Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 570: The cringiest line

Chapter 570: The cringiest line

By the time Tony reached the command center of the main warship while killing everyone on his way all the other spaceships were either destroyed or they weren't functional any more. But all of the exchange was hard on the side of Victor too.

They had lost all medium sized spaceships except for one. 20 small sized and the main warship from where Victor commanded. They had won the war for sure but at a price.

This was the price they had to pay in order to take the enemy out fast and brutally. It was fortunate that the ships could be used without any personnel or else Victor would have been under court martial for sure.

But nobody cared here. Money was never a problem for them.

"Tony, are you there?"

"Yeah. I am here. Whole lot of bugs I gotta say.. Do we need to catch the main guy?"

"It would be better if we do that. Will be easier for us to get some information, provided it's not Annihilus. If it's him, then run."

"He isn't here. I am sure of that."

Tony replied with total conviction and confidence.

And he was right!! Annihilus didn't actually come with this army to the X-men universe. He did send off his trusted subordinates for taking over the world and killing whatever they could get their hands on. But it turned out it was never easy.

On their medium sized warships and the main warship they had the queen mother bugs who could work perfectly once they conquered their world. The queen mother bugs would need nutrients to give birth to new bugs and then turn the new bugs with their own army.

That was how the Negative Zone was transformed by Annihilus. Robbing people of their soul and then turning them into his own personal army. Basically, another version of Darkseid when it came to using the army.

But this time, he would be very much disappointed. Almost all of his sent army was dead, and even all the queen mothers were dead. Tony came across them when he was crossing the bridge.

He just killed them with his small missiles, as he thought using thrusters would soil his armor with their blood and puss. He didn't want that!

Tony finally reached the command center only to be welcomed by a single man sitting on the captain's chair looking at him. The person on the chair looked more buff than the other bugs and even had a huge greatsword on his side to which he was holding the hilt.

He would have looked really cool with that pose if he wasn't a bug with all the tentacles coming out of his mouth and his folded wings behind his back.

"Guessing you aren't Annihilus."


"Sigh... I told you I don;t speak bug language."

"....human we are noble beings. Don't compare us with those of the insects you have in your world."

Finally an understandable voice came from the mouth of the bug. Tony was dumbfounded hearing this. He never expected that the bug could actually speak their language. All this time he was thinking that these people have never learnt their language.

But it seemed that he was wrong.

"So you do speak of our language. Congratulations on learning a higher level of communication. More than your tiny brain could comprehend."

Tony didn't give up the chance of mocking them, as expected. The captain stiffened up a bit hearing the mockery. It was true that their species have very low IQ and it was very hard for their species to be as knowledgeable as the humans of other species of the material universe. Whatever technology they had was because of the older civilizations that they annihilated and of course use of antimatter power cosmic.

"It is true that you have bested us and we didn't expect that you had that much fire power. What is your name before you kill me."

Now it was Tony's time to be surprised. He expected a fight from the last enemy but it seemed like he knew that he wouldn't win even if he tried.

"You are surrendering?"

"I am not surrendering, human. I know that even if I manage to go back, I will be executed for doing my job poorly. It's better to die under the sword of the enemy than under the shame that I had abandoned my army. I know that I can't kill you. That armor of yours must be some kind of special metal that can stop any kind of energy. Isn't it?"

"Damn... Seems like his brain size is bigger than the normal bugs to even figure that out when all his subordinates just die under my hand."

"Tony Stark is my name, and killing you is my game.. Shit... That's the cringiest line I have ever come up with. GAIA you have never heard about this and delete my recording."


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