My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 322 - 322 War-I

322 War-I

As soon as they reached the nearby border, they went still. Horrified by the scene in front of them, they were speechless. The land was almost covered in blood and it was really difficult to tell which blood belonged to whom and numerous bodies were there, most of which belonged to the pack members of Crescent Point. There wasn’t one wolf whose body wasn’t smeared in blood, be it dead or alive. At this rate the Crescent Point might become extinct.

Both of them tried to locate Caleb among the mess, knowing well enough that he was someone in there. When the formal link of Christian failed, Ashton’s intrusive link showed Caleb leading a fight with a gray coloured hound. Ashton tried to locate the Greyhound and soon enough found him.

Ashton tapped on Christian’s shoulder and pointed him in the said direction following which they both shifted to their respective wolf forms and jumped into the chaos. Even though Caleb was visible from their vantage point, he was still quite further away in the chaos. What both of them failed to predict was getting ambushed while going in Caleb’s direction. A burgundy wolf jumped on Ashton, scratching his flank sharp enough to cause Ashton to wince out in pain while halting him momentarily.

Christian who was yet unharmed, debated whether or not to stay back and help Ashton. On the other hand he wanted to protect his little brother’s mate, but on the other hand he knew Ashton was capable of handling this Valestine all by himself. His little brother might not be so blessed. His dilemma disappeared when Ashton, in his wolf form, signaled Christian to keep going while he would hold this one off.

Ashton turned around and growled at the burgundy wolf ready to attack him. On a clear observation Ashton couldn’t make out whether burgundy was the original color of the said wolf or whether it appeared so due to the dried blood of its kill. The fallen bodies of his fellow pack mates were still visible to him in the periphery. The burgundy wolf jumped on Ashton at the first chance he got, while, due to his comparatively smaller size Ashton managed to dodge the attack by a centimeter.

Ashton, who was standing right next to the burgundy wolf, bit on the tail hard enough to get a cry out of the burgundy wolf. They managed to get an opposing stance again, as they stared at each other about to go in for the next fight. Ashton’s eyes turned a brighter shade of red as he let out a howl before going in to attack the burgundy wolf.

Meanwhile, Christian had managed to reach Caleb, carefully avoiding any attacks that might have come his way and upon reaching, he was quite impressed to see the marks on the greyhound’s body. Caleb being always the smaller wolf, he knew how to use his size to his advantage, and thus managed to coordinate his attacks efficiently without killing any of the wolves in his subgroup… as of yet.

Christian noticed that the Greyhound was soon joined by another gray wolf, whose shade was dark enough to be mistaken for the previous wolf’s shadow. As it seems, the second wolf had managed to vanquish his opponents and was now headed for them. At this moment, no matter how skilled the Cresentile wolves were, they were definitely outnumbered.

With much courage they fought against the two wolves. At this point their strategy was more defense than offense, trying their best to protect themselves instead of attacking them. After a few trials by the gray wolves, Caleb realized that while he could counter the Valestines in terms of strength they were not prepared well enough for battle. Even with the two of them their coordination was a bit… lacking. Which made them realize, they were trained for a fight, but not for a battle. As Caleb turned to Christian in order to point that out, Christian nodded, having noticed that himself.


Christian tried his level best to connect to all the wolves he could and inform them about his observation. With a detailed tactic, it seemed to be possible to win against them after all. They decided to go for an approach of ‘divide and conquer,’ and tried to stall them and lead them separate ways. When they were at a far enough distance, Caleb attacked the shadow colored wolf, missing by an inch (on purpose) before he landed on the ground. That was enough of the ego boost needed for the Shadow wolf to grin and make his move and as soon as he was about to jump onto Caleb he was thrown away by a large blow on the ribs.

Turning around, the shadow wolf realized that it was attacked by none other than the other gray wolf who was in turn trying to attack Christian. The brothers managed to coordinate their positions so that while trying to attack them they would end up attacking each other.

The Shadow wolf struggled to get up as the blow from a fellow Valestine was something not that easy to recover from. Seeing the shadow wolf in pain, the gray wolf howled which led to all the other Valestines come together and point at Caleb and Christian. If the things weren’t bad enough, they got just worse.

While Christian tried a similar tactic, there weren’t many of them left alive, at least near this border to give them a proper advantage against their fight. It appeared a lost cause, certain that they would lose this fight. Before either side could attack, there was a loud thud in the middle ground grabbing the attention of each and everyone present there.

There was a large head, right in the middle of their fighting ground, in the color of burgundy. A lingering growl led everyone to turn their gazes at the same spot, where a pitch black wolf stood. The only contrasting features about the wolf’s color were his red eyes and his reddened teeth, from where fresh blood continued to drip into the ground.


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