My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 228

Chapter 228: A Return Trip

Returning home was a challenge in itself given he actually didn’t have much experience driving. He needed to master that one skill if he wanted to get by. Nevertheless, he was glad Christian lent him his car as Ashton tried his best to ensure that he drove safely.

He looked at Connor staring outside the window from the shotgun seat and wondered what was going on in his mind, “Do you wanna take some rest?” Ashton asked him reluctantly. He must say he got really awkward when it came to talking to Connor. However, he was glad that Connor got through him earlier.

“I am not tired” After a whole minute Connor finally answered. “I wanna see Dad”. Ashton pursed his lips once he realised that Connor might not be aware of the fact that Caleb is unwell. Should he tell him? The last time he kept a secret things got tricky, but this time...Why freak the kid out unnecessarily?

“It’s gonna be a long ride, you might as well take a nap so that you have all of your energy when we reach there”. Ashton added, avoiding the dilemma at hand.

“You are the one who fought the bad wolf. You are the one who needs rest” Connor huffed.

Ashton chuckled at that and mumbled, “I wish I could, but then who would drive”?

“Drive faster”! Connor whined. Ashton pursed his lips and hit the accelerator only to slow down soon enough. He didn’t have the confidence that he could manage this ride with a higher speed. Luckily Connor didn’t react and therefore Ashton drove the car in silence.


“Hey, thanks for today,” Ashton added. “For talking me out of it. I am so bad at controlling myself” Ashton mumbled.

“It sucks,” Connor mumbled.

“Yeah it does” Ashton whispered but soon his eyes widened as he realised Connor almost used the s-word. Was it okay? Should he say something? God he was bad at this parenting thing. Dealing with his twins was easier than this, mainly because they were always so fond of him. With Connor, all he got was indifference.

From time to time Ashton would check up on Connor, to see how he was doing. Every time he would find Connor in a similar position, until once he realised that Connor actually fell asleep. He smiled at the peaceful adorable face and realised that it was better he did not reveal much. The kid must be tired from all the hassle. After all, he was just seven.

It took him a bit long but he was back at Crescent Point by a little past midnight. He didn’t bother to wake up Connor and instead, he gently picked him up and carried inside. Given how Connor was still sound asleep, Ashton deduced that he must have been really very tired.

He went in through the front gate and headed upstairs. From the scent, he knew where all the injured wolves were kept. However the scents were so mixed that it was hard to tell them apart. He knew Caleb had no scent which made it even hard to track him. He went from one room to the other room until the end of the corridor.

At the end when he failed to find his mate he sighed. He looked around for a familiar face, but ultimately decided to ask one of the nurses. “Have you seen Caleb Wrisberg”? He asked. She simply shook her head no before she rushed in to do her work. Seeing all these injured wolves made him realise the impact of the ongoing war. So many casualties... and for what? Just because he ran away from the Ice Fountain Pack.

“Ashton”? A vaguely familiar voice called him. Turning around he noticed it was Sebastian. “What are you doing here?”

“Looking for Caleb,” Ashton mumbled.

“He is in the VIP room. It’s there” Sebastian showed him the direction.

“Thank you” Ashton gave him a subtle nod before running off to the room.

Once he entered the Cabin, he noticed the white wolf lying unconscious on the bed. His white fur was stained red at the rim of his neck.

Ashton put down Connor gently on the sofa and approached Caleb with very slow and soft footsteps. “Caleb” He whispered to no avail. He brushed his fingers through his fur as he stared at his unconscious mate. He felt a pang in his chest accompanied by fear of losing his mate. Is this how Caleb felt for all these years he was gone? Ashton wondered.

Suddenly, the doctor walked in making him flinch. “Oh... you are here. You are his mate right”? The doctor asked. Ashton affirmed with a nod before the doctor proceeded with, “Do not worry, his life isn’t in danger.” Those words brought him a great deal of relief. “But, I am glad you are here. Your presence might help him heal faster.” He commented.

“How fast”? Asked Ashton.

“Can’t say. For now....” He focused on the monitor. “He seems to be recovering at a very slow rate. Let’s see how fast he recovers now that you are here. It’s highly subjective.” explained the doctor. He exited the room leaving Ashton alone with the white wolf all by himself.

Ashton was very confused on what to do. Should he say something? Should he say just maintain silence and let him recover in peace. Should he admit honestly about how he is feeling? “I wish I was here” He whispered. It was honest. He wished he was here to prevent whatever happened to him. He wanted to tear the wolf apart, rib by rib, who did this to him. He had this urge in him to go find out the culprit, but he suppressed it as he wanted to be next to him. ‘My presence might help him heal’ he reminded himself.

Amongst the chaos and the waiting he didn’t know when he drifted off to sleep, but he does recall something furry waking him up. “He noticed his face was buried in Caleb’s fur and Caleb was starting to move.

In a manner of a few seconds Ashton became wide alert and stared at his mate. Caleb was starting to move slightly. Ashton’s gaze intensified at Caleb’s eyes as he patiently waited for his mate to open them. After what seemed like eternity, Caleb finally opened his eyes, albeit sluggish as his eyes tried to get used to the light.

An involuntary smile broke into his face as he stared at his mate. “Caleb” whispered Ashton and he brushed his hand through the fur on Caleb’s head. Caleb’s face turned to look at him and he blinked. After a second he could feel Caleb in his head, [Why are you here?]

“Your brother traded places with me. I brought Connor with me too” Ashton informed. Caleb tried to get up but winced in pain that erupted in his head. “Calm down. You still need to rest. You are injured” Ashton scolded his mate. Caleb growled at his mate but nevertheless remained calm.

[What happened at the safe house?] Caleb asked.

Ashton decided to show him instead of telling him and replayed the entire scenario that went down. “Connor, is good at calming me down it seems”

[I told you, he’ll grow on you] Caleb voiced with content. [How are you? Are you hurt in any way?] Caleb’s snout started to move frantically as he checked for any bruises over his mate’s body. Ashton tried to calm him down, but to no avail.

When Caleb realised his wolf form wasn’t very handy, he shifted back to his human form to check out his mate. Ashton tried to look away from his mate’s naked self and tossed him the hospital gown to wear. Caleb scowled but put it on nevertheless. Ashton checked his watch and smiled, “It’s only been 2 hours and you are completely healed”! He exclaimed. “I am so glad I came back”!

Caleb smiled back but before he could say anything he felt a pair of soft lips on his. Soon, he was completely engrossed in the kiss forgetting everything else. As the Kiss started to feel heated Ashton withdrew abruptly making him frown. Ashton stole a glance at the couch and Caleb, following his gaze, noticed Connor sleeping. Yeah, this was definitely not the time. “I am so happy,” Caleb mumbled.


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