My Last Hunt

Chapter 16: A Level Zero's Struggle (7)

Chapter 16: A Level Zero's Struggle (7)

A Level Zero's Struggle (part 7)

The group leader was ready to attack. At the same time he kept an eye on the brawler.

If the brawler took to run away after taking advantage of them, he would make sure to complain about him such that in future no one would choose him and drive this guy's reputation through the mud. He would then make sure that this guy pays for messing with him.

Though he knew that he was the one who was trying to use him as bait; he would never admit to it.

He has the power to accuse being a higher-level hunter, and such oppression was common.

But instead of running away, Qiao was standing there waiting for this hunt to end or if he was provided with another opportunity he would jump on it.

As he thought such, he looked at the leader moving to make his attack. He could tell that the leader was putting all his strength into this attack.

The level one weapon in the leaders hand landed on the abdomen of the monster and it rolled with the pain while clutching the leader, resulting in him being trampled under its giant body.

He thought that he has enough agility to move away but it turned out that luck was not shining on him today. Due to the damn rain he once again was caught in an adverse situation.

When he fell before, his whole body got muddled in the ground and now when he had attacked, he could not move as he predicted in his mind, causing him to slip with the monster.

And unexpectedly his weapon too broke on the impact, injuring the monster gravely but leaving him weapon less.

It was no more comparable to be used against a level one peak monster.

He was planning to buy a level two weapon after collecting spoils from this hunt, he knew he would be able to afford the price of level two weapon after this.

But now

He thought that his weapon could stand another hunt but it turned out that he was wrong.

Not only did his weapon get shattered but he was currently in a miserable situation.

Why would a monster care that a human was being maimed by its huge body.

Now Qiao had no choice but to come forward to help if not it will be too late. He did not like how these people treated him, but he wasn't evil to leave them to die here.

One of them was unconscious or might be dead, two were severally injured and now this leader was getting maimed. If he walked away now, there was a high chance that they would die.

He had to do something.

He came forward and circled the monster from a distance without alerting it. Looking for a chance to save the leader of the group.

But it seemed that he had to tackle the monster first.

With a level three weapon coupled with his over three hundred points, at least he could give it a try. Though he was not sure after looking at the level one weapon broke and the leader was in miserable condition.

He wiped the water from his face and surveyed the monster.

He was calculating, how many attacks he needed to kill the monster. Great focus needed to be maintained right now so that he doesn't end up as another snack for the monster.

Finally he jumped in a quick motion, monster grabbed at the abdomen with caused it to shriek with the utmost pain. While it continued to held the leader as hostage in its front legs, it was right time for Qiao to settle over the abdomen and stab as much as he could in two to five seconds.

These two to five seconds would decide the fate of the leader and Qiao. As in after that it would definitely break free and pounce back at him.

Before jumping he had gestured at the leader to escape when he would attack. So even though the leader was gritting but he had to follow the brawler else he cannot guarantee his own life much less hold a grudge against the brawler.

Without wasting, he stabbed repeatedly in the wound that was present due to his and the leaders attack earlier. In fact the Leader had managed to injure it much more than he imagined, so at the third attack the monster fell back.

It had finally ended.

During this while, the leader was able to drag his body away a little. Taking support against a tree, he rested himself.

Now Qiao was waiting for perhaps the monster to evaporate just like the previous monster, but it did not.

"Open up its abdomen, there might be something valuable," the leader told him in a weak voice.

Qiao followed his advice since he was still considered to be in his team.

The abdomen was already slashed open by his weapon during the attacks, he carefully checked and there were pearls shining there.

He picked them out and brought toward leader, he placed near him and went to check the one on those who were unconscious.

The leader had a surprised look on his face. He could not believe that brawler instead of keeping the spoil, placed the precious pearls near him. Did it means that he wanted him to divide it equally?

He was puzzled completely.

Qiao was checking the pulse of the chaser but sadly, the chaser was no more.

The other two chaser were saddened but although they were also in bad conditions they were alive.

"What you do with your dead?" he solemnly asked to the chaser.

"He is not in a condition to be sent back in the downtown, dig a hole and bury him," the chaser was trying to stop the blood flow from his wound which was getting mixed with the rain.

Qiao after earning one hundred and fifty more experience points was looking well so he started to dig the ground.

It would be fine since the rain had made the ground soft and it did not take much effort.

The water was dripping from his hair and he was busy in digging the ground. It had been a dangerous yet adrenaline rushed day for him yet again.


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