My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 308

Chapter 308: One last time

When Christian arrived at Sebastian’s apartment after taking a quick shower, he was surprised to see bags packed in the living room. “Wait, you are leaving now?” He was amused.

“What? No” Sebastian laughed. “My flight is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Why would you think I am leaving right now?” he was taken aback.

“You are already done with the packing, so I thought....” he trailed off. Shaking his head, Sebastian approached Christian.

“I am just preparing ahead, you know... so that I can leave tomorrow and still get to spend tonight with you.” Sebastian shrugged.

“Okay...” Christian let out an amused smirk. “What do you have in mind?” he asked.

“Well, I was thinking we can go out... we haven’t been on a date yet so that would be nice...” Sebastian mumbled.

“I’d love that..” Christian smiled. “I wish I wasn’t this exhausted...”


“I figured you would say that, which is why I have something else planned.” Sebastian tried, but he couldn’t contain the idiotic grin surfacing on his face.

“Why do you look like that, what did you do?” Christian asked skeptically.

“Just follow me.” Sebastian motioned with his head and got out of the door. Christian was confused as he had just mentioned that he was tired of anything outdoors, but nevertheless he followed Sebastian out in curiosity. What surprised him more was that instead of going downstairs, Sebastian was headed upstairs.

Christian was wondering if it was to look at stars or something but was genuinely amused to see a dimly lit area that had two chairs and a table with a covered candle burning, “A candle light dinner?” he couldn’t help but smile.

“I am gonna miss you Chris,” Sebastian turned around and looked at Christian. “I don’t wanna leave without creating an awesome memory with you.”

Christian felt his throat closing up and tears brimming his eyes. This was so simple, thoughtful and perfect that he couldn’t help but be touched. Things like these sure seemed nice in the movies and all, but now that it was happening with him, it was surreal. “Christian?” Sebastian called out to him that caused Christian to blink.

“Oh...” Christian cleared his throat.

“Are you crying”? Sebastian asked, amazed by the response.

“No!” Christian defended himself immediately, but soon added a “yes. This is just so perfect...” he whispered. “Thanks for doing this.”

“Wow...I mean I expected a good response, but this is so much better.” Sebastian rejoiced in victory. “Come on, I cooked some food and placed them here as soon as I felt you leave for home. It’ll get old.” he grabbed Christian’s hand and sort of dragged him to his seat.

They sat down in their respective chair of choice before Sebastian opened the lid of their plates revealing spaghetti. There was also a portable grill set up there to grill some meat as they ate. It seemed perfect. After a few robust bites, Christian looked up from his plate, “damn this is so good, I can barely stop eating. When did you learn to cook?” Christian asked.

“Well, unlike you I have never been over burdened with work. And I have been on my own since my early twenties, so... I learned some skills.” Sebastian added. “I know pretty much how to get by on my own at this point.”

“Yeah, but this is really good. Not just somehow good enough to eat.” Christian chuckled and took another bite.

“Yeah, with time you get better.” Sebastian shrugged. He kept staring at Christian as Christian immersed himself in the plate in front of him.

Christian noticed the staring at the end of his plate when he was about to turn over the meat for preparing the meat, “What”? He asked.

“Nothing.” Sebastian shook his head, “I am just appreciating my mate.” he shrugged.

“You’re giving me goosebumps.” Christian pretended to shiver at that causing Sebastian to chuckle. “You’re getting second thoughts? About leaving?”

“Honestly.. I am.” Sebastian nodded. “As excited as I am to lead in my own series, I am gonna miss you a lot. I know that.” Sebastian sighed. “This is why I wanted to spend tonight with you so have a moment one last time before I leave.” He shrugged.

“Well, for what it’s worth, I am gonna miss you too. A lot.” Christian sighed. “I mean, we barely started dating, and now we’re getting separated again.”

“Exactly”! Sebastian exclaimed and let out a frustrated sigh.

“But, as adults, we gotta do what we gotta do.” Christian shrugged.

“Yeah, well it’s your fault that we’re this old. If only you had confessed to me early enough!” Sebastian huffed.

“If I did that.. You would have run away from me.” Christian raised an eyebrow.

“Perhaps...” Sebastian smirked and leaned in, “But I would have come back... because I felt the same, even if I didn’t know it at that time.” he added.

“Really?” Christian asked skeptically.

“Yeah... thinking back about it, I definitely felt more than friends with you.” Sebastian nodded.

“Damn! I really should’ve confessed sooner.” Christian huffed. “I am sorry for being an idiot back then,” he added.

“Hey, you got me.” Sebastian shrugged. “It must be true what they say, slow and steady win the race.”

“Okay now you’re just making fun of me.” Christian rolled his eyes leading Sebastian to laugh out loud. They finished their meal, and helped each other pick up after themselves, following which Christian added, “I know one way we can make it up, for the lost time and for the time we are going to lose once you leave.”

“And what is that”? Sebastian tilted his head in amusement.

Christian’s corner of lips raised a little bit, turning his smile into a devilish smirk. “You can mark me,” he added.

Sebastian raised an eyebrow, impressed by the suggestion and nodded. “Definitely not a bad idea.” he chuckled. “And to think that for the next part of our night that was my plan all along,” he added. Now it was Christian’s turn to be amused. “What, you really didn’t think I’ll let you stay here all by yourself without completing the bond now, did you?” Sebastian smirked.

“Wow..” Christian tried to suppress his smile. “Well, in that case, we should head downstairs,” he added.

“Yeah..” Sebastian nodded and decided to leave first, followed by Christian.


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