My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 323 - 323 War-II

323 War-II

Within a matter of a few seconds all eyes fixated on one scene. Rather, their gaze followed the Pitch black wolf approaching them, showing a particular kind of aggression towards Valestines. Everyone was weirdly still as Ashton moved, as if they were in trance as if a magic spell was cast upon them.

Suddenly, as if the spell broke, the Valestines launched their attack, ironically on the Crescentile wolves instead of Ashton. The wolves were taken aback, but they recovered from it soon enough before taking care of their own defense.

If Ashton hadn’t intervened when he did, the Crescentile wolves might not have made it. A group attack was definitely not something they could have survived. While Caleb’s left hind leg was injured, he was still capable of moving, although it greatly compromised his speed. Caleb did his best to dodge every attack launched upon him, but with so many wolves coming at all of them from all the sides it was hard to say who was gonna attack whom and from where.

Caleb was about to get crushed under a giant caramel wolf, when Ashton counter attacked the wolf mid-air, causing a crash onto the giant rock by the shore. The blow itself wouldn’t have been fatal, but somehow the rock ended up crushing a pivotal point of the Caramel wolf’s spine causing an instant death of that wolf.

Caleb didn’t have much time to be glad, as he was targeted by another wolf. As more wolves kept attacking the Crescentiles, Ashton kept trying his level best to hinder their attacks. Soon enough, even the dumb ones of the Valestines realised what a nuisance Ashton was with regards to their attacks.

As if some wave of communication went between the Valestines every one of them went still for a moment, and turned all their attention to one and only Ashton. But there was something different about their way of staring at Ashton this time. It felt as if it was a bit different than their coordinated attacks on the Crescentiles. As if they just found the best way to defeat Ashton.

Two of them jumped together at Ashton from two different sides, making it harder for Ashton to dodge the attack, however he still managed to do so with a little trick Caleb had once taught him long ago. As much as Caleb wanted to return the favor of coming to his aid, his injured hind leg and a few hindering Valestines prevented him from doing so.

After a few minutes of dodging those mindless attacks and making a few moves of his own, Caleb heard a painful wail of a wolf that tugged at his heartstrings. Turning around he noticed a giant teardrop roll down the pitch black’s eyes. Upon further examination, Caleb noticed a weirdly fashioned dagger, that one can argue was customized in the ancient times, stuck to Ashton’s upper half of the forelegs, dangerously closer to the ribs. Ashton was quite lucky that it didn’t pierce through his lungs.

A low growl escaped Ashton’s mouth, and despite multiple obstacles, Caleb managed to rush to Ashton’s side, worried visible in his glistening eyes. Ashton nudges his mate’s snout with his own before linking him, [Shift back, and take the dagger out] So that the Valestines couldn’t interrupt them, some of the Crescentiles came to their aid.


Well aware of the dangers of removing the dagger here, Caleb hesitated, [If I do so, it can kill you]

[And this dagger can kill Valestines. Just aim anywhere apart from legs and tail and instant death. It’s a legend, I remember now. From my years of captivity in the north] Ashton gasped as he mentioned.

Caleb looked at Ashton’s eyes, and seeing them filled with determination only encouraged Caleb while a tiny feeling of hopelessness emerged in him. He didn’t have much time to think, and a decision was to be made now. In moments like this, Caleb listened to his gut, and right now his gut told him to do as Ashton asked, as it might just be the only way out.

Caleb shifted back, and with a heavy heart pulled the dagger out. The site started to bleed profusely which prompted Caleb to attempt to touch him, only to be brushed off by Ashton [Not now. They need you. Kill them fast] Ashton declared in the link.

With a little help from Crescentiles, Caleb managed to hit a few Valestines just like Ashton advised him, and much to his surprise it actually worked. Within a matter of a few minutes a signifcant number of Valestines dropped dead, which in turn made their ratio more bearable. In fact, it forced the Valestines to stop attacking for once and reconsider their moves.

As they stepped back, careful of every move they made and if there was any attack coming their way. Like choreography, they all ended up exactly in a form, in a single place forming a circle and howled. Soon they heard a noise comparable to a horse’s stampede and many more wolves surrounded them once more. It was as if all the Valestines had decided to show up at this point.

Even with that fashionable dagger it seemed impossible to defeat the Valestines. Suddenly like a distraction, there was a splashing coming from the shore and upon turning his head, Caleb realized that his mate had fallen into the water. The amount of blood on the ground made him wonder whether or not Ashton was even aware of what had just happened.

As Caleb began to sprint to check on his mate, a large hideous dirty amber wolf came in his path, hindering his aim. Caleb, agitated at that point, directly (and successfully) aimed at its heart causing and instant collapse of the wolf. As Caleb reached the shore he only saw a few bloody trails with no wolf or even human on the sight. Without any inhibition, Caleb shouted at the top of his lungs, “ASHTON!!” Caleb felt his breathing rise as he couldn’t even hear or see anything in the link (or maybe he failed to link him).

Seeing the despair in Caleb’s eyes somehow improved the situation. As if the Valestines were certain that Ashton was dead they retreated. Kept walking back until they were nowhere near the sight. Seeing all that made him wonder whether all of this was just to kill Ashton. As if all that mattered to Valestines was to dispose of Ashton.

Too bad they had vanished because Caleb just had an uncontrollable urge to kill every single one of the Valestine wolves. With a built up rage and despair Caleb shouted mimicking that of a howl.


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