Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 571: History

Chapter 571: History

/*Sorry, bad joke to pull on Tony. I know Tony would never say that.*/

Though Tony said that he didn't want to kill the captain. They needed answers. And John;s omnipotence fails when he comes to the Negative Zone and in addition Annihilus has power cosmic with him. So they needed to interrogate a high level person.

And this captain would be the perfect volunteer.

Tony used his thrusters to hit at the face of the captain. The Captain, though, was ready for death; he wasn't going to give his life up without fighting.

This would be shameful, so he used his sword to stop the force of Tony's thrusters but the thrusters were powerful enough to throw him of the captain's seat and hit the wall behind him. The captain got up wobbly after being hit and Tony allowed him that courtesy.

"I thought you won't defend." Tony said as he looked at him while pointing his thrusters, ready to hit him again.

"You are nothing without that armor!!" the captain said trying to rile Tony up. He wanted to see if there was a chance to kill this person. If he wins, at least he might have the power to negotiate.

There is a very small chance of it but he would definitely like to try.

"That's a very lame way to instigate someone. I made this armor myself. Well, I did have help but I made the greatest contribution in it. So my armor is my knowledge. And using such a low handed method to get a jump on me is nothing like I expected. So now, go to sleep."

Tony said as he used both of his thrusters at the head of the captain. He wanted him unconscious and this was the most suitable method to do that. The next moment he shot at him.

The captain wanted to dodge. He dodged the first one, only to be hit by the other thruster.

And before he knew what had happened he blacked out.

"Victor, ring the bells. Tell them we won."

"We are not in Alexander's age for your information."

"But we did win due to his strategy. Got to hand him that."

"After going back you can go to North Macedonia or wherever his birth place was to pay your respects. That would be enough."

"Right. I incapacitated the captain. What do you want to do now?" Tony asked.

"Don't we have a telepath here. They said they will help us in the war. We can take his help and also take away Barry and Pietro."

"Don't want to contact John for it."

"He has been actively searching for Knull and Annihilus. I think we can handle this on our own. From the captain's head we can get information about one of them at least."

"Fine. We might face resistance from the people of this world." Tony said.

"GAIA can take care of it. We have saved them, when we didn't need to. They should be grateful."

"We as humans often fear what we don;t understand."

Both became silent when they said that. In the meantime, Victor's spaceship docked at the enemy's spaceship. They wanted to handle the body of captain very delicately. He was made of antimatter properties. They didn't have enough knowledge of it if anything went wrong.

But Tony had made a point that he would gain enough knowledge of it in the next few days to fight against Annihilus. GAIA was already scanning everything to get the proper data. Victor reached the main deck after being docked to take away the unconscious body on a floating med pod.

After half an hour of checking everything and even sedating the captain with a sedative they found on the med bay of the ship they left.

"Destroy the ship. This world of theirs is dangerous enough. They don't deserve more incentives." Tony said, which Victor too nodded. A world which discriminates against an entire race and vows to kill them deserves nothing.

Then taking their main warship Victor and Tony flew to Earth. They needed to finish the last job that they had decided to do. They were sure that the members of the Avengers wouldn't like that their plan deviated a lot from what they had decided, but they didn't care.

Some people of Earth were rejoicing on the fact that their supporters won, but many people when they saw that their main warship was coming to Earth shuddered in fear. Most of them weren't even sure if the ones who stopped them were even friendly in the first place.

It was known to everybody that their 'savior's stopped the bug-like creatures from invading. But they weren't sure if their saviours were no not invaders. The person in the red suit looked like a human being in armor.

But humans are not always known to be good people and many have nefarious intentions. History has always taught them that.


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