My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 229

Chapter 229: Sanctuary

“Oh my God, he is really dead” that’s the first thing Matt said as soon as he arrived at the scene.

“Where is Riley”? Christian asked Matt.

“He stayed back. He thought it won’t be wise to leave those kids alone even if this Alpha is dead” Matt nudged his head towards the dead wolf lying on the floor.

“I must say, he is right,” Christian sighed. “Do you know what killed him”?

“... Ashton”? With hesitation, Matt suggested.

“Look, I know Ashton is strong, but he is not a killer okay”. Christian scowled.

“No.. I know. I am not saying he did it on purpose. When he was fighting, it seemed like... like a switch went off in his head and all he could focus on was beating this guy to pulp” Matt explained. “I am not saying he intended to kill him... I am saying he might have ended up killing him”.


Christian was silent for a moment as he could reflect upon it. He knew this war was already too bad, but with their leader dead, the wolves of the pack might definitely seek vengeance. Especially if it’s Ashton who killed him. “What do we do next”? Asked Matt.

“We take him back,” Christian declared.

“Wait what? What about the kids? Do you really want them seeing a dead wolf”? Matt questioned. “I don’t want that for my little Tammy” he objected.

“I am not saying to dump him on the kid’s face. We can keep him in the basement. I dunno, why his mate left him all by himself... but if she is coming back for him we can use his body for leverage” Christian suggested.

“Very well then” Mumbled Matt.

Christian, with the help of Matt, picked up the heavy wolf and carried him back to their house. Finding the basement on his way, he dumps the body there. “And Riley in here” Christian ordered.

Matt left immediately to follow the orders given to him. After a minute, Riley opened the door to the basement. “Wow, it’s really dark down here,” he commented. Not that it bothered him, as a wolf he had excellent vision. “You called me?” He asked.

“I did.” Christian confirmed. “You told me that there is some tracker in the enamels. I want you to disable it in him, and yourself” he ordered.

“I already disabled mine,” Riley affirmed. “But, since he is dead, why not just pull out his tooth”? He suggested.

“That won’t disable it, what’s the point?” Christian frowned.

“That’s the point”! Riley exclaimed. “If I disable it, it will be shown as the last known location for him. If I pull it out and throw it somewhere else, it will misdirect them” Riley suggested. “Since he is dead, it would make sense why he isn’t moving. On top of that they won’t be able to find him” Riley beamed, satisfied with his brilliant idea.

A tiny smile crept up Christian’s face affirming that he silently agreed with the plan as well. “Very well then, let’s do that” Christian nodded.

Riley opened the mouth of the wolf with much difficulty given that rigor mortis had already set in. Identifying the tracker he pulled it out in his hand. “Gotta” He smirked. “So, where do I throw it”? Asked Riley.

“We throw it on our way out of here. I have arranged another location for us. Hopefully it will be safe.” Christian declared. Taking something out of his pocket, he sprayed it all over the wolf. “It’ll mask his strength well enough.”

“Um... is it really okay to just leave him here? What about the lady who lives here. She doesn’t deserve this” Riley pointed out.

“For now, she is coming with us. She isn’t safe anymore.” Christian declared. They both got upstairs and tried to gain the attention of the crowd. The kids were reluctant and confused but the adults listened. “We need to leave this place. All of us” He declared as the horror on everyone’s face became evident. “Including you” he turned to the owner of this house.

“Son, this place is my sanctuary. How can I leave it? You must leave without me.” She instructed.

“Look, this place isn’t safe anymore” Christian tried to explain. “Please come with us. We have already put you in danger by choosing this place to take shelter. We are truly sorry, but you must understand that this place was discovered. With them in the wild, you can get attacked anytime” Christian tried his best to convince, but somehow her face seemed adamant.

“Then so be it. I have lived a long... unbearably long life. It’s time to say goodbye anyways” She smiled.

“Not like this!” Protested Christian. “You don’t have to give up on life yet. You still have plenty more years to live!” insisted Christian.

“I am not giving up,” She smiled. “Someday, you are gonna realise that death is not as bad as we make it to be. Albeit it’s dread, there is peace in death. The peace every soul deserves... eventually” She smiled. “Do not worry about me. Take your leave” She nodded and headed off upstairs.

Christian never felt this helpless. Usually when he wants something done, he orders them. Most of the time it’s for their benefit so they don’t argue with Christian. But this old lady... she was... stubborn. How do you save someone who does not want to be saved? Thought Christian.

“Let’s go,” a disheartened Christian ordered. The bus was filled up once more as they headed off to their next destination. Throughout the way his mind drifted off to multitude of things. What next? How was his brother? How many more casualties will there be? And most importantly, will they try to attack the owner of the house now that she is not guarded by anyone. As much as he wanted to send someone to look after her, he couldn’t as they were already short on members.

As for Melanie, no matter how much he tried to contact her, he received no response. He didn’t even know how he would face her knowing that Christian just left her to die. He wondered. “Should I throw it out now”? Asked Riley, breaking Christian from his reverie.

Christian, turning his head, gave him a subtle nod before he looked out of the window once more. And just like that, they silently drove off. Most of the people drifted off given the tiresome day they had. No matter who slept, sleep evaded Christian. By the time they reached their destination, Christian could spot light in the horizon.


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