My Refrigerator Turned Into A Dungeon

Chapter 216:

Chapter 216:

Dungeon Stampede 2.0 Tremor

"Good moooorning… sniff sniff… snort!"

Just kidding. Just kidding.

No matter how much of an idiot I am, I wouldn't do something like that in an emergency. It's just that it's my first time in a love hotel, and such thoughts crossed my mind.

In reality, I'm sitting on a sofa, away from the bed where the three of them are sleeping.

Here, I've been spending time with various thoughts and trying to recover my condition by replacing the mucus on my back and waist with something cold like a compress.


"Hmm… What? What's going on…?"

"Good morning, Nina-san. Don't worry, it's okay."

12:30 PM. Finally, Nina-san wakes up.

I've been watching her toss and turn, thinking she might wake up soon. When she did, she seemed puzzled by the unfamiliar room.

"Uh, huh… Still in my suit?"

Nina-san realizes her fingers are covered by her suit as she brings her hand to her face, struggling with her sleepy eyes. Let me get you a wet towel, my lady.

"Hold still…"

"Thank you, Coach…"

As I wipe her eyes with the towel, she obediently lifts her chin. Speaking of which, I wonder if the bun tied at the back of her head for the mask wasn't uncomfortable while she slept.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah. How long did I sleep?"

"Almost a full day. But it's good it was only that long. I was worried you might be out for three days."

"Oh. And everyone else is safe… Thank you for protecting us…"

Nina-san, now understanding the situation, reaches out to me as she looks at the still-sleeping Ruu and Serai-san. I respond with a cheek-to-cheek hug and use my magic to loosen her suit.

"It's safe here, so take a hot shower to wake up."

"Okay, I'll do that."

Nina-san's suit splits open at the back, revealing her glistening naked body as if she were emerging from a cocoon. Her skin is covered in mucus for lubrication, making it truly look like she’s emerging.

"You can stand, right? The dense life energy should affect your stats, so be careful with your strength."

"Thanks… I'll wake up properly now."

"Mmm… mmm…!"

"I'm drowning… I'm drowning!"

After escorting Nina-san to the bathroom and returning, I notice Ruu and Serai-san showing signs of waking up, probably from hearing the conversation.

Ruu is twitching like a small animal, and Serai-san is reaching out as if she's having a drowning dream. I can't let them grab anything weird by mistake.

[[[Rumble rumble rumble…!!!]]]

Suddenly, a roaring noise. Simultaneously, the entire building starts shaking violently.


I quickly lower my stance to shield Ruu and Seira, still in bed, and realize the noise is from a helicopter.



"Wake up, you two!"

"Coach, what's going on!?"

"Probably a helicopter. It's flying very low, causing the building to shake."

"What should we do!?"

"I'll check outside! Nina-san, sorry but cut the shower short!"

I reply to Nina, who shows her wet hair from the bathroom, grab my bug king mask, and dash out of the room.

A helicopter flying in this situation is likely a JSDF chopper. The unnervingly low altitude suggests something serious.

We need to find out what's happening here…


[[[Rumble rumble rumble…!!!]]]

As I step outside the love hotel, a helicopter passes overhead, casting a shadow.

A round helicopter, probably a UH-something model. It's flying at an alarmingly low altitude, almost touching power lines, moving slowly as if stalking prey. Suddenly, it starts firing a machine gun.

[Zap zap zap! Zap zap! Zap zap zap…!!]

(No way! The JSDF, which has avoided firing in urban areas, is doing this in the middle of the city. This means they're desperate!)

Brass casings rain down from the helicopter's door gun, bouncing off the asphalt and car hoods.

Monsters overflowing from the dungeon is an anomaly. But the JSDF firing machine guns in a Japanese city is unprecedented.

As I hide in the roadside greenery and look up, I feel a chill at the sight of such abnormal behavior, like a usually calm person suddenly going berserk.

(But, what is that…?)

As I peer to see what they are attacking, I see the remains of a giant black spider, torn apart by the bullets.

(What's going on…?)

The giant black spider was already dead, flipped over by us. So why is it being attacked so relentlessly?

As I ponder, the JSDF helicopter stops firing, ascends rapidly, and leaves.

But within two seconds, a slicing sound fills the air, followed by a massive explosion as the giant black spider erupts in flames.

Even from over 30 meters away, the shockwave and vibration hit my gut.

[[[Rumble rumble rumble…!!!]]]

A combat helicopter, trailing white smoke, zips through the buildings.

(Huey Cobra!? Where did that come from!?)

It looks like a scene from a monster movie. The giant black spider was incinerated by a rocket or anti-ground missile from the attack helicopter.



The fire from the JSDF helicopter’s attack ignites a nearby supermarket, causing a massive explosion due to accumulated gas. Black smoke billows, quickly engulfing the area.

This is bad. We need to escape before the fire spreads.


As I flee, a deafening roar from above, and I look up to see a jet streaking across the sky.

(Could it be a US military jet from Yokosuka's carrier!?)

The JSDF helicopter was surprising enough, but seeing a US jet over Tokyo… They wouldn't be attacking, right…?


Returning to the love hotel amidst the chaos, I find a black car blocking the entrance.

(Huh, where did this car come from? It wasn’t here earlier. Anyway, we need to move quickly.)

Hurrying back to the room, I find the door locked.

(Did I get the wrong room? No, it’s the right one…)

Using my aura to sense, I detect more people inside besides Ruu and Seira.

"(Who are you people!?)"

"(Calm down, we’re here to help!)"

"(Yeah, it’s dangerous for girls to be alone. We’ll protect you.)"

What? Four men? Serai-san is confronting them harshly.

"(Stay back! Our protector will be back soon, and you’ll regret it!)"

"(A guy? He’s not coming back. Right?)"

"(Yeah. So just do as we say.)"

They’re not good Samaritans. They probably saw us escape to the hotel and waited for a chance to strike.

But they don't seem to realize we are dungeon abilities users who defeated the giant black spider. Haven’t they noticed our power?

(Seriously, in such an emergency, these fools…)

Using telekinesis, I unlock the door. It's easy for a dungeon ability user like me. The trick is to target the knob inside the door, not the keyhole.

"Quiet down!"

"Don't touch me!"


Entering the room, I see Serai-san chop a man's arm, breaking it.

Yeah, you can't force things with her.

Serai-san has severe mistrust of men due to past issues. Even I, who treat her carefully, sometimes struggle when she's in a bad mood. So forcing her? You get what you deserve.

"You bitch!"

"You did it now!"

Alright, I’ve had enough of your crap moves.



Enveloping the thugs in mucus, I drag them out and toss them into the hallway.

[[[Thud! Crunch! Splat!]]]

Oops, four at once was too much. The noise suggests some hit the door frame hard.



"Yeah, it’s chaos outside. We need to leave quickly. Get ready!"


Nodding at their response, I drag the thugs to the emergency exit and toss them out.

[[[Thud! Crunch! Splat!]]]

Oh, it’s quite a fall. This is the second floor, I forgot.

"""Growl! Growl!!!"""

[[[Chomp chomp!]]]

And there are monsters below. Didn’t notice. Sorry about that.

Returning to the room, I find the three ready to go.

"There's a fire nearby, so we need to leave quickly."

"What about those guys?"

"I punished them and let them go."


"Don't worry, they won’t be following us."


I used the mucus to choke them, inflicted bruises, and threw them from the second floor.

What happens next is not my concern.


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