My Last Hunt

Chapter 54: Quests: Making A Team (7)

Chapter 54: Quests: Making A Team (7)

Quests: Making A Team (part 7)

War between teams;

If you wanted to survive in the Guild, fight for a slot;

Qiao cannot be bothered with their conversation. Even in between all this mess, his focus was still only one. 

There were lots of examples where due to grudges, chasers ended up fighting and losing their experience and becoming losers again. But the chasers never learned from such examples. 

They were still the same and their methods were still barbaric and rusted just like their weapons.

The teams were formed for the betterment, safety and to level up fast yet these chasers now made it into a false competition. They fueled their own useless selfish motives and arrogance of being superior through this. 

And this was the situation with the whole continent. They walked on the same lines, everyone only working for their own interests, making grudges and pulling legs of the weaker ones.

The strongest ruled this place and they could do whatever they want, whoever they wished to destroy, they could and no one will question them. 

If this went on, someone would come along who was stronger than everyone and would destroy the whole continent and everyone will become victims having no strength to face the defeat. 

In this world, Qiao sought to find his own path.

The different teams at the Guild were making their own plans. They only wished to take a better place and position in the Guild and make their name. For this purpose, they would do many villainous deeds and wiping out a team was no exception. 

And for a new team, they could easily decide its fate. As long as no one came in their way, they would mind their own business but to bear with a newbie team was not suitable for their position either. 

Moreover, the youth was arrogant and it bothered their face and honor of being seniors. 

Only five teams will be selected for privileges and granted a whole year of slots. The remaining teams will have to work on missions granted by the Guild or if there was no mission, they have to wait till they get it. 

If anyone from the winning teams could reach level five, he would get the chance to be sent personally to the central branch in the Hightown. This was considered a golden chance for those who have higher ambitions. This Guild was certainly stronger than his previous Guild, seeing that they had headquarters in Hightown.

Qiao due to this perfect reason was dragged in this mess. Without a Guild his spoils were not safe and he cannot have a private abode. There were lot more things like obtaining missions, hunting in a team or leading his team members. Which was why, Guild was important to achieve his goal. 

He had to rise up between this mess no matter what, and most of those who were eyeing him were the seniors. 


There were three sub-continent areas in this big place which were divided according to the availability of the hunt and the conditions of the hunters. Middletown and its surrounding big forest were the most suitable place for the low-level chasers. They could form teams and hunt and there were good chances to find monsters in abundance. 

It was not just a town for the people but a place where most of the poor families in the downtowns dreamt to send their young men for hunting. They all hoped to become rich and strong. 

While Hightown was the first sub-continent area, it was a restricted and dangerous place. Here only those who were stronger than level five hunters had a chance to survive. But It was really prosperous for the stronger people. Here the weak had no chance to survive or prosper as the strong monsters roam around. These monsters could destroy a town in moments.

While the third sub-continent was a place that was not suitable for any type of hunting. The monsters could not survive in the harsh conditions in this region much less humans. 

In the first area, the stronger monsters that could wreak havoc in Middletown were separated by a strong barrier that separated the two regions. This managed to keep the order in Middle town, otherwise it would be all chaos.

The high-level hunters that run their own Guilds were responsible to not let astray any monster somewhere. Team of hunters would be sent to hunt the monster or stop it.

Only capable and learned hunters had the courage to stay in the first continent which was known as the Hightown. 

Barely few thousand could survive and reach the Hightown, and only few hundred had the capability to reach the level seven or eight. Above that, the chances to level up mainly depended upon luck or grit of the individual.

But many hunters never actually reached a high level, as they were suppressed by the so-called seniors of their Guild. These people wished to maintain their control over their position and would suppress anyone that leveled up at a fast pace.


It was said that long ago a hunter destroyed his own Guild and started wandering in the first continent in search of an unusual treasure. He was nearing the end of his life and wanted to increase his lifespan. But instead he ended up being cursed and then no one knew what happened to him. 

He was the example of the strength yet ended up being a cursed, as long as one could find the real strength, one can enjoy the peak of life and avoid such disasters at the end of life. 

But who would look in to such complicated theory of course no one. 

The lust of power was beyond imagination and humans cannot ignore this temptation; they were only ruled by their heart to get more than they have and this was a truth.

Whoever was able to defeat this temptation would appear as a stronger and dominant leader but it was rare. 


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