My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 307

Chapter 307: Lack of blood

I need help.” Those three words were enough to alarm both Caleb and Ashton enough to cause them to jump out of their couches and stare at his pale face. “Connor, are you alright?” Ashton panicked, far more than Caleb did.

Caleb approached his son, bent down and stared at him. “Son, what is wrong with you?” he asked in a whisper. He examined the skin of his son along with the undersurface of his eyes and asked, “How long has it been since you had any blood?” Caleb asked.

“Wait, he takes blood regularly”? Ashton asked, surprised. This was something Ashton didn’t know. No matter what, Caleb always managed to sneak some blood bags from the hospital. He made sure that Connor had them when he realized what complete lack of blood in his diet did to Connor.

Connor stared at them, eyes darkened while his fangs were starting to show. “I can’t believe amidst my busy schedule I forgot about this completely.” Caleb muttered and got up. “Ash, can you please look after him for the time being?”

“Where are you going”? Ashton probably knew the answer, but he had to ask nonetheless.

“To fix my mistake.” Caleb declared and stormed off. Ashton turned around, and noticed how badly Connor was craving. Usually a werewolf repels a vampire, especially a purebred like Ashton so he knew that until and unless Connor was at his verge, he would not get attacked by Connor, and even then he probably can restrain him.

Nonetheless, Ashton did get attached to Connor a lot, so much so that he did not know what to do about it. He couldn’t just sit here and let Connor suffer. He had to do something, even something tiny that could soothe him. Completely clueless, he started talking to him in order to calm him down. “Hey buddy, you are gonna be okay, okay?” Ashton whispered. “Just, try to hold it in for a few minutes, your dad will be back soon and then you are gonna be fine.” he mumbled while rubbing soothing circles on the young boy’s back. In return however what Ashton received was a low growl.


Ashton decided not to bother with speaking anymore and let Connor control himself as he liked. However he still didn’t try to remove his hand from rubbing soothing circles as that was not something Connor seemed to disapprove of.

He did consider waking up his mother once, but given how she was extremely tired and had looked after his kids since this morning, he decided against it. It took a while, but around fifteen to twenty minutes later, Caleb walked in with a blood bag in his hand. “This should be enough.” he mumbled and handed it over to Connor.

Connor, after taking it, exposed his fangs properly and bit into the corner of the blood bag and began sucking. While Caleb watched his son with nothing but worry in his face, Ashton’s was a mix of worry and curiosity. Once the bag was completely empty, Connor pulled away, with the insides of his mouth stained red with blood.

Connor avoided Ashton’s haze and looked below. “How are you feeling buddy”? Caleb asked.

Connor nodded lightly and after another minute he added, “better.” he bit his lip before, “Can I go to my room?”

“Of course.” Caleb nodded and soon he was gone. Meanwhile, Ashton’s eyes were fixated on Caleb and as soon the door of Connor’s room closed shut, he asked, “What”?

“When were you planning to tell me about this?” Ashton asked, where he couldn’t help but give off an accusatory tone.

“As long as Connor allowed me to.” Caleb shrugged. “It was his secret, not mine to tell.”

“You help him with this!” Ashton pointed out.

“So what should I do? Just let him suffer? He is my son!” Caleb huffed.

“You know that’s not what I mean.” Ashton rolled his eyes. “And you were the one who said it first, that he is ‘our’ son.” he huffed. “I was worried about him. I get to be worried about him.” he argued.

“Yeah, but it is something he is not very proud of. I couldn’t reveal it to him. I never revealed what you are to anyone!” Caleb argued.

“Am I just... ‘anyone’?” Ashton asked, disheartened. “I am not asking you to betray his trust, but did you at least try to tell him that I wouldn’t react badly if I found out. Or did you believe I would?”

“You get mad at yourself for hurting anyone remotely. I dunno.” Caleb shrugged.

Ashton sighed. “Alright. I should get going.”

“Ash, wait”! Caleb stopped Ashton from leaving prompting him to halt and by virtue of Caleb’s hand movements, Ashton turned around. “I get it. I get why you’re mad at me. If you knew something this important about any of the kids, and you didn’t tell me I’d be pissed too.” he added.

“I am not pissed.” Ashton shook his head.

“Well, you clearly don’t look happy about it.” Caleb rolled his eyes.

“I am just... a little disappointed. That’s all. I really thought me and Connor... we’re getting close. I guess... it’s not the same for him.” Ashton mumbled.

“I doubt that.” Caleb mumbled. “He was worried about what you would think of him if you found out he needs blood to survive. He wouldn’t be stressed out about your opinion if he didn’t.” Caleb shrugged. “He is still embarrassed,” he pointed out. “Don’t be too hard on him okay? And definitely don’t be too hard on yourself.” Caleb raised an eyebrow and sighed.

“Yeah...” Ashton nodded. He let out a small smile after a while, which definitely lightened Caleb’s mood as well. “I guess it’s really been a stressful week.” he sighed.

“And there is more to come.” Caleb shrugged. “God, I really hope all this fiasco is over soon.” he mumbled as well. “I cannot wait to get married anymore.” Hearing that, unable to resist, Ashton pulled his mate into a deep kiss.


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