My Last Hunt

Chapter 390: Class Test 20

Chapter 390: Class Test 20

Class Test 20

The punishment was announced. No one could argue or say otherwise. Felon was still bent on knees when two beasts came to capture him and act on the orders. They did not listen and threw a chain at the neck. This chain was signing that Felon committed crime. He was given punishment that he would not be able to shift in the beast form for two years when living in the Trifire.

This punishment tortured more than any other retribution. For a beast keeping the form of human was gruesome. They only take this form when needed. So this was first retribution in itself. Felon was not expecting that Lord Beast would not listen to any excuse. The years long loyalty ended in few moments. 

Trifire was impossible to escape without wings. The beasts strictly chained and brought outside of the building. They hopped on the flying beast and went toward the Trifire Island. Qiao was waiting outside. When he saw Felon chained like criminal, it brought some worry and ease at the same time. 

Qiao thought to follow these beasts. Though it was difficult however he could not rest at ease without knowing where they were heading. They passed through few islands and reached in the middle of the North Sepedra. Qiao could not take the journey further because the next island was separated with the liquid lava. 

It was impossible for hunters to cross it without the help of beast. The beasts threw Felon in the Trifire and returned. Qiao could see Felon was no more with them. He understood that the fate reversed for this loyal suddenly. Qiao was eager to know though. 

He returned toward the black building. "Since the spy is dead, we cannot remain thoughtless anymore. You all are here to decide whether we should train and send another spy or rent the services of some traitor in the Hightown. Remember that Frost Fire Continent is sending higher level beast to collect the information brought by the spy." Lord Zim sat on the seat and spoke. 

He knew that this revelation would bring chaos. The council members got worried visibly. The arrival of the beast meant that Frost Fire Continent was planning for first war that's why they were sending beast to get the last bit of information from the Hightown. The kept the spying secret. 

Renting traitors was different from sending spies. The traitors could keep half of the information and blackmail for some benefits while the spies brought information without any self-motif. "When is the beast reaching?" A council member asked. 

"In three to four days approximately." Lord Zim spoke. "This is short time. Considering the distance from Hightown even if we send our level eight fellow still it would take one week for collecting information." Another Council member added. 

Lord Zim looked at Hiko. Hiko was silent not speaking or adding comments. "What do you think Hiko? Can you go that for and collect the information before the beast reach here?" Lord Beast intentionally asked with the option. 

Hiko rose up its chin. The covered face shook. "I am highly suspicious about the ongoing activities in the North Sepedra. How can Lord Beast neglect most pressing issues?" Hiko spoke with the undaunting tone. The council members were expecting this tone from the new council members because they had been familiar with its personality. 

"I dare ask you to relate the issue." Lord Zim inquired. "You are hopelessly arrogant. Since Felon already pointed that there is some spy sent from the Hightown among us, how could you neglect it? Even if we put all our efforts they were meant to go useless when the hunter is sending our reports to the Hightown?" Without changing tone Hiko blurted. 

The council members shook their heads. Hiko was speaking rightful. In fact they were neglecting the serious topic. The words of the loyal were still substantially for the safety of the North Sepedra. Hiko made Lord Zim speechless for some time. The presence of spy was indeed big issue and they could not neglect it. 

For the first time Lord Zim felt that someone really slapped on his face. Hiko was attending any meeting for the first time; it was alarming that he was able to grab that attention of others. Colon was also stumped by the argument. First of all witnessed the imprisonment of its fellow now this Hiko was bringing headache. 

All the members of the council were loyal toward the North Sepedra and the Frost Fire Continent. They would not be taking other beasts when they talked on high level matters. This was simple for beast like Colon but Lord Zim was thinking deeply. 

He knew what could happen in the presence of spy. He could create false commotion, bring chaos in the North Sepedra and secretly kill loyals. A spy was expected to ruin the peace of enemy's singlehandedly. He was hunter and potentially understands the capability of spies. 

"Do you have any plan to capture the spy?" Lord beast asked Hiko. He wanted to know what other feats this Hiko planned for him. "Before searching the spy, I think we should search the loyal council member whether they are still loyal with the North Sepedra and the Lord Beast or they are just masking their hidden secrets?" Hiko fearlessly added. It was speaking the words that Qiao taught. Its words brought wave of commotion among the council members. 

The words were not just suggestion of hot talk in fact Hiko was indirectly blaming that they were secretly betraying North Sepedra. They looked at the Lord Beast whether he would refute or not. Lord Beast was silent. This was second slap on his face

Not only the interpretation of the words but the comprehensive conclusion pointed the same thing. His head was full of storm in his head. The second interpretation directly blamed him as the Lord Beast. He was not capable to keep the hold on the North Sepedra. 


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