My Little Sunshine

Chapter 200: Logical Explanation

Chapter 200: Logical Explanation

"Oh! No, no. You aren't disturbing me at all." Adam replied to her when apologised to him for troubling him. 

A couple of eyes shifted to him when his words made into their ears and their brand registered his sentence. The same thought was echoing in their minds but no one could gather the courage to voice it out. 'Yeah, yeah! You aren't disturbing him at all Ma'am, or us for the record.' 

As if sending their piercing gaze on him, Adam passed them a look, quietly hinting them to get on with the work assigned to them and stop dilly-dallying. Understanding his unsaid words, they shifted their eyes away from him, busying themselves in their own work. 

"I am listening, sweetheart. You carry on." He replied to her when she questioned him for being so quiet. 

"I am not doing much right now. We were just having a small meeting." He added. 

"A small meeting? Tell that to the people who are stuck with you inside that room for another hour or so." He heard her reply which was followed by a series of laughter. If he was the one holding a meeting, there was no way it could end up being small. She sure knew him well. 

"Alright, alright. I will go back and entertain them, my lady. You take care of yourself." Adam chuckled lightly, blowing another jab at his team. "I love you too." He added the latter part with a bright smile resting on his face, not forgetting to blow a kiss into the phone's speaker, taking them by surprise again.

He put his phone back on the table after disconnecting the call. His eyes met with a couple of shocked ones, causing him to frown his brows in confusion. 

"What are you guys staring at? Is there something interesting written on my face?" He threw a deathly glare towards them, causing them to flinch. They shook their heads in no, earning another glare from him. "Then may I know why are you guys sitting back so relaxed? Who will do the work that I assigned to you people?" 

Under his threatening glare, they shifted their attention back to their own assigned jobs. It wasn't their fault that were a bit distracted by that dog food. They were thanking the heavens above that it was just a phone call and their lady boss wasn't actually here with them. Faint shivers ran down their spines by the mere thought of being exposed to some real dog food. 


After working straight for five hours or so, everyone was tired including Adam himself. They had been looking into the past records of such incidents and the only similarity they could find between Parker's kidnapping and those previous ones, was the type of car they used to pick up their victim in. 

"You guys can take a break for now and eat something. Then we can get into these reports in greater detail." Adam spoke up, placing down a bunch of papers on the table before him. "I want to know when and exactly how these people were kidnapped and about their recovery as well."

"Yes, Boss." The members of his team replied at the same time before leaving their seats and going out of the room, leaving Adam on his own. 

Heaving out a tired sigh, Adam leaned his face in between his palms as both of his elbows rested on the edge of the table. He rubbed the side of his head slowly, trying to ease the headache which was building up with each passing minute. 

He was frustrated with his own self for not being able to protect his own man. Moreover, even after spending around five hours on the case, they weren't a single step closer to finding him.

A sudden ping from his phone brought him out of his stupor, shifting his attention to his phone which was resting securely in his coat's pocket. Taking it out, he placed his thumb on the home button to unlock it. A single notification was waiting for his attention which was about a text he had received. Just looking at the sender's name, a smile bloomed on his impassive face. 

Clicking on the notification, he opened it. 

'Take it easy. Don't work yourself out, you need a break too.

And I love you .' 

"This girl makes me fall in love with her all over again every day." He chuckled to himself, his worries long forgotten, probably got thrown out of some window.

He replied her back with an 'I love you too ' text and headed out of the room, not forgetting to lock it so that no one else could access it. He needed to get some food inside his body to make his mind work as well. 


"Get back to work guys." He ordered his team as they entered the meeting room, or their mini base, one by one. 

He busied himself as well at the same time. There was no way that he would sit back when his team was working their asses off to come up with a logical explanation of what had actually conspired or some more clues. 

Three more hours later, his team was finally able to come up with some logical explanation regarding the kidnapping incident. Though their search for more clues ended up in nothing, but something was better than nothing. There was a high chance that they might end up with some clues if they were able to think like the kidnappers themselves.

"What are your conclusions so far? Anyone?" Adam asked his team. 

"Umm.. Boss?" One of the members decided to go first. "I was going through all the kidnapping cases which had occurred in the last ten years in the city. I focused on those cases specifically which involved people going missing as soon as they walk out of the airport." He continued. "All of them had one thing similar, they way those kidnappers carried it out. They targeted those people who were usually sent by some company or corporation and were not familiar with the city themselves. And they themselves acted as the representatives of that particular company or corporation who had come to receive the guest." 

After he had completely told his analysis, the computer genius spoke up. "I hacked into the CCTV cameras of the city and ran a program which was able to detect the car they used. Just like the Police department, the trail ended at that abandoned warehouse." He pressed a key and an old, almost run down building appeared on the white curtain like screen. 

"But since I had a lot of free time I decided to expand the program so that it can analyze the footages of all those kidnappings he just mentioned. And one more thing came out to be similar between those kidnappings, the car. In each of those kidnappings, it was exactly the same model from the same brand and the same shade of black." He pressed some keys and a bunch of pictures of the same car were projected on the screen, a 2010 black Camaro. 

Adam raised his index finger in the air, asking the man to stop. He furrowed his eyebrows as he processed the information. After a minute, he finally spoke up. "So, the kidnappers aren't as simple as we thought. If they could get their hands on the same type of car each time, they must have a strong backing to have their hands on suck resources." 

"Boss?" Another man spoke up, as he looked at him with some complicated expressions, asking for his permission to speak. He started to speak up when Adam gave him the permission to do so. "The company's higher up received a call from the kidnappers, asking for a big amount of money as ransom." 

"So you mean, we will receive a call anytime soon as well?" Adam questioned him to which he shook his head. 

"They received a call within 24 hours after the kidnapping took place. But in our case, it's been more than 48 hours. I'm afraid that we may never get a call." The man answered him. 

The room went quiet after listening to him. Everyone was lost in their own thoughts when they heard Adam speak up again. 

"In the previous kidnappings, was the car abandoned as well at some remote, secluded place where there are no CCTVs." He questioned his team.

"I think so." A man spoke up as he flipped some pages which were thrown before her on the table in a haphazard manner. These pages were actually printed out police reports about all the previous kidnappings. It wasn't easy for him to get them out as they were some just paperwork. He had to contact a man who owed him a huge favor so that he could get their hands on them. 


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