Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 99: 11:59 (16)

Chapter 99: 11:59 (16)

"Your room will be at the end of the corridor downstairs," one of the rude maids told her. "It's right next to-"

But Gayoon was not listening and rushed upstairs. 

"Hey!" The maid called, running after her but Gayoon was not listening. She darted through the long hall until she reached Jina's room. The spirit had entered that room!


Gayoon burst through the door, startling the little girl who turned around. Upon seeing the detective, Yumi's spirit vanished. 

"Lady Cop!" Jina squealed but Gayoon was looking around the room, trying to sense the spirit. Where was it? And why did it run away again?

"Are you looking for something?" Jina asked curiously. 


"Miss!" The maid had caught up with them and she did not look pleased. "Your room is downstairs beside the kitchen. This area belongs to the master and his family!"

Jina scowled at the rude maid. "She's going to stay with us!" she snapped. "Not downstairs!"

"It is the only room available for her," the maid replied. "We have already prepared it and the detective will be comfortable there."

Jina wanted to argue more but Gayoon stopped her.

"Jina, you shouldn't argue with them," she said in a stern tone. "I'm a guest here and I have no problem staying in the guest room."

She turned to the maid and added, "Show me to my room."

Jina wanted to protest but pursed her lips when Gayoon shook her head. It was just not worth it and there was other stuff to deal with at the moment which was more important than petty jealousies. 

But Jina was not going to give up. As soon as Gayoon left the room with the maid, she took out her cell phone and dialed her father's number.

The maid looked at Gayoon with disdain. "Follow me, miss," she said. Gayoon quietly followed the maid, glancing backwards towards Jina's room. Why was Yumi's spirit in this house? Did it follow Minho? And who was the other presence haunting Jina? 

"This way," the maid said, stopping in front of a room. Unlike the other large rooms in the mansion, this one was quite small. In fact, it was even smaller than Gayoon's room back at her grandmother's house. Her bags were kept cramped up in a corner and she doubted the small cupboard would hold her clothes since her grandmother had sent all her belongings.

Clearly the staff in the house did not like her.

"Thank you," Gayoon said but the maid merely nodded and went away. Gayoon rolled her eyes and lay back on the small bed, thinking about the strange presence she felt in that house. It seemed that those two lingered around Jina a lot. The poor girl probably does not even know that she was being stalked by two ghosts.

But she was a little surprised to find that the spirits were relatively peaceful. They had not harmed anyone inside the house and they seemed to be simply roaming around, minding their own business. It was a rare case and Gayoon wondered why those spirits were there. Especially Yumi.

No doubt that she had followed Minho after finding out that he might know something about her killer. Spirits often haunted the witnesses of their murders, trying to guilt them into giving testimonies. It rarely worked but it was still worth a try for the desperate ghosts.

I think I'll take a shower, she decided. She pulled out a shirt and a pair of pajamas before heading off to the small bathroom at the corner of the room.


The red car sped into the parking lot and nearly collided with the sleek limo which was parked ahead. Driver Jang watched in astonishment as Minho emerged out of the red one, looking furious.

"Sir, is everything alrigh-" Jang began to ask but Minho brushed him aside and stormed inside the mansion. The household staff were petrified to see their master back from work so early and his cold expression made them all nervous.

Upon seeing her father's car enter the premises from her bedroom window, Jina came rushing downstairs.

"It was her!" Jina claimed, pointing at the maid who was rude to Gayoon earlier. The maid squeaked as Minho turned on her.

"Where is Gayoon?" he demanded.

"She's in the guest bedroom next to the kitchen!" the maid squealed.

"That's not a guest bedroom. That is the servant's quarter."

Minho's voice was icy and menacing. A looming threat lingered in the air as he looked down on the trash of a human being who did not respect Gayoon.

The maid lowered her eyes in shame, her fingers fidgeting. "I'm sorry sir!" she cried. "I didn't know she was an important guest!"

"She's not a mere guest," he stated. "She's someone I'm dating."

The staff were even more scared. They had not realized that the master was serious about this woman and they had behaved rudely with her!

"You're fired," he declared. "Pack up your stuff and leave by tomorrow morning."

The maid broke into tears but he did not care. He was not going to waste his money on someone who did not behave like a decent person. The other staff were scared and all their prejudice against Gayoon disappeared in seconds. Nanny Kim was on leave so they were not given proper guidance on how important the detective was to the family.

Minho glared at them one last time before heading straight towards Gayoon's room. 

Gayoon emerged out of the bathroom wearing her thin white shirt and strawberry printed pajamas. The security team needs to be briefed tomorrow morning, she decided. I should check the locks before going to bed.

She was about to open the door and head out when it burst open and Minho dashed in, startling her.

"What are you-" she began to ask but he was not listening. To her shock and embarrassment, he scooped her up in his arms casually carrying her out as if she was as light as a feather.

"Hey!" she protested. "Where are you taking me? Put me down!"

"I'm taking you to your new room," he announced as he stepped on the stairs while the staff watched in surprise. Their master was acting like a lovesick puppy!

"I was fine there!" Gayoon exclaimed but Minho was not listening. "Put me down!"

"Fine," he groaned. "But you are not staying downstairs."

They had reached the top of the stairs and he put her down. She glared at him. 

"Where is my new room?" she gritted. She knew there was no point in arguing with this man since he was adamant on shifting her elsewhere.

He was about to answer when Jina came rushing and hugged Gayoon's thighs.

"You'll stay with me of course!" the little girl exclaimed happily. Gayoon let out a sigh of relief. Staying with Jina would mean that not only could she keep an eye on the child but also on those ghosts.

"No you're-" Minho began but the girls ignored him.

"I would love to stay with you!" Gayoon squealed, giddy with joy. "We'll have fun at night!"

"Let's go roomie!" Jina said in excitement, pulling Gayoon's wrist. The latter happily obliged, leaving Minho to gape at them.

"ButI had my room ready," he said in dismay as the two girls happily went into Jina's room, shutting the door behind them.


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