My Cell Prison

Chapter 139: The End

Chapter 139: The End

The Book of the Dead - The Eye Codex.

The contents described on page eight is a sacrificial array formation.

It was the same formation that [Fallen Baker] had once used to sacrifice hundreds of vigilantes and their families.

When activated, this formation would absorb any form of life or energy to be used as a 'sacrifice'.

The current formation printed on the wall of [Exit] was a reduced version of one created by Chen Li by remotely splashing 'blood' on it.

It was successfully activated by Han Dong's head.

For a moment.

The Joker felt a powerful attraction.

It immediately pulled out a large number of red balloons from its mouth, coat pockets, and trouser pockets, borrowing the reverse pull of the balloons to avoid being drawn into the flickering red light formation.


When the formation failed to absorb the lifeforms, it in turn absorbed the energy of the [Exit].

This also caused a crack to form on the surface of the wall.

By doing so, it was even larger than the previous shattered rift.

At the same time.

Han Dong, as the caster, was unaffected.

Picking up his own limbs, he remounted and put them back together.

In reality, Han Dong didn't even touch the [Exit].

The so-called 'limb explosion' was just a play that Han Dong had directed himself, after all, this heavy feature of Han Dong's allowed him to freely disassemble various parts of his body.

At the last minute.

This was the only 'cowardly' tactic Han Dong could think of.

First, let Chen Li secretly draw a smaller version of the formation and emphasize that it should not come into direct contact with the wall, just draw it slowly.

Han Dong himself cooperated with Togo to fight the Joker with all his might.

In fact, if Han Dong really wanted to fight to the death.

Together with Togo, he should be able to fight the Joker to a standstill.

But if it went on for a long time, the Joker's physical strength was definitely better than Han Dong's, if it dragged on, he would lose the battle sooner or later due to his physical strength, or even be killed accidentally.

Thus, Han Dong was waiting for that the formation drawing to complete.

Even though the "Little Devil's Eye" had caught the fifth leg writhing on his back in advance.

Han Dong, however, deliberately pretended not to see it and took the initiative to get hit by it.

The location of the grasshopper leg's puncture was predicted through the Little Devil's Eye.

In addition to having the protection of soft armor, Han Dong also placed an extra layer of iron padding at the chest position.

As a result, he himself was severely injured by the blow that broke his ribs.

Togo, who was fighting against the Joker alone, was also knocked unconscious and temporarily incapacitated.

No matter who it seemed.

In such a situation, there was no room for Han Dong to resist.

The Joker also thought the same, Han Dong had run out of tricks.


Han Dong stood in front of [Exit] and exerted his greatest 'acting skills'.

Acting out a kind of extreme psychology of being pushed to the brink and planning to break the boat.

Pretending to touch the exit as the Joker approached, and then pretending to receive a powerful impact from the exit boundary, resulting in a fragmentation.

The whole process was logical and not the least bit unconvincing.

However, Han Dong was still a little worried that the Joker would detect a hint of a 'conspiracy', the estimated success rate was around 70%.

The Joker, who had been fighting for nearly six long hours, was trapped.


Han Dong reattached various parts of his body.

The broken ribs in the chest were still painful.

"Go back home and check it out, Penny Weiss!" Han Dong stiffened his body and tore the balloon in the Joker's hand with a claw.

The Joker, who had lost his traction point, was immediately dragged over by the formation.

Of course.

This scaled-down version of the formation had already lost most of its power from destroying the [Exit], and it wasn't enough to threaten the Joker.

However, Han Dong's main purpose was to- [Destroy the Exit] and draw the Joker towards the exit position.

In this way, the [Inhabitants] on the other side would treat him well.

As for whether there would be any residents running out afterwards, it was none of Han Dong's business.

Han Dong didn't care what would become of Derry Town next, he just needed to fight to be out of fight for 30 seconds.

Even if he might still have to come here in the future when he chose 'The Joker's Return (Mile)'.

By then, Han Dong, who had become a 'Knight', believed that he already had enough strength to confront the [Mile Residents] head-on.

"Phew, it should be almost time for the residents to pick up the Joker and take him home, right?"

The shrunken version of the formation is depleted.

[Exit] The wall has cracked open with a fist-sized crack.

The Joker happened to stick to the crack location due to the absorption of the formation.

"Oh no!!!"

As the Joker tries to power up his legs and leave the exit by stomping.

La la la la, (singing)

A beautiful female singing voice came from the depths of the rift.

The moment Han Dong heard the song, his entire body felt the chills! Scared to the point of taking ten steps back, his back was instantly drenched, a sense of 'death at the touch' of death swept over his body.

"What the hell!!!?"

Just hearing that song gave Han Dong a sense of danger that was greater than the sum of [Purgatory Monk-Togo] and [Joker-Penny Weiss] combined.

The situation in "Old Derry Town" was far more dangerous than Han Dong had imagined, and not just for the 'residents'.

Han Dong also understood.

Why the Joker didn't dare to approach recklessly.

Even if the Joker wanted to get information about 'Old Derry Town', he had to let the Doctor work in the middle layer, while he himself definitely had to stay away from the exit.

The Joker's face tensed in fear even as he heard such singing.

A bizarre scene occurred.

From between cracks the width of a fist 'emerged' a woman's arm.

Ice muscles.

Jade Bones.

Long, slender.

And a light white nail polish was applied to each nail.

More than ten of these arms slowly wrapped around the Joker's body, unable to move at all, not a suppression of power, but a realm suppression.

La la la la~.

As the song continued, these arms continued to drag the Joker towards the depths.

"No, now is not the time to go back! My plan, it's not finished!"

The Joker switches to a grotesque stance once again, holding onto the crack opening with tremendous arm strength to keep himself from being dragged in.

In this life-or-death situation, the Joker explodes with 120% strength, barely able to freeze for a few seconds.

It was at that moment.

Han Dong fought back his inner fear and stared at the Joker with a smile on his face as a final farewell.

"Just taking Togo away doesn't seem to settle the score between us. Take away another arm of yours, and call it complete even, [Mile World] Goodbye, Penny Weiss.

Remember, a working man has a temper, too."

"An arm?"

A red shadow flashed out.

It was Chen Li, who had been temporarily reinforced, following Han Dong's orders and forced her way towards the Joker.

The kitchen knife wrapped with resentment continuously chopped at the Joker's shoulder area.


In the case of the arm being completely taut, two or three strikes cut off the entire left arm.

Also, at this instant, there was an equally beautiful female hand in the gap, grabbing towards Chen Li.

Dangerous moment! Chen Li, with the left arm of the Joker, disappeared in an instant by taking advantage of the portable prison feature.

And one arm was gone, and so was the Joker's support.

The entire man was immediately dragged into the rift.

About to disappear into the final moments of the dark abyss.

What hung on the Joker's face was not anger, not hatred, nor despair.

Rather, it was a maniacal laugh from the heart.

"Hahahaha, Nicholas! I look forward to your next visit to Derry Town, hahaha!"

The Joker completely falls into "Old Derry Town" and disappears.

Black hair, insects, water stains, and other strange substances continue to emerge from the crater.

The inhabitants will invade the mid-levels and the surface.

Han Dong covered his chest and retreated to the Joker house.

With a smile on his lips, he waited for the 30s off-war event.

"Let's not take such a big risk in the future, we must prepare for everything in advance."

In the last 30s, Han Dong did not panic at all.

Referencing Togo who spent two whole days and nights before adjusting to the sewers in reverse from the [Exit].

Even if the current rift was large, it would take several hours for these inhabitants to enter the sewer area from the reverse direction.

Soon a familiar and friendly prompt came.

Destiny's "The Return of the Joker" has been completed and will be sent to the "Destiny Room".


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