My Researching Journey (HxH)

Chapter 21: Perspective

Chapter 21: Perspective


Chapter 21: Perspective


- Illumi Zoldyck POV-

There are times where my mind almost breaks but they stop the training just in time for me to come back to my senses.

After all, considering my family's generations of assassination training, the training is bound to become perfectly optimized to test the trainee's limits which is basically the reason I'm still sane after all the torture I've gone through.

Though my personality still got affected as it got colder than it already was and I got more control over my emotions and that's one goal of the training. though I've come to like the power training gives me.

The Zoldyck family members aren't exactly close to each other from what I've seen so far though the people I feel closer to are Yasuo and my mother.

I feel like they understand me better especially Yasuo, our conversations are always efficient and pleasant though we don't talk much.

And from what he just said I can confirm that he understands quite a lot, 'Power is a beautiful thing' but family comes first.

I've planned to challenge him since I want to know the difference between us and still wanted to even after watching the match, but after he attacked me I changed my mind.

Not because of his strange skill since according to him it's learnable, what changed my mind is his intent when he attacked me, he has none.

I didn't know he attacked me until he did and in the assassination training that basically means I'm dead.

One of the most important things we learned in the assassination training is detecting the intent of the opponent yet I felt no intent from him.

The distance between us is larger than what I thought it'd be, I knew he'd leave me behind since he is more talented than me and I noticed that he push himself quite a lot.

It was always like that, he was always ahead of me and I tried to mimic quite a lot of what he does, but he isn't someone I can hate.

I can envy his talent but hating him for having a stronger mentality is illogical to me, I also noticed that he changed or more like he seemed more free, just being himself.

I thought the expressionless face he used to have all those years is what he is like, yet the smile of amusement says otherwise.

I need to work harder, perhaps this new mysterious and wonderous power will open numerous possibilities for me. A smile of anticipation couldn't help but creep out to my face before it receded shortly after.


In a forest not far from heavens arena, I was walking towards my usual training spot, I stood there as I closed my eyes and focused on sensing if anyone is nearby, once I confirmed no one is close by I started my training.

My Nen started spreading enveloping a large area around me, this is En, I'm able to spread it to an area with a radius of 131 meters around me in the span of 1.2 seconds though I can't seem to push it as lower as Meruem did.

The larger my En becomes the longer the time I need to spread it even with my fine control.

I found 0.8 seconds to be the least amount of time I can spread my massive En in, though if I create a smaller En, that time span shortens depending on its size.

Every time I increase my En radius the time also increases though this flaw will be removed once I create my main ability and what am sure will be my greatest creation.

Just three more matches to go, then I'll focus on training and creating my main ability for another 6 months before challenging the floor master I have in mind.

Then while trying to extend my Nen, I do my usual attacking speed training. I adjust the anatomy of my hands performing 'deadly snake', my hands become sharper as my fingernails become razor-sharp.

I then use Gyo on my hands using the available aura at my disposal and start striking, my left hand then my right hand repeatedly as my attacking speed becomes faster and faster until I reached my limit with weights on, I continued on this rhythm until my aura was almost on the brink of depleting.

I retracted my En, then I stood in front of the closest tree to me and brought my hands up, then...

'Hatsu -Violet Rose-: M=1000, T=5'

Time seemed to slow down as I instantly attacked, my hands seemed to disappear as they went through the tree constantly leaving violet lines.

I started circling around the tree creating a beautiful painting of a bright purple tree decorated by numerous purple lines, akin to a tree designed by the hands of God.

I fell back by the third second as I watched what could be considered one of the most beautiful scenes I've ever seen with a beaming smile.

The purple lines spread in the span of 0.5 seconds, then the exquisite tree personally crafted by God was there no more, all that was left is several holes through the fertile soil signifying a tree once took its roots there.

I created my ability with the idea that anything I target can be affected by my ability as long as I considered it a target which means that I can make anything from animate to inanimate objects disappear as long as I fulfill the condition.

My ability is quite interesting as I created it with a few targets in mind, targets that would otherwise be hard to erase.

'Hatsu -Violet Rose- : M=100,T=0.2'

Then I target another tree though this time I used a timer of 0.2 seconds, and then before the timer even ends, I targeted another tree as by the time I reached it, the timer ended.

All I need is one attack to make a tree vanish from existence, that's how fragile inanimate things are. I really look forward to the day I can eliminate planets and stars with a mere touch.

I reactivated my ability with the same timer repeatedly until 5 trees disappeared in the span of 1 second.

This is a way to maximize the use of my ability by using just enough time for every target as my ability can't target multiple targets at the same time.

I closed my eyes as a solemn expression surfaced on my face, 'It's time, I've been pushing it for far too long. I need to know if it's possible...', then...


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