My Little Sunshine

Chapter 199: The Meeting Room

Chapter 199: The Meeting Room

The golden rays of sunlight filtered through the thin fabric of the curtains which were covering the glass panels of the wide windows, filling up the lightless room, brightening it up. A low groan could be heard along with shuffling sound of the bed sheets. 

Stretching his arms in the air, Adam woke up as his eyes could no longer stay shut under the assault of the bright sunlight. As he sat up straight, his eyes fell on his phone which was still connected to the charger. On the lit up screen of his phone, he could see the silhouette of his woman, still lost in her dream world. His eyes shifted to the analog wall clock of his room to check the time. It was a little over 9 a.m. in the morning.

'Good.' He thought to himself. She definitely needed this rest. He was used to working with a little bit of sleep, but he knew that she wasn't. Picking up the phone from the bed, he kissed the screen softly. "Good morning, my sweetheart." He murmured softly as he gazed at her sleeping figure. 

With a heavy heart, he finally ended the video call. He needed to go to their company's branch here in the city and also visit the project site. He knew that he needed to start from there if he actually wanted to find Parker, his VP. He left his bed as soon as the realization of being on a tight schedule dawned on him, but he didn't forget to leave a loving text for his beloved. 


"Good morning." He replied to the greetings of his staff with a blank face. This was the first time that he had visited this branch. Usually it was Parker's responsibility to look after the branch's operations.

"Good morning, Boss. It's an honor to finally have you here." The head manager of the branch greeted him as Adam and his team entered in the meeting room. "If you could have informed me about coming here, I would have properly welcomed you." He added politely, bowing his head slightly in respect. 

"I could care less about that. And as far as my visiting is concerned, I wouldn't have to bother myself if it wasn't for you people's incompetence." Adam glared at him, boring holes into his bowed head. 

"I-I We are sorry, Sir." The head manager could only apologize. He tried his best to locate Mr. Parker, after all he was the Vice President of the company, but didn't have any luck in it. The entire branch was cooperating with the police, providing them with whatever information they needed. And that's the most they could for now. 

"It's better that you get yourself familiar with my team as soon as possible. They will be taking over the investigation from here." Adam added as he sat down on the head chair of the big rectangular table. 

"Sure, Sir." The man replied politely to him. After everyone had taken their seats, he quietly exited the meeting room, just like Adam had instructed him to do so. 

After the head manager had exited the room, Adam turned his attention towards his team. Each and every member of his team was a skilled assassin, dangerous enough with his stealth abilities and fighting techniques, at the same time, mastering their own speciality. 

Adam had carefully chosen them himself, making sure that their skills were suitable for this mission as his trip wasn't as simple as he had made it sound while explaining to Stella. He was feeling bad about lying to her, but knowing her personality, she would have followed him if she knew how dangerous this was.

How could it be simple? Someone had actually kidnapped a man who was under him in broad daylight. The other party isn't as simple as the police were making it sound like. Not everyone can dare to put a hand on his people, especially after he had taken over the underworld. 

He pressed a button which was situated on the underside of the table. It was no ordinary button, not only pressing it makes the room completely inaccessible, but makes it soundproof as well, turning off all the CCTVs within the room. And only Adam could use it as the button had a built-in sensor within it and scans the finger which pressed it. 

"This room will be your base starting from today." He began to address his team. "I will appoint each of you to a single task. It's your duty to make sure that you don't miss a single detail regarding it. You guys will brief me about the progress you have made at the end of the day. And no matter what happens, you won't contact anyone back at the base for the time being we are here."

They nodded their heads as they listened to his orders. 

"You! Make sure that my phone cannot be traced, specially the incoming calls." He pointed out a man who was sitting at the far corner of the table and slid his phone to him.

The man caught the phone and nodded his head in understanding as he connected it to his laptop. His fingers began to move over the keys swiftly. The lean looking man, was not as simple as he looked. He was not only a skilled fighter, excelling in the arts of Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai, he was an exceptional computer programmer who could easily hack into a country's defense system and leave without leaving any footprints which can in any way be tracked back to him or the place he used to do it.

As Adam continued to brief the remaining members of his team, the lean man continued to work on his laptop, paying attention to whatever Adam was saying at the same time. He was halfway done with making his phone secure, when it's screen lit up. His eyes shifted to the phone's screen for the briefest second before going back to his laptop's screen. He was thinking about telling Adam after he was done with debriefing as he hated being interrupted, but shoved down the thought of doing so when his mind registered the identity of the caller again. 

"Boss?" He gathered his courage and interrupted him. And just like he had predicted, Adam glared at him. 

"Don't you know that I hate being interrupted?" He questioned him.

"Umm.. It's actually.. you have a call." The man mustered up the courage to talk. "It's your. 'Wifey'." He added the last part as he pushed up his square shaped spectacles up on his nose. 

"Oh!" The change in Adam's voice was way too obvious to ignore. 

He got up from his seat and walked around the table, taking long strides. He was about to reach for his phone when the man stopped him again. 

"You can't disconnect the phone from the laptop." He added without looking in his direction. "I only am halfway through it and if you disconnect it now, your phone will crash." 

"Okay." Adam added to him and motioned his team to stay quiet. Picking up the call, he leaned against the table before putting the phone to his ear. 

"Why are you up so early? I thought you would be sleeping in since it's your off today." The tenderness in his voice shocked those trained assailants to their core. They were busy with their own missions and were not present at the base when Stella had visited the last time. Even though they had witnessed a little more of their lovey dovey at the airport, they were still not used to it. 

"I am at the branch, sweetheart. I will visit the site later on." They heard their Big Boss speak again. 


Stella had woken up only to find that the call was no longer connected. She was a bit sad as she couldn't see his handsome face after getting up like always. But a small smile embraced her lips as soon as she saw the message he had left her.

'I have to go and take care of some things. Now be a good girl and don't be sad anymore for not being able to see this handsome hunk in your bed. Go take a shower, get dressed into some warm clothes (no shorts) and have your breakfast. Give me a call when you are done.

And i repeat, no shorts. 


She let out a hearty laugh when she read the last two lines again before buying herself with things she was asked, more like ordered, to do. 

After getting done with her breakfast she had given him a call right away.


"Oh! No, no. You aren't disturbing me at all." Adam replied to her when apologised to him for troubling him. 


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