My Last Hunt

Chapter 56: Quests: Making A Team (9)

Chapter 56: Quests: Making A Team (9)

Quests: Making A Team (part 9) 

War between Teams;

Level four weapon was a sure-kill against someone of a lower level.

The monster fell with the attack, although still alive. Qiao shook his head, "You can collect the experience points now," he said, while his weapon dripped blood from its edges, truly heroic in sense. 

Both looked at the monster, shocked. "Is it dead?" Linwin gasped. 

"If it was dead, why would I ask you to collect experience?" Qiao shrugged. Now he was suspicious as to what happened to the intellect of his team members. 

Qiao had also managed notice a team which was keeping eyes on them. He then started to warmup his muscles for the real hunt. While Linwin and Quipu moved forward to collect experience, but as soon the second attack fell on the monster, it stood up and this time Quipu was unlucky. He was facing the front of the monster and the monster took advantage of this opportunity. 

Linwin who was still observing the monster immediately wielded his long sword, covering for Quipu to retreat. He stopped the attack of the monster and yelled at Quipu to jump away. 

Qiao turned his face at the shout and was shocked. 

'Does that means the monster was acting dead?' he thought, how smart it was. 

The monster immediately came into action as it felt that its acting was of no use now.

"Retreat, hurry," Qiao warned. 

They had to be careful about the loss of experience in this situation. If they did not deal with this quickly, they would develop into a dangerous situation and the monster might go on a rampage.

The monster leapt toward the nearest one. Linwin was about to attack it, thinking that monster was aiming towards Quipu. But to his surprise, it did not attack Quipu, but instead came at him.

"Gah, this smart monster," Linwin hurriedly stepped back. He would be no match in a direct clash.

"Am I being stupid here or is this monster too smart?" he laughed. 

"It seems to be playing you both right now" Qiao added.

"I see then I will hunt it down right now," Quipu spoke with vigor. he cannot let himself be beaten when it was to face a level one monster. 

"Sure, then you two will finish the hunt today and I will cheer for you," Qiao relaxed a bit and stood against the trunk of a tree not moving to help them. 

Both of them heard their leader and gulped a full breath, "It's a matter of our pride now," they gestured to each other and leapt at the monster from both sides. 

They were using their weapons swiftly while attempting to attack. And when necessary would step ahead then move back to avoid the anger of the monster. This continued and every now and then they were able to leave some injuries to the monster. They had learned from Qiao's style and were applying it here.

After a few more rounds, it finally fell with a thud. Dead.

They wiped the sweat from their foreheads and sighed. They did not bother to look for the spoils. They had taken all the points so after that would they not look greedy if they search for spoils the second after it died.

They heard the clapping sound and sure enough, Qiao was clapping for them. Then he waited for them if they would check for the spoils but they did not. 

To have team members which were driven by greed and not the team spirit, would be equal to have a snake around the neck. 

"Brother, we did it," Linwin was the happiest right now. 

"Its good, now let's not waste time and get the spoils. Then we will head back," They already took much time in searching for a monster but in the end the monster came searching for them. 

Quipu had barely escaped today from losing his experience. If killing and attacking monster gives experience, its fatal and heavy attacks can also snatch it back. Not exactly snatching but it would definitely be a loss for the chaser.

Until the experience reached zero, the chaser would not die due to such injuries easily.

For smaller injuries, they could only blame their laziness.

Qiao pierced the skin of the monster and there were small dot like crystals. They don't have much worth but for exchange of normal goods they can be used at a good rate. 

As for the reason why Qiao let the team members collect the rest of experience, it was because the first attack he delivered with his weapon. He collected his share and if he kept on attacking he would be taking the share of other two. A hundred experience was enough from a level one monster. 

The previous level three hunt was able to not only increase his level but gave him experience above it. Right now, he had three hundred experience and was presently level two. This meant his journey toward level three had also began which was not bad in terms of pace. 

After collecting the spoils, they together walked back. But Qiao guided them to travel a longer path to reach the Guild.

Brother, why we are taking a longer path?" Linwin asked out of curiosity. 

"Because I don't want to take the risk to face the level four team. They must be waiting for us like starving wolves." Qiao chuckled. 

If the team was unable to surround them in the forest, they would then stop them around the paved path that led back towards the Guild. 


At this time another team was also heading back. It was the same team in which Qiao had spent a few days and hunted with them. The previous team leader and his team was walking out of the forest. 

Qiao waved his hand and the team leader also smiled. 

He was not on bad terms with Qiao so there was no use for him to neglect the youth. 

He also waved his hand nodded and they reached near and greeted each other. "Only you three in the forest?" he observed the team and he was familiar with those two. 

"In the new Guild, I made my own team, though the members are not enough in numbers," Qiao scratched his head, he wanted to ask about the situation in the Guild but he could not find right words. 

"The Guild is still in a mess after you left. Though no one openly claims it to be so, your actions have left a deep impression for the Guild. I certainly don't mind what you did as survival is the first priority." The team leader waved his hand. He could see the expressions of the youth. 

Qiao was still a youth for those who have eyes and for those who only cherish their superiority, he was only an enemy, sigh. 

He also came to know what happened in the open forest and what caused this mess. 

For him it was natural for one to save himself in times of trouble and not show generosity because if one was dead no one will remember the generosity and it would be trampled along the body. 


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