger, the training I've gone through for the past years allowed me to have complete control over my anger.

In fact, I find it hard to feel any anger anymore but when something doesn't go my way, then my killing intent starts leaking away which is better than anger since I can think clearly which is explains my current situation.

I felt nothing, no change, I'm sure I'll naturally know if my purpose is achieved and I naturally knew my goal failed.

Failure was always an option and I took it into consideration, there was a high chance it's not going to work but considering failure and facing it are two vastly different things.

I retracted my killing intent then stood up and went out of the house, I noticed people avoiding me as the chilliness never left me, I pay that no heed as I had something to eat then went back to the forest.

I stood there with an expressionless face, I close my eyes then 'Ko', I used Gyo on my right hand as 100% of my aura concentrated on the fist I'm making.

A dark purple aura enveloped my right hand then my arm flashed as a rumbling sound echoed accompanied by a few debris flying in several directions.

It wasn't long before the same sound was heard again as I used Ko on my left hand. The cycle continued for minutes as I continued changing from hand to hand.

My speed continued to increase creating a continuous rumbling sound forming a small yet deep crater.

"Sigh, It's good to let off some steam from time to time..." I opened my eyes though my cold expression didn't change. I need to do some more thinking.

My obsession with things going my way could have potentially been dangerous if I didn't get born into such a family, if I didn't learn to control my emotions.

I picked up a small stone near me, purple lines surfaced all around my arms as I slashed across it leaving a purple line.

I then threw it up into the sky as it shined purple in the dark of the night though it didn't take long for the beautiful purple light to disappearing with the stone vanishing with it.

The scene that used to always bring a bright smile to my face failed to make any change to the chilliness surrounding me.

This is just me being uncomfortable and annoyed, and selfish. Why I failed is obvious to me, my determination isn't enough but those are the only two categories I can give, the others are all necessary.

I really needed transmutation but I had to give it up, however, I failed and no longer need to sacrifice any of the categories.

I have an alternative sacrifice that I'd prefer to make for something else but I have no choice.

I do need however to cool off because I don't think my annoyance and killing intent will disperse any time soon... I need to get myself under control.


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