My Big Brother is Seeking Death Again

Chapter 46: Who doesn't know how to sow discord?

Chapter 46: Who doesn't know how to sow discord?

T/N: I've changed Yi Yaojun's name to Yi Yaofan.

"Sure enough it's you." She knew it. Shi Xia sighed, and before everyone could notice the strange situation over here, she immediately went over, and dragged the person back. Sweeping him up and down she asked, "What the hell is going on? Why are you here? Attached your divine sense into another person's body?"

"Hmm." Chi Hou reached out and took her hand. Since she already knew, he simply admitted it, "You came here before forming a Jindan, I was worried." What if his sister was abducted when he's not around? Must have to watch her. ( celiac)

"You are attached to Yi Yaofan? And where is he then?"

"He's still in there." He pointed to himself, "Only in a deep sleep."

"Sleeping?" That means the person who gives her stink eye all day during the day is the real Yi Yaofan, "And does he know that?"

Chi Hou shook his head, suddenly remembering something and added, "Yuan Zhao knows."

Yuan Zhao? Yi Yaofan's father! No wonder he ignored her before. It was not Bi Hong who had told everything to him beforehand, but Chi Hou.

"This time is different from last time. I am using the art of Yin and Yang merging technique to connect to his divine sense. My cultivation is not limited for staying in this body, but I can only appear when he is asleep or in meditation."

Yin and Yang merging technique? Why does this name feel so tainted?

Shi Xia looked up and down at him, instantly brainstorming her mind. From you two men, can you tell me who is Yin? And who is the Yang?


"This technique won't have any effect on you, right?" For example, like sexual orientation or something?

With his slightly averted, he reached out and touched her head as he explained, "Xia Xia, don't worry, this technique is originally a technique to calculate the divine sense. Not only will it not be harmful, but it will be beneficial to both parties." Otherwise, Yuan Zhao would not have agreed so quickly in the first place.

"Oh, that's good." Shi Xia felt relieved. Although she has just enlightened herself as a family member, since she acknowledged him as her brother, she couldn't let her go astray ah. Can't let him bend. Besides, Yi Yaofan is a minor!


What should she do to stop his brain hole becoming wider?

"Do you want to eat?" He handed over another fruit, this time it was pink.



She Xia was woken up by force. When she opened her eyes, she saw the angry face of Yi Yaofan, his eyes fiercely staring at her as if he wanted to choke her to death.

"You you you really have got no shame."

"What again?" Shi Xia rubbed the hand that was slapped. It seemed that the one who hit her out was him.

"How dare you ask." His fire grew even stronger, giving her a look as if looking at trash, "You actually took advantage of my deep meditation and threw yourself at me, it's simply As a female cultivator, how can you be so shameless."

Shi Xia gave him a look. The fact that Chi Hou had entered his body last time to check up on her must not be known by him.

"Who threw herself at who?" Shi Xia pointed to the tree behind him, "Open your eyes and see clearly. I have been sitting under this tree all night and haven't moved at all!"

Yi Yaofan froze. Looking around, he just realised that this is indeed not the place where he meditated last night, "Then how I am here?"

"Why are you asking me ah?" Shi Xia gave him a stink rye, "You dropped me on the floor and I woke up. How do I know how you came over last night?"

"" Yi Yaofan became silent. His face changed again and again. His expression was torn and disbelieving, as if he had eaten shit. Seeing that the other people was slowly waking up from the slumber, he only coldly grunted, turned around and quickly left as if avoiding the plague.

The whole day, Yi Yaofan didn't say another word to her, only from time to time would look at her with suspicious eyes. When their gazes collided, he would turn away with a black face.

The next few days, the group did the same thing as the first time they entered the Secret Realm. They went deeper into the Secret Realm and fought with spirit beasts in the morning, scatter around to do the divisional task and rest at night. After spending fifteen days of flying like this, they had reached the depths of the Secret Realm. Yi Yaofan had instructed everyone to change their longswords to walking and no longer let them scatter to do the divisional task. All of them had almost completed their divisional tasks, so no one objected.

The only hindernce was when they met a fourth-ranked spirit beast and it took some time to defeat it. In the end, it was collected by the girl Shi Xia spoke to last time about spirit beast. Shi Xia followed the group all the way into the depth of the Secret Realm to find clue about her brother, Shi Dong. But according to Chi Hou who appeared to her every night, not even a breath of his was felt up till this journey. In another words, she still hadn't found any clue. Shi Xia considered whether to find an opportunity to change the route alone, but was firmly denied by Chi Hou. They were almost at the center of the Secret Realm. Spirit beasts with high rank roamed there and it's not safe for her to travel alone. So she had to put the idea away.

The only problem was the way Yi Yaofan looked at her was getting stranger and stranger. From the initial anger, doubt, shock, entanglement, to the disillusioned look of disbeliving life. If anyone who wakes up every day and finds himself clinging to a girl he has known for less than a few days, and also a girl he hates very much, but he seems to be the one taking the initiative, he will be a little puzzled, right?

But Shi Xia had no way to stop this. It's Chi Hou who appeared everyday to tell her after stories to put her to sleep, or hug her to put her to sleep. From these two options, she did not hesitate to choose the latter. Never in her life would she ever wanted to hear absurd stories at the age of 24 from someone like Chi Hou.

So in front of Yi Yaofan's increasingly weird resentment in his eyes, she could only pretend not to know anything.

"Xia Xia, there are too many spirit beasts around here. Spirit beasts of the fifth order or higher may appear, so you should be more careful."

Chi Hou carefully mentioned. But Shi Xia did not care too much at that time, and the result was that the next day they really encountered a fifth-ranked spirit beast. It was a Ling Fire Spirit Beast that looked like a horse, but was three times bigger than an ordinary horse, with flames all over its body, three horns on top of its head, and scales covering everywhere.

The fifth-order spirit beast is equivalent to the early Golden Pill cultivator. The beast was fire attributed, and many people of the group were good at ice spells, so it wasn't difficult to take down this Ling Fire Beast. But who knew, this spirit beast was dual attributed with a mutant thunder attribute. One of the cultivators of the group was momentarily inadvertently hit by its lightning, and his skin and flesh immediately burned to charcoal. What is even more bizarre is that this spirit beast couldn't be contracted with anyone. Even at the verge of dying and several people's contract formation, it broke free. And the contracted cultivators were seriously injured by the formation backlash.

Although in the end, the Ling Fire Beast was killed by the heavenly thunderbolt of Yi Yaofan, it wouldn't be wrong to say that they lost heavily this time. Out of ten cultivators, four had minor injury and one was seriously injured.

"Who has the water Spiritual Root, please help Wang Xi, he can't hold on any longer." The woman dressed in pink was holding a person with an anxious and panicked face. While infusing her spiritual energy to the other party, she looked around and asked help from other people.

The person she was holding was the one who had been struck by the Ling Fire Beast's lightning. He was already covered in blood by the small amount of time, his hands and feet turned to bloody, wounds deep enough to see the bones. Shi Xia remembered that this female cultivator was called Lin Ling, and she and the injured Wang Xi were a dual-cultivation couple.

"Senior Sister Lin, all the senior brothers with water Spiritual Roots are injured." The cultivator next to her replied. The Ling Fire Beast was fire attributed, so those who had just tried to contract with it were all cultivators with water Spiritual Roots. But all of them had suffered from the backlash of the formation.

"Then what should we do?" Lin Ling had a painful face, her eyes filled with tears, "Brother Wang is so badly injured, only those with water Spiritual Roots can heal him faster, I don't want to see him suffer so much." She looked around in a panic and suddenly looked at Shi Xia, her eyes brightened up a bit as she exclaimed, "You! You are an outer disciple, doesn't all outer disciples have four or five Spiritual Root you must have water Spiritual Root. Quickly come here, save Brother Wang."

As her name was suddenly mentioned, Shi Xia froze. She subconsciously frowned, took a few steps forward and said, "I do have water Spiritual Roots, but I don't know the spell of healing." Chi Hou said pure Yang Spiritual Root is a full system Spiritual Roots, so she may have water Spiritual Root.

Lin Ling thought she was reluctant and got angry, "The art of healing is the most basic spell, how can you not know it! Brother Wang is injured like this, are you going to see him dying?"

" I really don't know." She learned many spells but water healing spells? She really didn't learn.

"You "

"Forget it, Senior Sister Lin." Another female cultivator came forward, seemingly placating but every word was directed at Shi Xia, "Outer disciples are outer disciples, how can she be of any use? Just now when we were dealing with the Ling Fire Beast, she was standing far away."

Everyone looked at her for a while and their gazes changed, filling with the same contempt as Lin Ling, like she had done something evil and bad.

" "Uh, what did I do? You guys were the one who couln't defeat the spirit beast, and now blaming me? And it's not that she didn't want to help, she was pushed back by the cultivators who were fighting to contract the demon beast when she went ahead.

Shi Xia took a deep breath to suppress the anger. Forget it, they are a team. So she pulled out the pills handed by Chi Hou from her storage bag and walked over.

But Lin Ling pushed her away, "What do you want?"

"This elixir." She simply put it in Lin Ling's hand, "Although I can't heal, but I prepared some healing medicine. If you feed him this, he will be better."

"Who dares to eat the elixir practiced by outer disciples?" Before Lin Ling could say anything, the female cultivator who had just sarcastically mocked her coldly snorted again, "Who knows what you have in there?"

When she said that, Lin Ling also didn't dare to feed it.

Hey, I have a hot temper!

Shi Xia immediately started her way of persuasion against the not so old professional discrimination she just learned, "Lin Ling sister, you say, is Wang Xi's life more important, or me being a so-called outer sect or inner disciple?" Finishing with her words, she turned her head and asked the female cultivator, "And this little girl, Wang Xi is injured like this, but you're still stopping him from taking the pills. What is your intention? If it was your son who is injured like this, wouldn't you be in a hurry too?"

Who doesn't know how to sow discord?

"You " the female cultivator was so angry that her face turned red.

"Okay! Stop arguing." Yi Yaofan interrupted their argument and glared at the female cultivator with a warning, "We are all fellow disciples, what are you arguing about?"

Seeing that female cultivator stop speaking, he then turned his head to look at Shi Xia, only to immediately turn his head away with a tangled face.

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