My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 93: At the Age of Twenty-Six, with Twenty Years of Experience as a Human Trafficker

Chapter 93

Madam Fu knew her son had a girlfriend, but he had never mentioned any plans to bring her home, let alone today. Otherwise, she and her husband wouldn't have arranged to meet with the Shi family today. No matter what, they would have cleared their schedule for this.

As a result, now they were in an awkward situation: she and her husband were entertaining guests, while their son had brought his girlfriend home. This was quite unseemly. The Fu Family was known for their propriety and had never done anything so inconsiderate before.

It wasn't just the Fu couple who were dumbfounded, but also the Second Young Master Fu, who had impulsively brought his girlfriend home.

The second son had found a girlfriend from a common background, believing he had found true love. Somehow convinced that his parents would look down on his girlfriend and try to break them up, he impulsively brought her home in an attempt to force his parents to accept her.

Of course, his thought process was difficult for any normal person to understand.

What Second Young Master Fu hadn't anticipated was that his plan would fall apart at the very first step. He had planned everything out, but bringing his girlfriend home when there were already guests present threw a wrench in the works. How could he proceed with the rest of his plan now?

The Shi couple were also taken aback, wondering if they had come at a bad time.

Shi Li quickly recovered from her stupor, her voice filled with indescribable excitement and agitation. Fu Huixing knew it was the excitement of witnessing drama unfold.

"We came at just the right time!"

"The Fu family's second son and his girlfriend! I can't believe we get to see them in person!"

"This trip was worth it, absolutely worth it!"

The once orderly Fu family villa had suddenly descended into chaos with the addition of just one person.

Madam Fu now felt grateful that the old master had retired to his bedroom for a nap; otherwise, her good-for-nothing son would have given him a heart attack.

She thought to herself, "If you wanted to bring your girlfriend home, we as parents wouldn't have objected. Was it really necessary to ambush us like this without any warning?"

Having witnessed plenty of drama with Shi Li, Fu Huixing had a premonition that his cousin and this girlfriend of his definitely had issues. As for what kind of issues, it was likely the usual complications between men and women.

Huang Jie, as an outsider, noticed the tense atmosphere and quickly tried to smooth things over. "This must be your second son. He looks quite talented and handsome."

Not knowing the Fu family's attitude towards their son's girlfriend, she refrained from praising them as a couple and only complimented the young man.

With Huang Jie breaking the ice, Madam Fu was able to continue the conversation and introduce the guests to her son.

"This is Uncle Shi and Aunt Huang. Shi Quan was your classmate once, remember? Uncle Shi is Shi Quan's second uncle. This is their daughter, whom Huixing recently helped out. They came specifically to thank us."

Hearing that his cousin had performed a good deed, Second Young Master Fu became interested. He sidled up to Fu Huixing and said, "Little bro, how did you help out? Tell your big brother all about it."

Fu Huixing replied simply, "It was nothing, just lending a hand."

"Fu Star, you're so modest!"

Sharp-eyed, Second Young Master Fu immediately noticed the blush creeping up Fu Huixing's ears. "I haven't even praised you yet, and you're already blushing."

Hearing that Fu Huixing was blushing, Shi Li's interest was piqued. "Blushing? I haven't seen that before. Let me take a look!"

"Ooh, look at that!" Second Young Master Fu had never seen his usually stoic cousin blush before, and now the redness was spreading from his ears to his face.

Second Young Master Fu felt quite accomplished, thinking he was quite amazing to make his little cousin blush so profusely.

Thanks to Second Young Master Fu's exclamations, Fu Huixing felt the gazes of everyone in the villa converge on his face. One gaze in particular felt especially intense.

"He really is red!"

"The pure and innocent little wolf pup is blushing in real-time!"

"I have to say, Star does have some charm."

The more he was stared at, the redder Fu Huixing's face became, and the redder it became, the more everyone wanted to look.

Fu Huixing, who never usually drew any attention to himself, felt like a monkey in a zoo with everyone gawking at his bright red face.

While everyone was focused on Fu Huixing's blushing face, no one was paying attention to Second Young Master Fu's girlfriend. She felt a bit disgruntled but couldn't show it, not wanting to affect her image in Second Young Master Fu's eyes.

She deliberately made some noise to divert everyone's attention away from Fu Huixing.

Second Young Master Fu, whose brain worked a bit slower than most, suddenly realized he had forgotten about his girlfriend. He quickly moved to her side and asked, "Qian Qian, are you alright?"

Everyone present was sharp enough to see through the girl's little ploy. Only Second Young Master Fu, being in the thick of it, remained oblivious.

As for this unexpected daughter-in-law, Madam Fu's initial three-tenths dislike had now escalated to full-blown disapproval due to this small action.

She wondered where her foolish son had found such a girlfriend. Even if he had blindfolded himself and picked someone randomly off the street, he might not have ended up with someone worse.

"Second Young Master Fu, true to his name, he really is an idiot."

The heat in Fu Huixing's face was gradually subsiding. Hearing Shi Li's mental jab at his cousin, he almost laughed out loud.

Some things didn't need to be said aloud; those who understood, understood.

The fact that his second cousin was a bit dim seemed to have become a consensus.

His older cousin had once complained to him that his younger brother's brain wasn't fully functional, suspecting that when he was born, the doctor had forgotten to install his brain.

Madam Fu now found it hard to look at her own son without feeling annoyed. In her mind, she referred to them as "that wretched couple," not sparing even her own son from her ire.

She didn't want to give this couple any face, but with guests in the house, she couldn't air the family's dirty laundry.

It was embarrassing enough that her son had found such an unreliable girlfriend, but that was her son's problem, not hers. The shame was on him.

Coming from a distinguished family, she couldn't allow such a trivial matter to cause a rift with her son and provide entertainment for outsiders.

At this point, she had to maintain her composure.

She decided to pretend that her son had been switched at birth in the hospital, and this wasn't really her son.

With this mindset, she suddenly felt less angry.

She could now face this wretched couple calmly.

Watching the interaction between Second Young Master Fu and this girl, Shi Li couldn't help but think to herself: "This girl is quite the actress."

Hearing Shi Li's thoughts, Fu Huixing had a hunch that this girl had probably cheated on his cousin, and if it was worse, it wasn't just once.

Having witnessed so much drama with Shi Li, Fu Huixing had even considered more serious possibilities.

For instance, his cousin's girlfriend might not actually be a girlfriend at all, but rather someone of the same gender as his cousin.

But hearing Shi Li refer to her as a girl, Fu Huixing dismissed that particular theory.

"Corporate spy."

"High-level human trafficker."

Fu Huixing: ?!

"Twenty-six years old, with twenty years of experience in human trafficking."


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