My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 92: The Second Young Master of the Fu Family Bringing His Girlfriend Home

Chapter 92

When the silk banner was unfurled, the eight large characters embroidered in gold thread were especially eye-catching: "Excellent Family Values, Worthy Successors"

"Young Fu is a prodigy, truly worthy of being Old Master Fu's grandson."

Compared to Mr. Fu and Madam Fu's bewilderment, Fu Huixing, who had already been influenced by Shi Li, appeared much calmer.

Mr. Fu and Madam Fu, having seen their fair share of grand occasions, were genuinely surprised by the gesture of using a silk banner as a thank-you gift. However, they quickly regained their composure.

Madam Fu, who was also Fu Huixing's aunt, gave him a gentle push. "This is their way of thanking you. Go on, accept it."

She smiled at Shi's father and Huang Jie, "This child has always been shy, but he has a refined character. We as parents had no idea that he could quietly perform such a brave act. Raised by his grandfather, Huixing has inherited that spirit of chivalry from him."

"They say having an elder in the family is like having a treasure. When Fu senior was young, he contributed greatly to the country and its people. Now, although he's retired, he still influences the younger generation in the family. It's a blessing for us common folk to see the younger generation inheriting Old Master Fu's character and continuing to contribute to the country and its people."

Listening to the four adults engage in mutual flattery, Shi Li and Fu Huixing exchanged glances, feeling out of place due to the overly formal atmosphere.

One was the rescuer and the other the rescued, and though they should have been the main characters, they couldn't get a word in edgewise.

The adults were chatting away happily, even developing a sense of having met kindred spirits.

Shi Li was already extremely bored internally, but she maintained an appearance of keen interest, seeming deeply engrossed in the adults' conversation. She would occasionally fall into thoughtful silence or nod at just the right moments.

Meanwhile, her gaze closely followed whoever was speaking, as if listening intently.

Only Fu Huixing knew that Shi Li was actually so bored she was on the verge of yawning.

[So sleepy, when can we go home?]

Fu Huixing heard this and inwardly smirked.

These pointless complaints could only be heard by him at this moment.

Although he agreed that what his uncle, aunt, and Shi Li's parents were saying was quite boring, he felt the adults could chat a bit longer.

[I thought that after Fu Star Star returned and the thank-you session ended, we could go home. I was too naive QAQ]

Someone was unexpectedly called Fu Star Star: !

[My dad is really dragging this out, isn't he?]

Shi Li's parents and the Fu couple were getting along famously, with the two women discussing jewelry and beauty treatments.

The two men talked about company business, newly issued policies and regulations, and the possibility of future cooperation between their companies.

When Shi Li and her parents had entered the Fu residence, the sun had been high in the sky. Imperceptibly, the sun had now shifted westward, dimming the light in the room. The observant housekeeper turned on the crystal chandelier hanging in the center of the living room.

After the winter solstice, the days gradually lengthened and the nights shortened, but it still couldn't compare to summer.

As the sky grew darker, Shi's father took the initiative to say, "It's getting late, we shouldn't impose any longer. You still need to have dinner, we mustn't delay your meal."

Madam Huang Jie chimed in, "Yes, yes, we should head home now."

Knowing her father well, Shi Li keenly sensed that he didn't really want to leave; he actually wanted to stay for dinner.

When guests say they're leaving, the hosts naturally have to insist they stay. "The food is already prepared in the kitchen. Why don't you stay and eat with us? We can continue our chat over dinner."

Seeing her husband say this, Madam Fu also chimed in, "That's right, the kitchen has already prepared meals for your family of three. If you don't stay for dinner, all this food will go to waste, and that wouldn't be good."

She had been engrossed in her conversation with Huang Jie and sincerely hoped the couple would stay for dinner.

Huang Jie and her husband weren't really keen on leaving either. After a few polite exchanges, they reluctantly agreed, "Well, if we're not imposing too much."

"It's no trouble at all, just a matter of adding a few more pairs of chopsticks."

The housekeeper in the kitchen had been straining her ears to hear the conversation in the living room. Upon hearing that this family of three would be staying for dinner, she knew the meal would naturally need to be more lavish than usual.

Madam Fu's claim that the kitchen had already prepared the meal was just a polite fiction; at that point, the kitchen hadn't even started cooking yet.

Shi Li was particularly surprised: [How did it come to the point of freeloading at someone else's house?]

She hadn't been told before leaving home that this step was part of the plan.

As dinnertime approached, Old Master Fu, who had been playing chess with his old comrades at the senior activity center, also returned home.

Despite being nearly ninety years old, he was still spirited and vigorous, walking briskly without even needing a cane.

"Oh, we have guests at home."

The Fu family was a rather traditional extended family, with the elderly living with the eldest son.

Madam Fu, who greatly respected the old master, knew what he liked to hear and took the initiative to explain, "Our Huixing recently saved a classmate from robbers, and her parents have come specially to thank him."

Hearing this reason, Old Master Fu immediately perked up, "Oh, is that so?"

"Yes, I heard the criminals even had knives, but our Huixing single-handedly took down two armed robbers without breaking a sweat."

The silk banner, which had already been put away, was brought out again by Madam Fu. "Look at this, it's the banner they brought to thank him."

The eight large golden characters on the banner once again saw the light of day.

"Excellent Family Values, Worthy Successors," Old Master Fu couldn't help but read the eight characters aloud, his voice filled with joy.

"Good, good, good."

Although not an expensive gift, it had clearly touched the old master's heart.

His gaze towards Fu Huixing was filled with satisfaction.

Madam Fu knew what the old master liked to hear and deliberately chose topics he would enjoy. "In my opinion, Huixing takes after you. He not only has the heart to save people but also the ability to do so and come out unscathed."

Madam Fu introduced, "Father, this is the girl Huixing saved."

Suddenly cued, Shi Li politely and obediently greeted the old master.

Shi's father and Huang Jie had already achieved certain social status, so when introducing them to the old master, they were presented not as the parents of the rescued girl, but by their achievements and social standing.

The old master's way of showing closeness was to invite them to stay for dinner. "Since you're here, why don't you all stay for dinner and leave afterwards? Let the kitchen prepare a few more dishes. I'm in a good mood today, I want to have some wine."

Hearing that the old master wanted to drink, everyone objected, "That won't do. Have you forgotten what the doctor said? You're not allowed to drink anymore."

Hearing that he wasn't allowed to drink, the old master became unhappy and scolded all the younger generation who forbade him, but he didn't insist on drinking with a firm attitude.

In the end, he felt a bit wronged, "It's not like I drink every day. I'm in a good mood today, what's wrong with having a couple more sips of wine?"

Old Master Fu was like a child begging for candy, but in the end, he didn't get his way.

The old master had been out for half a day and looked a bit tired. When Madam Fu saw him yawn, she immediately escorted him to his bedroom.

When Madam Fu came back out, she found two more people in the living room: her own son and a beautiful girl she hadn't seen before. The beautiful girl was holding her son's arm, and it was clear they weren't just ordinary friends, but likely a couple.


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