My Cell Prison

Chapter 138: Last resort

Chapter 138: Last resort

"Um, run away?"

Although it wasn't that easy to break open the [Exit].

Once upon a time, Dr. Freak could have consumed hundreds of folk's crippled deformities to destroy the [Exit] to create a small crack that only allowed one resident to pass through.

But with Han Dong carrying a weird ability, the Joker was still a little worried.

Now wasn't the time to open the exit.

"I'll deal with you later; I need to go see what that kid wants to do."

The Joker stuck an injection into his body, instantly exploding with a terrifying force, ignoring the chains, suppressing Togo and lifting him in the air with his backhand.

"Ha-ha, eat a candy!"

A small balloon is shoved into Togo's mouth, one hand pressed against Togo's head and one hand against his chin.

The balloon expands rapidly in his mouth.


A violent explosion inside.

It directly brought Togo to his knees, a kind of burning 'blood' spilling out of his eyes, confused for a moment and unable to continue moving.

Just as the Joker was about to use the 'toy house' to lock Togo up.


A spatial wave wrapped around Togo's body.

It disappeared in front of the Joker.

"Space, where did this kid get this ability?

Hehehe, If I can find out how to manipulate space, I can further accelerate my 'great plan'."

The more bizarre the abilities Han Dong displayed, the more excited the Joker became, not caring at all that Togo had been taken away, just kill Han Dong and everything would be back on track.

"Let's see where Nicholas has escaped to."

The Joker took two red balloons from his pocket and stuffed them into his eyes, the bulging balloons immediately transformed into two bulging eyes.

At the same time, the Joker blew air at the body.

This act of blowing caused the long legs of the grasshopper that had been cut off by Han Dong, as well as the skin and flesh that had been snapped by the chains, to all recover.

It had to be said that compared to the [Old Town Resident-Togo], the Joker was slightly inferior in terms of combat standards though.

However, the Joker's "Super Rapid Regeneration" ability, the various tricks involving red balloons, and its extraordinary "intelligence" were all superior to Togo.

This was precisely where the Joker was difficult to deal with.

If was very hard defeat the Joker head-on through strength.

In a situation where it was difficult to defeat the Joker head-on, Han Dong could only choose to use the soft approach.


Time rewinds to nine hours ago.

It was exactly the same time that the Joker had lured Togo away from the [Exit] while Han Dong used the red balloon to fill the gap.

Han Dong, who had managed to push back the 'black-haired inhabitants', stayed slightly near the [Exit] for a while.

No one knew what happened during this time.

It was because Han Dong was curious about one thing.

Why did it take so much manpower to destroy the [Exit]? Moreover, these mutants were crippled, but their strength was above that of humans.

Using the lives of hundreds of aberrations, but in the end, they only ended up with a few tiny cracks.

"These aberrations, were they attacked and died by the monsters entrenched in the [Middle Zone]? No, "

Han Dong found a 'complete' body of a deformed person and examined it carefully.

It was found to have blood coming out of all seven holes, and when he reached out to touch the body, it was soft, so soft that there were no bones.

Curiosity drove Han Dong to perform an autopsy.

As soon as it was opened, the 'sight' that was revealed startled Han Dong!


None of the internal body cavities were intact, as if they had suffered an unspeakable internal injury.

Following this, Han Dong examined the other deceased and found that some of the stronger systems were barely intact on the outside due to muscle or fur support.

On the inside, however, they were 'torn to pieces'.

As for some of the weaker ones, they simply fell apart.

Thinking of this, Han Dong grabbed a still intact body of deformed flesh and threw it towards the repaired [Exit].

Only a dark mane flashed on the exit wall.

Swish! (solid-liquid separation)

Han Dong had gotten the result he wanted.

Contact with the exit, this wall, would be met with a powerful energy shock.


Timeline Return.

The Joker stared in the direction of [Exit].

He saw Han Dong who was standing in front of this wall of the exit, not in a good state.

Han Dong had one hand over his chest and disordered breathing.

Although the strike just now hadn't penetrated the soft armor, it had shattered three of Han Dong's ribs.

Coupled with the excessive consumption of his physical energy, he had lost most of his fighting abilities.

The Joker slowly walked away, his mouth constantly advising.

"What are you going to do? You don't want to mess with it, don't touch [Exit]! There's so much more I'd like to know from you."

Han Dong, however, stared at him with a deadly stare.

Desperate, it was impossible for Han Dong to continue fighting the Joker now.

Togo was also in a comatose state.

If he didn't do anything, he would only end up being captured back by the Joker and receive torture worse than death.

Han Dong said with a relieved look on his face.

"No matter what, let's put up a fight!

As soon as I can destroy the exit, untold numbers of Old Town residents will pour out and devour us both, no loss to take you to hell with us."

The Joker panicked a bit.

"Insane! How not to lose, don't mess around! There's a lot more to you that I'm interested in.

I swear to never torture you, if you behave! I'm even considering letting you join the 'Great Plan'."

The Joker doesn't really believe that Han Dong can sabotage the exit, he's just worried that Han Dong will get desperate and commit suicide, and then the Joker will lose a lot of information, and possibly even Togo, an important informant.

Full speed up.

The Joker, running up, tried to stop this act of death by Han Dong.

"Ha-ha, "

Han Dong laughed maniacally; his eyes having lost their attachment to the world.

Using his tentacles.

Touch [Exit]!

Crackle, crackle, crackle, (sound of flesh and bone breaking)

Han Dong's body, which was barely up to the level of an ordinary human, could not withstand such an impact, the limbs disconnected.

Other than the head landing in place, the other parts had been blown away.

This scene was uncomfortable for the Joker to watch.

Not visually uncomfortable, but unhappy that Han Dong had ended it all with a 'suicide'.

The heart was in the right place.

Although the Joker was angry at Han Dong for ruining his plan, on the other hand, he was also very optimistic about the young man, it was rare to meet such a smart player.

In the end, but Han Dong ended it with a 'suicide', the Joker was a little disappointed.

"I'll just, take your body back to study it.

That guy Doctor might have the ability to make you into a 'living dead'."

Battle over.

(Since this Destiny event is over (Togo was taken in) and the Joker is not part of the event boss, you will not receive any hints about the 'reduced number of survivors')

The terrifying muscles on the Joker's body dried up like a balloon and slowly changed back to their original shape.

Stepping lightly, he stepped forward to collect Han Dong's body.

Putting the hands, feet, and torso into the woven bag, he prepared to bring them back together.

Near the [Exit] location.

Was about to pick up this last head of Han Dong's.

The Joker's keen insight had discovered that something was off on the [Exit] wall.

On the wall, in addition to being stained with a large amount of 'blood' that had been spilled onto it due to the explosion, there was also a not-so-obvious 'blood' formation painted on it!


The brain quickly processed the data.

The Joker's fierce face was revealed and he stomped on Han Dong's head.


A foot through the floor, failing to step on the real thing.

The head is promptly avoided through a neck growth of tentacles.

And, most importantly.

The head has been attached to the formation on the wall of the [Exit].

Formation activated!


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