My Last Hunt

Chapter 389: Class Test 19

Chapter 389: Class Test 19

Class Test 19

Felon was brainstorming and adding some events together in order to understand and comprehend the situation. The time the spy was killed, the same day Hiko was saved by unknown beast. Felon called out another beast to share so that the complex scenario unfolds. 

The beast friend came. "Tomorrow is the council meeting. I will disclose the matters to the Lord Beast after the meeting. I am sure he will be able to solve the problem." Felon spoke out. It used all means but the culprit was nowhere. "What will you answer if the Lord asked why you kept the information until now?" the beast friend asked grimly. 

Felon wide opened eyes. It could indeed bring trouble. The Lord Beast was strict for the rules. The potential anger of the Lord Beast could throw him in the pit of Trifire Island. This island was located in the North Sepedra. Lord Zim ordered three beasts to throw in the island for punishment some time ago. Now they took over the island and the other beasts named it Trifire Island. 

The beasts were more than ever scared to commit any crime. No one would want to see the rage of three criminals there. Felon was stronger beast however the mention of the Trifire brought chills of horror. It was frightening. "I will try to explain the circumstances, I am sure Lord Beast would consider my loyalty before the cruel decision." Felon commented. 

"From my experience it is impossible yet you can try." the beast friend was unsure what will happen. Qiao was searching Felon. His attentions were clear. He wanted to get advantage and kill the second loyal beast before the council meeting. So to say at the time when Colon would be blamed for betraying there won't be anyone beside Lord Zim. 

The members of the Lord Council were not stronger of gutsy to run the matters of the North Sepedra alone. They were leading their dens and there will be big war among the leading dens for the bigger position until someone from the Frost Fire Continent intervened. It was unpredictable when will they get wind of the flared situation. 

The usual place was empty. Felon decided to give it try. He was sure that Lord Beast would not give severe punishment. Qiao could not find the beast because he was unfamiliar with most of the small islands in the North Sepedra. The bigger region could not be overturned in single night for the beast. 

He decided not to go along with the beast Hiko instead wait outside of the Black Building and then chase behind the beast after the council meeting. In the morning Hiko waited for Qiao however walked towards the building because it was getting late. 

Hiko was sure that Qiao must have completed the task. The council members appeared in the main hall. Colon was also present. Felon joined in the last. Lord Zim was looking angry and silent. He clearly glared Felon and others noticed. 

Lord Zim stood up before others could take their seats. "Where have you been yesterday?" he directly asked from Felon. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the disappearance of the spy. Lord Zim was responsible to answer the higher level beast that was supposed to reach North Sepedra in few days. 

"I.." Felon felt the impending doom. "I wanted to relate something to the Lord Beast." Felon lowered its head. "Speak.." Lord Zim spoke dryly. "Few days ago when the appearance of the spy was expected, I was wandering the edges of the North Sepedra. It was my duty day to fly past all the islands at the outer region for regular orders." Felon paused and spoke again, "At the last island of the outer region, I saw someone on the ground injured. When I took closer look, it was spy injured near to death. The spy described that a hunter injured and disappeared in the islands. From then on I am searching the hunter. I regret that I did not share this before." Felon explained. 

The council members were looking at the beast with pity. It was horrible crime in their eyes. Lord Zim was kept ignorant about the truth intentionally. They could relate that Lord Beast was immensely angry at this moment. Lord Zim twitched at this revelation. "Why did you keep it to yourself?" He plainly asked. 

"I thought to search the hunter because the spy pointed that the hunter entered in the North Sepedra. Thinking that he must be spy from the Hightown, I did not reveal it." Felon answered not knowing that Lord Zim already reached at the peak of his temper. 

"Enough. You have the guts to decide what is good for North Sepedra and what is bad. Should I take it as revolt against my orders?" Lord Beast shouted and the main hall fell in the utter silence. He was extremely annoyed. 

Felon committed the crime and kept him ignorant about the situation. This crime was small. The council members were standing silent. They were supposed to talk their opinions but not here. The matter has already exceeded their limits. Felon fell on knees. "I beg forgiveness. I did not intend to commit crime. My loyalty is with the Lord Beast and the North Sepedra." Felon bent down its head on the ground. 

Hiok was most shocked. It did not expect that the things were to take different turn especially when it painstakingly planned something else. Hiko was here to blame Colon for disloyalty. Colon was standing at the right side. It wanted to speak for Felon however from the looks the words would go to waste. 

No one can force Lord Zim to change his decision when the criminal related the crime in front of everyone. "You will be thrown in the Trifire for two years." Lord Zim ordered nevertheless would definitely become source of regret in the upcoming days. He could have lessened the punishment however his arrogance was at the peak to defy every loyalty. 


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