My Refrigerator Turned Into A Dungeon

Chapter 217:

Chapter 217:

Dungeon Stampede 2.0 Flames

The scene looks like wartime.

In the past, during World War II, when the Tokyo air raid happened, did everyone run around in such anxiety…?


"Agh, another helicopter. Take cover! Everyone, hide quickly!"


Armed SDF helicopters are constantly flying overhead to exterminate the monsters.

But among us, except for Serai-san, we stand out, glistening in gold. Especially me, looking just like a monster, making me a prime target for friendly fire. Even speaking Japanese, it’s been hard to convince the SDF soldiers that I am Japanese.

So every time an SDF helicopter approaches, we hide and wait it out, continuing our journey.

"…Phew, they finally left."

"Man, this really makes my heart race…"

Monsters on the ground, SDF helicopters in the air, our progress is slow.


But we have to keep moving, or Ruu will become an even more troublesome brat worrying about her mother.

"Ruu, just a little more. We'll see your mom soon, safely."



But as we continued, an impossible opponent appeared before us.


A white luxury car blocked our way.

A famous German make, loved by those who want to appear wealthy in Japan. It revved its engine aggressively as if to intimidate. It seemed to have run over something already, with its front part ugly and blood-stained.

"Egazuki-san, that…"

"Yes, it seems we've been mistaken for monsters. Let's try waving to show we're different."

We do look misleading. So, we waved at the revving car, but it responded with even louder engine roars.

"Impossible! Even hand signs don't work?!"


"Seems they've lost all judgment."

"What do we do now…?"


Before answering, the white luxury car swerved towards us.

It roared as it sped towards us at breakneck speed.

"Everyone, stay low behind me…!"

Through the windshield, I saw a short-haired, bespectacled, chubby man gripping the wheel. I extended my arms, palms open, signaling him to stop. But he just grinned wider and accelerated.

Dodging a car that can mostly only go straight is easy.

But if this keeps up, he'll come back. The car was right in front of me. The grinning man tightly gripped the wheel, bracing for impact.

"What a fool… Take this, Jump Ramp Pose!!"

Just before contact, I quickly took the Jump Ramp Pose.

Feet wider than shoulder-width, bent forward, right hand forward, left hand back, straight. Like an aerobics pose. I also extended the remaining arm attachment.

As a result, I was cleanly run over by the white luxury car, which was sent flying.


The white luxury car spun 3/4 to the left in mid-air for about 2.6 seconds.

It landed front-first, sparks flying, sliding upside down. It must have been a thrilling airborne adventure.


"Egazuki-san, are you okay?!"

"Yes, I'm fine. But I got run over pretty hard."

"That's really bad luck. You’ve got a clear tire mark on your back."

"Hmm, this is a hit-and-run, isn't it?"

"Trying to run us over out of nowhere is awful! I'll go give them a piece of my mind!"

"Manchi, wait! Approaching a crazy driver like that is dangerous!"

"Oh, you're right…!"

"Uh… but we should help; it's an accident…"

"Ruu-chan, if Coach wasn't here, we'd have been run over. They should apologize first, right?"

"Um, but the car's upside down… the driver might be hurt…"


As they discussed what to do, the luxury car burst into flames. It seemed the gasoline ignited.


This is terrible. Too hot to approach. Well, saves us the trouble of cremation.

So, that’s that.



Besides monsters, we were attacked twice by humans.

What a mess.

Has the chaos loosened their mental restraints? But even in normal times, people attack others. So, it’s not just the chaos.

Be careful. There are always scoundrels waiting to seize an opportunity.


6 PM.

After much struggle, we finally reached the residential area with the supply house, but Ruu's apartment building was burning.

"No way! Mom! Mooooom!!"

"Wait, Ruu!"

The fire started on the first floor, but Ruu's home was above that. Seeing her home engulfed in flames, Ruu, in her confusion, dashed off despite our attempts to stop her.

The darkness was illuminated by the flames, with heat waves roaring and swirling. Another fire. In the apartment parking lot, people who had evacuated were being chased by monsters. In the midst of this chaos, Ruu ran right in.

"Ruu-chan is mine! Coach, you handle the fire…!"

Nina-san chased after Ruu, who was already climbing the apartment stairs.

"Got it. But the number of monsters here…"

"Egetsui-san, lend me that shoehorn! I'll take care of the monsters!"

Serai-san, wielding Excalibarl in her left hand, asked for the mythril shoehorn, which seemed to have high-frequency blade-like power. I realized that all three of them had somehow lost the stink bug shields they had on the first day.

"Understood, be careful."

"Got it! Hooahhh!"

Receiving the mythril shoehorn, Serai-san made its tip glow white and, with a spirited shout, slashed into the chaotic parking lot.


Meanwhile, the fire kept growing stronger.

"Damn… no time to waste! Chakra on… Spirit Full Blast!"


Enhancing my magic and fully summoning the spirits.

In a flash of rainbow light, the Pixie Queen appeared, with Shiotarou emerging from her chest and Red Slime wriggling out from her prosthetic leg.

"Alright, it's hard to extinguish the fire from here. Let's move around to the south side!"



On the south side of the apartment, the fire was even more intense than on the parking lot side. But…

"Please! Block the air, Pixie Queen!"


The Pixie Queen manipulated the wind, creating a layer of still air around the fire site, visibly weakening the ferocious flames.

"Shiotarou, deploy the firebreak panels! Red Slime, draw water from the irrigation canal!"

(…! …! …!!)


[[[THUD! THUD!!]]]

Thick rock salt panels produced by Shiotarou pierced through the burning rooms one after another. Salt doesn’t burn easily, so this should help contain the spread of the fire.

But even this wasn't enough to put out the flames completely. It seemed the gas pipes had been compromised.

In Japanese mythology, since Izanagi killed the fire god Kagutsuchi, fire is considered uncontrollable. Indeed, it is proving difficult to manage.

"Damn…! We must hold the fire back until Red Slime returns with water! Unleash the slime… and smother the raging flames! Slime Deluge!!"

Now is the time to show the power of my slime, let's go!


As the slimy wave touched the flames, thick white smoke rose, accompanied by loud hissing sounds.


But it wasn't being overpowered. The slime is strong against fire.

Usually, pouring water on burning combustibles leads to evaporation or runoff, causing reignition. But the persistent slime, unlike mere water, stays put, cutting off the oxygen supply necessary for combustion.

[Unyuuu… poke poke]

"Oh, you're back, Red Slime! Let's combine our attacks! Hydro Attack!!"

Red Slime returned, now resembling a long hose, drawing water from the irrigation canal. Together, we directed the highly viscous firefighting water at the flames.


The room on the first floor, which was the source of the fire, and the adjacent rooms were completely burned, as well as five rooms on the second and third floors. However, thanks to the spirits' cooperation, we managed to protect Ruu’s home on the sixth floor.

It had been a day plagued by fire, but the result was positive. Yes! This is the victory of teamwork.


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