Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-wife

Chapter 153 - LETTER

Chapter 153 - LETTER

Surprise hit me when Sister Bella Rose took a deep intake of breath before gingerly vacating her seat behind her.

For a moment, she just stood there with a deep frown forming on her temples, and quietly battling an inner dilemma.

When I thought she's gonna stay that way for a little bit more, her mouth opened.

"There's something which I haven't told you yet," She said in a barely audible whisper that stopped me on my attempt of lifting the teacup to my lips.

Catherine Grace and I looked at each. Without saying a word, I knew she was thinking the same. Perhaps what sister Bella tells us next would help a bit in solving Angela's case.

My gaze shifted back to the nun, patiently waiting for what she had to say.

"Before Angela left she handed me a sealed envelope…." She began, clasping her dainty fingers in front of her and she began to pace back and forth as if she was uncomfortable with the matter. She stopped walking and faced us before she continued, "But she warned me to never tell anyone except to whom the letter should be given! But… but… I don't know where to start. I don't know where I could find that person. I don't know what the letter contains but it must be something of significance."

There was a long pause. No one inside the room said a word.

"I am saying this to both of you because I felt you too could be trusted. I wanted to help you solve Angela's murder case so the real murderer would be captured." When she finished her words Sister Bella slowly made her way to the left side of the room where a wooden bookshelves stood.

The books displayed barely filled the spaces and they are very old looking with thick hard bounds. Most of them were educational books. As my gaze swept on the display, I couldn't find a single book for kids

Bella pulled a book on top of the shelves. She placed the heavy book on her palms and flipped through the pages.

When the cover tilted to the side I saw that she was holding a bible. It was thick and very old looking but the pages were well protected by a hard cover.

Her face lit up after she saw what she'd been looking for. She sighed in relief and hurriedly made her way back to the table and sat on her seat.

There was something on her expression when her gaze shifted in my direction which tells me whatever she would say next would change the outcome of the situation.

She cleared her throat. She flipped the book open, revealing a neatly sealed envelope inserted between the pages.

The moment my eyes landed on the envelope, I wanted to reach for it and read the message a dead woman left. But it wasn't meant for me so I stopped all the urge.

"Angela gave this to me before she left." She picked up the white envelope and showed it to us. "This letter is very important and it shouldn't be handed to anyone except to the person whom it was addressed to. Whatever happens you must give it to her—that was Angela's exact words."

I looked at the sealed envelope with growing curiosity. I would do anything just to know what it contains.

"And to whom did Angela wish to give this letter? We might be able to help." Catherine spoke after a lengthy silence. She eyed the envelope with keen interest.

I guess I wasn't the only one dying to know what was written inside.

"A woman named Beatrix Crawford. Angela said I must give this to her." Sister Bella replied in a determined tone that matched her expression.

I gasped and stared back at her. I was wondering if I heard it correctly.

"P-pardon me? Would you mind repeating the name of the woman that the letter is addressed to?"

"Beatrix Crawford, I think if I remember correctly, she's Angela's acquaintance."

My eyes grew wide while my eyes shot to the ceiling.

I cleared my throat and straightened on my seat. After regaining my composure, I looked her straight in the eye, "You don't need to look for her any further."

"W-what do you mean?" She asked. Her eyes gleaming with hope.

"I am the woman you are looking for…. My real name is Beatrix Crawford," I said, producing an Id so she could look at it.

It was now Sister Bella's turn to be shocked. Her beautiful amber eyes widened and her jaw dropped to the floor.

She grabbed the Id in my hand so she could inspect it. "I...I…d-don't k-know what to say…. This is unbelievable…" She gasped in pure disbelief when she read my name on the Id and saw my picture.

"It's really you!" She exclaimed breathlessly, hands clasping her chest as if she could hardly breathe.

Sister Bella handed the Id back to me.

"I have seen enough proof…. I now believe you."

For the first time since I entered the room I let go a deep sigh of relief.

With trembling fingers, Sister Bella picked the sealed envelope inserted between the book and handed it to me.

I took the envelope from her hand and I held it firmly in fear that someone would snatch it away from my hold.

"T-thank you Sister Bella. You don't know how grateful I am."

"You don't have to thank me…. I was only doing what I must. In return I must ask a single favor from you."

"Anything…. I would do anything in return."

"Find her killer… and whoever the culprit is, make sure he or she pays for the crime committed." Her eyes were pleading as she looked at me.

Even if Sister Bella doesn't ask for it, I'm still determined to do everything to make justice prevail. I will never stop unless Samantha is behind bars. It's the place where she deserved to be.

"Don't worry Sister Bella, I will do everything I can to find her killer." I vowed with conviction.

"That's all I wanted to hear. I feel much better hearing you will."

I stared at the letter in my hand. This must contain the answer I'd been looking for….


An hour later we said our goodbye to Sister Bella Rose. But before we left the place, Catherine and I promised that we would come back to the orphanage.

Little did Sister Bella Rose know that once we returned, the orphanage would change forever. I decided to become a benefactor of St. James Orphanage…. And that was only the beginning.

However, before we could proceed on the issue regarding the orphanage we have a far more important thing to deal with.

Inside the car, I stared at the envelope in my hand. Catherine Grace sat beside me, her unblinking gaze looking at the envelope too.

I didn't know why my heartbeat quickened the moment I sat inside the car with Catherine Grace beside me. My fingers were cold too…. Fear and excitement swirling inside me…. I don't know what will happen once I finish reading what Angela has to say.

"Please open it… I'm dying to know what's inside…" Said Catherine Grace. She was more excited than me.

Like her, I too was curious to know what it contained. Since I couldn't wait any longer,

I took a deep breath then carefully tore the envelope open.

When I pulled the folded paper inside I suddenly became aware that my fingers were colder and trembling more intensely this time.

I let go of the breath I didn't know I'm holding and unfolded the paper. Angela's sloppy handwriting came to my view. She must have been in haste when she wrote this letter. I thought to myself as my gaze traced the words written.

Catherine leaned closer so she could read the letter too.

Dear Beatrix… I paused after reading the first words.

A lump suddenly formed on my throat. It was difficult to concentrate on reading knowing that the woman who wrote this was brutally murdered. I couldn't help but become emotional. Angela and I are not close but it doesn't mean I would not feel sympathy towards her just because she's not my friend.

If only she didn't try to murder me several times before then we might become best of friends…. But despite that I feel sorry for her. Even though she's not a good person, she's human too. She has feelings and emotions and she doesn't deserve to die the way she did.

I took a deep, steadying breath and focused my gaze on the letter in my hands. Silently, I wished that this letter would help us find evidence against Samantha so she could be placed to jail where she rightly belongs.

My eyes resume reading…

…. Once you receive this letter it only proves one thing—I was murdered. I know that I would not live long and so I wrote this so everyone would know the truth...


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