My Big Brother is Seeking Death Again

Chapter 45: Brother follows me everywhere

Chapter 45: Brother follows me everywhere

Although the Dreamless Realm' is a secret realm and would open once every fifty years, the resources inside are not very high quality. But even so, there are many demonic beasts, so most sects only use this as a place for Golden Pill cultivators to practice as a natural spiritual beast ground.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and follow!" Yi Yaojun turned around and glared at her, "If you lag behind, I won't care about you."

Shi Xia realised that her companions' had already called out their longsword and flew up.

"Hmph, women are troublesome." Yi Yaojun coldly snorted, before leading the group to fly into the entrance of the Secret Realm in the sky together.

As soon as they entered the Secret Realm, it instantly seemed like they had entered another world. In front of them was a forest with flourishing lush green grass and trees, birds singing and flowers blooming everywhere. Even the spiritual energy was also quite dense. All cultivators landed on the ground and walked towards the forest.

But Shi Xia's group of ten people didn't stop and instead flew straight towards the depths of the forest.

"Excuse me, where are we going?" She couldn't help but ask.

Yi Yaojun looked back at her and frowned, "Just follow, don't ask unnecessary questions."

"" No wonder people say rebellious brats are not cute at all.

"The purpose of our trip is to catch spirit beasts." Next to her, a girl in white clothes embroidered with blue stripes explained, "Dreamless Realm is only open for half a month. Outside the forests, most of the spirit beasts are second and third-order but you can find higher-order spirit beasts in the depths of the forest."

"Oh." So it was because they had a goal, no wonder everyone flew straight in, "Thanks."

The girl smiled kindly at her and began to concentrate her sword again.

The group of ten people flew almost the whole day before finally stopping. Yi Yaojun led the group to land on a flat area before looking up at the sky and saying, "Let's spread out here and meet again before evening."

Hearing the order, everyone turned around and left in various directions.

Shi Xia was puzzled. Not understanding anything, she had no choice but to ask the girl next to her who seemed pretty likable in a low voice, "Aren't we here to catch spirit beasts? Why are we splitting now?"

"To do the divisional task." The girl gave her a somewhat surprised look as she asked, "Your Li Jian Peak didn't issue you any divisional tasks?"

"Uh " Shi Xia froze before smiling widely, "Of course they have!" What the hell is a divisional task? Why have I never heard of it?

"Our Dan Peak's divisional mission has always been simple. I just have to collect some low-grade spiritual herbs, and the task will be finished in about ten days." The girl smiled before saying understandingly, "Sister is from Li Jian Peak, so the task must be related to training materials. I've always seen the outer door disciples being issued heavy tasks. So, I will not bother Sister anymore, goodbye!"

"Well, thanks!" Shi Xia thanked the girl before turning around and heading in another direction alone.

Although she did not have any divisional tasks, at least she could pretend to do it. So she overturned the stones on the ground, pinched a bit of yellow earth in her hand and looked at it carefully. She had been training the past five years to enter the Secret Realm and search for her brother. But after entering the Secret Realm, she had no idea where to start even looking.

Should she grab a spirit beast to ask? But she doesn't know beast language!

She thought the phone would give her some kind of task and hint after she entered the Secret Realm. But when she secretly took a look at it after she came in, there was no notification. Did I guess wrong? My brother has nothing to do with this phone?

Then that box before was just a coincidence?

The more she thought about it, the more annoyed she became. Feeling frustrated, she raised her leg and kicked the stones on the ground.

"Ouch!" A cry of pain came from the grass on the right, and the leader of Nanyi Gua' (Hard to hang) rushed out from the grass in anger, "Xia Shi, are you looking for death!"

"Why are you here?" Shi Xia looked at the angry teenager in front of him in puzzlement. Didn't he say to split up? "You haven't followed me all the way, have you?"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across his face before he denied immediately, "You think I love to follow you! If my father hadn't instructed me to keep an eye on the safety of my fellow disciples, I wouldn't care about you!" He rubbed his forehead, which had just been hit by a stone, with a face of disgust and resignation, "In our group, you have the lowest cultivation level. If I don't watch over you, you will be eaten by spiritual beasts, and they will blame me."

"" can't you speak kindly? Have such good intentions but the mouth doesn't know how to say sweet things. Shi Xia sighed, "No, you go watch over others." She would never be able to figure out how the mind of an arrogant brat works, she doesn't want to bicker with him all the way. Besides, she wasn't thinking of going far.

"You don't know the danger lurking here." He gave her a you don't know anything' look before saying, "on the extent of your blindness, this little master is willing to help you. It is already your ancestral virtue for me to follow you."

"Who is blind?" Just because you are underage, don't think I don't dare to beat you ah!

"You still don't want to admit it?" He pointed to the stone that she just kicked and hit him, "Don't think I don't know that the stone you just kicked is the Xuan Iron Stone'."

"What's wrong with an innocent basalt stone?" Can it cure your brain disability?

He snorted coldly, with an expression of I've seen through everything', "Don't think I don't know Li Jian Peak's divisional task. You were told to bring three hundred Xuan Iron Stones' and one hundred Bai Ling' stones, as third grade weapon training materials. If you know that this stone is Xuan Iron Stone' why did you kick it away?"

Crap, so the so-called divisional task refers to this? Why did Bi Hong give her the identity of a disciple of Li Jian Peak, and changed her name directly from Shi Xia to Xia Shi.

"Can't refute, right?" Yi Yaojun gave her a I knew it' look.

"Who says I don't recognize that Xuan Iron Stone'."

"Then why you" he stopped mid-sentence, as if he suddenly realised something. Glaring fiercely with his eyes opened wide, he exclaimed, "you you deliberately kicked the stone to hurt me!"

Shi Xia only shrugged her shoulders. Dare you to do anything ah!

"You you ," after uttering you you you' in a row in anger, he coldly snorted and turned away.

The rebellious child was finally cleaned up.


After getting angry at Shi Xia, Yi Yaojun really didn't come over again to find trouble. Shi Xia leisurely strolled over the Secret Realm till the sunset. Seeing the time of meeting together had arrived, she walked towards the meeting place. Everyone else also came back, with their faces gleaming with joy. Even their attitude toward her had eased up quite a bit. It seemed that everyone had completed the divisional task well. Except for Yi Yaojun. From the beginning to end, he only gave her a look of resentment, his face crumpled as if she had robbed his sister.

The night dawned over. The cries of spirit beast began to rang around as the night deepened. In order to prevent accidents, the group decided to rest in one place for the night, and continue their journey deep in the forest the next morning. After the order had been issued, everyone began to meditate to rebuild their strength and rest for the night.

Everyone in the group, except of Shi Xia, knew each other. As an outsider, Shi Xia didn't intend to mingle with the people. So she sat down under a tree a little farther away and also began to meditate to build up her strength.

As she mobilised the spiritual energy to run in her body, all the exhaustion swept away, and she felt refreshed. But when she opened her eyes, she was confronted with the large face of Yi Yaojun close at hand.

Shi Xia was startled and recoiled backward in surprise, "What are you doing here?" Now he's playing sneak attack? Just because she smashed a little stone on his head, he doesn't need to go that far for revenge, right?

But Yi Yaojun stretched his hand towards her and handed something to her.

She took a closer look, it was a piece of talisman paper with the word Repel' written on it.

"What is this?"

"A repellent talisman to drive away the cold and yin of the night." He replied.

Shi Xia took it with a puzzled look, why is he giving her this? Is there something wrong with this talisman?

After carefully examining the talisman paper, she didn't find anything suspicious. Just to be sure, she squeezed out a defense trick, before invoking the talisman. But to her surprise, she found that it was really as he said. The talisman really dispelled the Yin Qi around her, as if it formed a protective barrier around her.

She turned her head and looked at the other people not far away. But she found that only she was handed this talisman.

"What about the others?"

"Don't have many." He replied with a straight face.

"But why give it to me?"

He was silent for a moment before replying, "You need it."

"" This person must be stoned out of his mind, right? Before, he only showed a fierce look, as if he couldn't wait to come up and bite her. But why did he suddenly changed his behaviour. Suddenly took the role of a sweet brother? Shi Xia frowned but still said, "Thank you."

"No need." Yi Yaojun smiled at her. Unlike the previous anger value MAX' look, the smile was similar to spring breeze.

Shi Xia thought he wanted to make trouble again.

But he squatted closer and pulled out a fruit and handed it over.

"What's this?"

"The vermilion fruit, it can replenish the Qi."

"For me again?"


Shi Xia couldn't help but reach out and touch his forehead, "You're not sick, are you?" The sudden change of attitude, it's scary, OK!

"I'm fine."

"Are you a demon? Why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?"

He frowned, "Do I need a reason to be nice to you?"


"Eat up." With a sincere face, he urged, while pulling out several more in quick succession and stuffing them into her hands.

Shi Xia stared at the fruits in her hand before looking back at Yi Yaojun whose attitude has changed 180 and studied his mien for half a minute. But the expression on his face was hard to read, she couldn't understand what he was really up to. Even the unbeatable look under his eyes was gone, as if he had changed.

"I don't want them!" She handed the fruits back to him, what if the fruits are poisonous? He hated her so much but showing such a warm attitude all of a sudden? He must be hiding something.

"Don't like?" He froze and began to pull out some other things from the bag again, "It's okay, I still have green fruit, yellow fruit and purple fruit which one do you want?"

"" the corners of Shi Xia's mouth twitched. Was his divisional task to specifically pick fruits for her? "I don't eat fruit."

"Oh." A trace of disappointment flashed in his face but he still continued to ask, "Then are you hungry? Are you cold? Do you want make fire to be warm?" Seemingly remembering something, he said as he got up and walked back, "I'll go get you a coat."

Saying this, he hurriedly left. As if he was afraid that she would be cold. Something clicked in Shi Xia's mind. She couldn't help but tentatively call out, "brother?"

The person who was walking ahead immediately turned around, "Yes~~~"()~

Shi Xia: ""

Chi Hou: ""


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