Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-wife

Chapter 154 - EVIDENCE

Chapter 154 - EVIDENCE

I swallowed the lump on my throat and forced myself to continue reading the letter.

"Of all people, why you? I know as you read this letter you're asking yourself the same question. To be honest, I don't even know the answer. I just feel that I could trust you…. You are a good person, Beatrix. The overflowing goodness in your heart was something I admired. You are someone I could never be no matter how hard I tried to. I'm just a supporting character who was never meant to be happy…. And that was my biggest frustration in life.

I only wanted to be happy…. But it seems I was never meant for it. I spent my childhood years trying to make everyone happy until I realized it was only an illusion. There's no good things in the world… Only bad people…. I guess I let the dark side of life conquer what was left of my light and before I knew it, I became the most hated character in somebody else's story.

If I regret something in my life then it is allowing myself to be an instrument used to destroy you. I became a puppet for so long that I forgot how it feels to feel alive. I hurt you…. Not once, not twice but several times…. And that would be enough reason why it won't be easy for you to forgive me. But I want you to know that I regret everything even if it's too late now. No amount of words would be able to express my endless regrets.

I would ask a favor from you, it's not for my own sake but it's for my son's welfare. I know it's too much but I'm begging you.

Samantha was successful in killing me and soon she would hunt my child and kill him too. You must work fast before she does. I secured the evidence inside my car. The location of the car was drawn at the back of this letter. Please help me…. You know what to do with the evidence.

At this point I have nothing to hide anymore…. Samantha wanted me dead because she knew I would expose the truth that it was not Vince who was the father of my child but Ybbrahim Greyson—her husband. She let her husband use and abuse me. In order to protect herself and to keep the truth from spilling she murdered me….

But even after death, I will make sure that she will pay for her crimes. You're my only hope, Beatrix… please help my son


I stared at the paper in my hand, with eyes wide and unblinking. What the heck did I read? I have difficulty digesting them in my mind.

This is…. a huge shock to me.

I don't even know how to react after realizing Ace's father is also the father of Angela's son. Basically, that makes the child Ace's younger brother.

What the hell…. Yeah…. That sounds mind-boggling.

My lips parted open but when I spoke no sound came from my lips. Perhaps, I already swallowed my tongue.

Catherine Grace who was sitting next to me got a funny expression on her face. She was as surprised as I am.

Well who would not be surprised after learning the truth?

I was finally able to determine Samantha's motive. Practically, she killed Angela because she's no longer cooperative. After Angela threatened to spill the truth (that it was actually Ybbrahim Greyson who is her child's?father) Samantha killed her because she didn't want anyone to know that it was all her fault.

My fingers tightened around the piece of?paper. Because of Samantha's doing, Ace was accused of murder!

What now? We knew who the killer is and discovered the motive she has but we are lacking in evidence. We cannot prove anything at all… well unless we find the evidence right away.


When I didn't answer, Catherine Grace held my shoulders firmly as if silently telling me everything would be fine and that no matter what happens she would help me prove Ace's innocence.

I lifted my gaze to hers, I saw worry gleaming in her expressive eyes. We haven't been together for so long but I felt as if I have known her my whole life. Perhaps because she's honest and kind and authentic. She's someone who's willing to protect everyone who's close to hers. I am lucky to have found a genuine friend.

"Are you alright?" Catherine Grace spoke softly. She lifted her fingers to my face and tuck the stray hair on my face behind my ears.

I opened my lips to say 'yes' but my throat was so dry that the words came out in a barely audible whisper.

Wordlessly, Catherine Grace handed me a handkerchief.

I wanted to ask her what the handkerchief was for when a tear slither down my cheek before falling down to the paper I was still firmly holding around my fingers.

I was surprised to discover that I was crying….

What the heck. I can't even stop my tears from falling.

"T-thank you…" I replied hoarsely, taking the handkerchief from her hand. I used the cloth to wipe the wetness on my flushed cheeks.

Angela is not perfect…and nobody is. I, just like everyone, was born with lots of flaws and imperfections and with that reason, I have no right to judge anyone.

Angela committed a lot of mistakes but it doesn't change the fact that she's a mother and mothers are always over protective of their children. They would do everything to protect them.

As a mother of two, I could clearly understand her and for her sake, I will protect her child by making sure Samantha rots behind bars for killing her.

Embarrassed to realize that Catherine Grace was still looking at me, I quickly dried my cheeks. I don't want her to see me cry.

Slowly, I took a deep breath and released a deep sigh. I repeated the process until my emotions subsided.

After I calmed down, I lifted my gaze to Catherine Grace seated on the driver's seat. "I don't want to waste time anymore. We must find the evidence before Samantha does." I spoke in a surprisingly calm manner.

"But…how about you? Would you be fine?"

"Yes Cat. Thank you for your concern. I can handle my emotions now." I replied, forcing a smile to her lips as I hoped she would believe me.

She nodded her head. Her eyes were full of understanding.

Catherine Grace didn't argue. She didn't even ask any more questions, which I'm thankful for. She just gave me a soft, reassuring smile that helped ease a bit of my stress.

She turned the engine on and focused her attention on the road.

It took us a thirty minute drive to reach the location drawn into the map. Angela's sketch was very detailed. She also included notable landmarks and it helped us a lot in finding the place. We didn't have difficulty finding the exact spot she referred to the map.

The car pulled into a stop at the vicinity surrounded by trees. As I got out of the car

my squinted eyes surveyed the area wondering if it was safe for us to wander freely. We might be charged with trespassing. But then logic told me that there's no warning sign anywhere so it must be safe.

The location was a perfect place to keep something hidden because of the huge distance from residential houses. Who could have thought that a car was somewhere inside that dense growth of wild plants and thick sprouting trees.

Angela made sure that Samantha would not be able to find it in case she learns that evidence against her exists.

I heard the sound of the car opening and closing. Seconds later Catherine Grace emerged from the car and sat next to me. Her attention was on the map she was now holding.

"Do you think we got her direction right?" I asked, throwing her a sideway glance before checking my surroundings for the second time just to check we are alone.

"We couldn't be mistaken. This is the place." She replied and moved a couple of steps forward then pointed towards the trunk of an old tree tied with thin red ribbon. " This is the mark Angela was referring to. We just need to follow this."

"I wonder if this is private property… we could be charged with trespassing." she added absentmindedly but she kept moving forward.

Just exactly my thoughts a while ago, I thought as I followed behind her.

We followed the detailed instructions on the map. The instructions were very specific: we just needed to follow the trail of red ribbons tied on trees which were easy but the only problem we encountered was that the trees with ribbons stood wide apart from each other and it was a bit hard to find them at times.

After nearly an hour of tedious search we finally found Angela's car.


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